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  1. 😄 that would be indeed very unfortunate if not done intentionally. Is there still the set of cleanup tools previous version of IPB had to find deprecated links/content/usw and remove those references? I currently plan am forced to delete basically the entire attachments and cmsrecords upload locations.
  2. 😞 that's what I am trying to avoid. I was hoping there'd be some sort of cleanup tool I reside in Germany. The community has been going since 1999 (ikonboard). While it was ok at the time to post images from third parties, like photos of celebrities, today this results in constant letters from lawyers claiming decade long license fees for those photographs. I simply cannot take this anymore as my community is simply a star trek fan site that does not even generate any income. I need to get rid of all old images and other possibly copyright protected stuff that was posted years ago. This also includes avatar images since at least according to German law Copyright and the right for compensation even applies there. My heart is breaking since this basically destroys a sort of legacy I and other fans of Trek spent decades building.
  3. Hey Guys, I'd like to remove/delete all attachments from a specific attachment category, for example CMS Records (in storage settings). How would I do that? Thanks 🙂
  4. I can do some basic scripting myself. Can you point me into the right direction here? Is there a specific file that handles all the url constructs from IP.Content etc? 🙂
  5. Hey Guys, I am in the unfortunate sitation that I reside in Germany and a so called "Abmahn-Anwalt" (an attorny who soley focuses on making money off 'formal warnings') has figured that a community that runs since 1999 (Hello IKONBoard....) would be a fitting place to scrub through for uploaded images and request thousands of euros in fees and compensations. As much as it pains me I'd like to hide ALL image uploads from: Forum Postings Attachments from IP.Content news and database entries What I like to keep are avatars and images from a certain database. My initial approach was to limit access to file-types like .jpeg and .png in the "uploads" folder but found out soon enough, that this folder also contains the user avatars and has them sorted within the monthly image folders and not a dedicated one. Have you any idea on how to approach this? 🙂 Thanks!
  6. I have this quick search bar within the menu on my front page, (using the pages addon). The default search location is set to "pages" - how can I change this to something else? Thanks 🙂
  7. I'd like to modify the RSS output but am unable to find the template within the Themes section. Could you please help me out? 🙂 Thanks!
  8. So I've noticed recently that a small database in IP.Content that has a title field and two attachmentfields for images is loosing the files for the first field. The files are physically gone from the upload folder and I cannot figure out why. As of now i've lost about 6 images across 6 records. I've checked for breaches, everything seems to be in order and it does not really make sense, if there would be a breach, that those images would be deleted...
  9. Well it's rather simple: Insert the following HTML code into the source code view of the WYSIWYG editor and you will breakt it: <blockquote class="ipsQuote">Hello there!</blockquote> This will throw the following JS error: Uncaught TypeError: b.children[0].hasClass is not a function at a.upcast (plugin.js?t=M38E:2:54) at Array.<anonymous> (ckeditor.js?v=3467ab98ca1654518773:29:457) at iterator (ckeditor.js?v=3467ab98ca1654518773:978:440) at window.CKEDITOR.window.CKEDITOR.dom.CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element.forEach (ckeditor.js?v=3467ab98ca1654518773:302:462) at window.CKEDITOR.window.CKEDITOR.dom.CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element.forEach (ckeditor.js?v=3467ab98ca1654518773:303:57) at b.<anonymous> (ckeditor.js?v=3467ab98ca1654518773:993:47) at b.e (ckeditor.js?v=3467ab98ca1654518773:10:246) at b.<anonymous> (ckeditor.js?v=3467ab98ca1654518773:12:91) at window.CKEDITOR.window.CKEDITOR.dom.CKEDITOR.editor.CKEDITOR.editor.fire (ckeditor.js?v=3467ab98ca1654518773:13:285) at CKEDITOR.htmlDataProcessor.toHtml (ckeditor.js?v=3467ab98ca1654518773:323:170) upcast @ plugin.js?t=M38E:2 (anonymous) @ ckeditor.js?v=3467ab98ca1654518773:29 iterator @ ckeditor.js?v=3467ab98ca1654518773:978 forEach @ ckeditor.js?v=3467ab98ca1654518773:302 forEach @ ckeditor.js?v=3467ab98ca1654518773:303 (anonymous) @ ckeditor.js?v=3467ab98ca1654518773:993 e @ ckeditor.js?v=3467ab98ca1654518773:10 (anonymous) @ ckeditor.js?v=3467ab98ca1654518773:12 window.CKEDITOR.window.CKEDITOR.dom.CKEDITOR.editor.CKEDITOR.editor.fire @ ckeditor.js?v=3467ab98ca1654518773:13 toHtml @ ckeditor.js?v=3467ab98ca1654518773:323 setData @ ckeditor.js?v=3467ab98ca1654518773:368 (anonymous) @ ckeditor.js?v=3467ab98ca1654518773:375 e @ ckeditor.js?v=3467ab98ca1654518773:10 (anonymous) @ ckeditor.js?v=3467ab98ca1654518773:12 window.CKEDITOR.window.CKEDITOR.dom.CKEDITOR.editor.CKEDITOR.editor.fire @ ckeditor.js?v=3467ab98ca1654518773:13 setData @ ckeditor.js?v=3467ab98ca1654518773:276 (anonymous) @ ckeditor.js?v=3467ab98ca1654518773:809 CKEDITOR.editor.setMode @ ckeditor.js?v=3467ab98ca1654518773:353 exec @ ckeditor.js?v=3467ab98ca1654518773:925 exec @ ckeditor.js?v=3467ab98ca1654518773:205 execCommand @ ckeditor.js?v=3467ab98ca1654518773:274 CKEDITOR.tools.extend.click @ ckeditor.js?v=3467ab98ca1654518773:678 execute @ ckeditor.js?v=3467ab98ca1654518773:679 (anonymous) @ ckeditor.js?v=3467ab98ca1654518773:680 (anonymous) @ ckeditor.js?v=3467ab98ca1654518773:31 callFunction @ ckeditor.js?v=3467ab98ca1654518773:31 onclick @ ?do=edit&d=6&id=13842&csrfKey=e5a0e93d973b6315bd8617bc97e651cf:1 Bascially, if a <blockquote >with the class "ipsQuote" does NOT start with an an html element like <p>, <div>, <span> etc. the editor will break. This works (despite <xzy> is NOT a valid html tag): <blockquote class="ipsQuote"><xyz>Hello there!</xyz></blockquote> this kills the editor: <blockquote class="ipsQuote">Hello there!</blockquote>
  10. Hey Marc, oh... found it further down as enabled. was expecting the addon to be at the top 😉 What about the still active ?app=core&module=promotion&controller=analytics options and the other providers, especially "custom"? Suggestion: searching for "Google Analytics" in the settings search should point towards "Integrations" 🙂
  11. Is the analytics module in the ACP deprecated? Because I am missing a link to the analytics settings. Still can access via URL parameter ?app=core&module=promotion&controller=analytics though. and also modify stuff sucessfully. Default English Language is active... 🙂
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