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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Sonya*

  1. 11 minutes ago, Daniel F said:

    On my own boards I have removed the limit, because it seems that google doesn't care that much about the length. According to https://www.searchenginejournal.com/google-title-tag-length/400682/#close  the community came up with this  based on what google displays (depending on the used device) 


    In your source:


    Title Tag Length Recommendations Are Not for Ranking Purposes

    I agree with this. I still think that click rate (not ranking!) can be improved if the user understands the full meaning of the title at once. See an example:


    The full length of title is: Gary Illyes Explains Why He Does Not Recommend Title Tag Length. The meaning is not obvious if the title is truncated.


  2. 35 minutes ago, Hatsu said:

    crappy user experience

    Sometimes long titles can produce crappy user experience as well. The space for title in different templates is limited. Using long titles can look crapy, e. g. in breadcrumbs, in listings, in blocks etc... For me, I do not like long titles, not because of SEO but of compact views I prefer. It's a matter of taste, also.

  3. I have a forum that has no "Read topics" permission for the guests.


    I would like the guests to see the forum and the topic titles, but not able to read the topic content itself. So, I have enabled Users without read permission can open forum?


    My board uses Fluid view:


    With this setup, guests cannot see the topics from the forum above in the topics list. They also do not see a forum itself in the filter box on the right side. I have expected the guest will see those topics in the fluid list, but when someone clicks on the topic title, then Custom No Permission Error will be displayed.

    At the moment there is no difference in the fluid view whether I enable/disable Users without read permission can open forum?

    Does it work as desired or a setup error from me or a bug?

  4. 1 hour ago, loccom said:

    Understand that but 300 overnight i would have thought there is no way 300 would unfollow as they are not that active and also understanding the follow procedure.

    Look at your Pruning settings in ACP: Members -> Members Settings -> Notifications -> Prune Settings


    If those members are inactive for more than 365 days they will be unsubscribed automatically.

  5. 8 days later, only 28 members voted in the poll in this topic. The participation is not good for a number of active users in this community. Why? What do you think @Jordan Miller? Why is it so?

    • Is it because the poll feature itself is something the most admins do not use and therefore they do not participate?
    • Or is it because this poll has not been seen/found by the most users in the community?

    What do you think?

  6. 11 minutes ago, Andy Millne said:

    The custom font size is a generic page builder block setting and is intended for any body text. It sounds like in this situation it is the caption that is not being altered for you? If so you would need to specify custom css to override the value with an !important flag for the ipsWidget_imageCarousel__caption style.

    Andy, does it mean, this setting is without function and I have to use plain CSS to format the captions? 

  7. I have a hook for \IPS\Member\Club::nodes(). This hook works as desired in all parts. Except of clubrebuild task:

     * clubrebuild Task
    class _clubrebuild extends \IPS\Task
    	 * Execute
    	 * If ran successfully, should return anything worth logging. Only log something
    	 * worth mentioning (don't log "task ran successfully"). Return NULL (actual NULL, not '' or 0) to not log (which will be most cases).
    	 * If an error occurs which means the task could not finish running, throw an \IPS\Task\Exception - do not log an error as a normal log.
    	 * Tasks should execute within the time of a normal HTTP request.
    	 * @return	mixed	Message to log or NULL
    	 * @throws	\IPS\Task\Exception
    	public function execute()
            foreach ( $club->nodes() as $node ) {

    $club->nodes in task seems to bypass my hook and thus fails. 

    Question: does it work as desired, or should tasks respect the hooks as well? 

  8. 5 minutes ago, Ioannis D said:

    With this update I can't add any new database in Clubs. Each new database doesn't appear in "Allowed content areas in clubs" Group settings and I can't see it in "Add Club Feature" 

    No changes, it works. Please ensure that new database is assigned to a page. If it is not, it is not displayed in Allowed content areas.

    10 minutes ago, Ioannis D said:

    Also, with the "Show Club Content Areas: Only within Clubs" setting, every new database category (to an existing database) in Clubs, appears in database categories.


  9. 1. Poll in user profile

    Poll in user profile looks messy. There should be better template, compare to default vertical poll block from Block Manager.


    2. Buttons in poll block

    When using poll as block, we have three buttons that take more place than poll itself.


    Can we have button split here? The same for vertical block.

    3. Custom block vs. Block Manager

    If I create a custom block for the poll without any changes to the template, I get another look.


    Yes, I know that one can change HTML template. But if I create a block based on already existed block and do not change anything on the template, then I expect the block to look the same as the original. Probably it is relevant to the bug https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/463943-box-format-for-wysiwyg-editor-bug/#comment-2870283 here.  

  10. I have added Record Feed Widget for one database on the page.


    As I have some databases, I would like to have some widgets from different databases (blog, FAQ and so on). But once added to the site, the widget disappears from Block Manager. Is it possible to add more than one record feeds from different databases on the same page?


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