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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Sonya*

  1. 7 hours ago, PatrickRQ said:

    Can FX pages display sub-category tree in sidebar menu for documentation?

    First and second level only. If you have a deeper structure, give fxpages_courses_menu a try instead. Yes, you can apply it to docs as well. This menu displays only current category and subcategories. Plus the back link to the parent. This is infinite this way and is a better way to navigate for deep structures. 

  2. 46 minutes ago, Jordan Miller said:


    • Fixed an issue where fetching the last post of a category could result in an error.
    • Fixed an issue where the custom keywords meta tag would not be used when viewing a category.
    • Fixed an issue where more than one block on a page of the same type would always show the same orientation.
    • Fixed an issue where block visibility settings would show incorrectly when creating blocks via the admin control panel.
    • Improved error message when creating a template group that already exists.

    4 of 5 are mine!

    Y A Y Yes GIF by Djemilah Birnie

  3. On 2/23/2022 at 6:05 PM, Dreadknux said:

    I just wanted to throw in another little bug I noticed if that's okay... on the menu widget, sub-categories are always expanded even when the arrow is set to closed. Please see below (the 'Mainline Games' subcategory is expanded, the 'Section 2.2' subcategory is not expanded but the child page is still visible). Any chance this can be fixed? Thank you, I appreciate it 🙂 


    This has been fixed in FX Pages 2.2.0. Currently waits for approval.............

  4. 12 minutes ago, Ricsca said:

    But is there a way to connect mailcimp to ipb?

    Not out of the box. I am coding custom IPS integration (like SendGrid) at the moment. When it's mature for Marketplace, then there will be a release.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Ricsca said:

    If you are looking for information on sendgrid in this forum (but also on google) there is not a user who has had a positive experience ...
    Ipb would then have to create modules for other email providers to limit ...

    I was very disappointed about the number of actions in Zapier for SendGrid: exactly one!

    To compare, Mailchimp has 21(!) actions and triggers. 

  6. Weeks ago, I have started to get duplicate push notifications. If someone reacts to a post, I get the notification twice. If two people answer, the notification says I have 4 new answers (there are indeed only two).

    Last example: a post have been marked as solution. I have got two notifications:


    Additionally, both notifications open a page that does not exist: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/465938-how-to-display-ad-banners-on-my-forum/?do=find

    I have already pruned the cache. Disabled notifications and allowed them again. It does not help. There are now duplicate mail notifications. Only push on my smartphone and browser on the desktop.


  7. 20 hours ago, Dreadknux said:

    It adds a flexbox to the entire content + sidebar area, and sets an order to the sidebar and maincontent (which is then flipped when the tablet view is engaged via media screen).

    I wish I could check this with all the customized themes out there 🤪 I am happy it works for you.

    20 hours ago, Dreadknux said:

    I just wanted to throw in another little bug

    I will look into it. Thank you!

  8. I have created a block with Page Builder: Upload Images. This block displays well on the desktop in the horizontal orientation.

    However, carousel stops to work if the uploaded image is wider as the available space. Carousel does not work:

    • on the phone
    • in the vertical orientation

    It starts to work if I lower the height of the images in the block settings. But then the images are too tiny for the desktop. And it works till there is an image that is a bit wider, then it stops to work again. 

    How to reproduce:

    • Create a new block Page Builder: Upload Images
    • Upload images with different width: narrow to panorama


  9. 2 minutes ago, Muddy Boots said:

    @Sonya* Hi Sonya

    Have an Issue with FX Pages, really weird one, Using one of Ehrens themes and if I enable your pages application,  the breadcrumb navigation is duplicated, I thought this was a theme problem but its actually caused by fx pages. Ehren gave me a custom css to hide the issue but this isnt really a proper fix as the problem exists.

    Ill send you a PM re all the details if thats ok ?




    There was indeed an issue with some 3rd party themes. Especially the themes from Ehren (ipsfocus.com).

    They are solved in version 2.1.4 (waiting for approval in Marketplace).

    Please give it another try when new version it out 😉 

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