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Posts posted by Sonya*

  1. Hi,

    I have a technically very (very-very) inexperienced customer. He will host his community in IPS Cloud. No domain so far. He is afraid that he will not be able to set up the domain to point it to IPS Cloud. He asks me where to register the domain.

    From your own experience, can you name a domain provider (providers), whose configuration of the A records, MX records, DKIM, and whatever is needed has the least hassle? Would you recommend one, or is it completely irrelevant which provider he takes?


  2. I have a Pages database where products are stored. 

    I have defined two fields of type Number: Storage Place and Price. Both fields are required.

    The list of what is not possible with the fields:

    • Sorting by these fields in record listing does not make sense as it sorts by characters and not by numbers
    • Required does not make sense, as the fields are always pre-filled with 0  and stored with this value without an error message

    The database to reproduce the behavior on default Pages templates is attached.

    The values I have entered to test are on the screenshot. This is a result of sorting by Storage Place. Sorting by Price does not change the order. 


    Note: I know a technical background why this does not work. Please see this as a report from an end-user who tries to set up this kind of database in Pages.


  3. In Pages, we can create a field with a type Number. The field is created as VARCHAR in MySQL. This does not allow us to sort by this field with correct alphanumeric order.

    The sorting by this field results in:

    • 1
    • 10
    • 2
    • 42
    • 9

    You have to cast the values if ordered by this field

    SELECT * FROM table_name ORDER BY CAST(field_name as SIGNED INTEGER) ASC

    EDIT: I mean the sorting in record feed block or getItemsWithPermission.

  4. 19 hours ago, Jordan Miller said:

    Love our drag and drop feature.

    I love it too, but I wish we could get more areas to drop. And we could mix one-column, two-columns, three-columns on one page.

    • Add widgets below the title (between the header and main content)
    • Add full width widgets (above and below main content, including sidebar)
    • Add widgets in two columns side by side, e.g. hot topics and new topics in two columns above or below the forum index.
  5. 2 hours ago, Matt said:

    improvements to the discussion engine

    2 hours ago, Matt said:

    reporting content and members

    Allow guests to report content providing e-mail and add a spam protection to it.



  6. 16 minutes ago, DawPi said:

    Just FYI

    I know. I have it 😄 But my customer - not.

    This was a suggestion for default feature. Not linking to itself is the that tiny missing part that prevents us to create wikis, dictionaries and even more with Pages and integrate them in the whole suite just out of the box. 😊

  7. I am building a small dictionary/vocabulary/wiki database in Pages and would like to use word expansion to link to the entries.


    Unfortunately, I cannot prevent linking the word in the database record itself. It is shown linked to itself that does not make sense.

    It would be very helpful to suppress linking the word to the page if we are already on the page.

  8. Almost all my language strings are outdated. I have tried to figure out why and found this:

    1. Create a new language in ACP
    2. Go and translate one string (for example, stats_activity_overview)
    3. Download the language with this one translated string
    4. Create new language as import from downloaded one (step3)
    5. Go to translate and show outdated strings, the only translated string will be shown as outdated. Why?

    It looks like if the language is downloaded and reimported, then all translated strings are marked are outdated. Even if they are not.

    Now, when a new version is released, and I would like to update the language, I have two issues:

    • The strings deleted in English, are NOT deleted in my language pack. They are now orphan. I have to prune the database manually to remove them from my language pack. E. g. hundreds of strings that belong to mobile app. 
    • The strings changed in English, cannot be identified in ACP as all my strings are marked as outdated after import.

    Can you reproduce the 5 steps above? Is it a bug? Or how outdated language strings are supposed to work and for what are they good?



  9. 5 minutes ago, FZ said:

    I don't know how they would be able to do that short of integrating with the mail carrier's systems. 

    It is possible. IPS can already read incoming mails. They use it for their Commerce Support, where the answers to the tickets are sent by mail and saved as tickets. The same way, they can explore the mail responses, if Mail Delivery Failure or ... then put the member to validation.

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