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Posts posted by Sonya*

  1. 4 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

    That’s not how it works. I can only sort by one column and it is rating. Number of ratings do not count here. Same happens in Downloads, etc.

    Is it something to be changed in the core? 

  2. When sorting links by rating within a category view, the links with one 5-star review are displayed above links that have more than one 5-star reviews. Like this:

    • Link 1 (5 stars, 1 review)
    • Link 2 (5 stars, 4 reviews)
    • Link 3 (5 stars, 10 reviews)

    I would list other way: the more reviews, the higher in the list. Is it possible to add number of reviews to the rating sorting?

  3. Is there any issue with Location field? I have tried to enter the address of White House:


    Saved and see that Address Line is not saved.


    I then edited only description of the link and did not touch location field at all. After that the country disappears as well:


    I have tried different addresses in different countries. The behavior is the same. 

  4. 5 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

    Do you have any record shown as affiliate?

    Regarding style, it is just like the other blocks. 

    Sorry, it works! :biggrin: I have expected to see the block at the right side where categories are. However this one is shown above the WHAT'S NEW block. It took a while to see where the block is. It's very hot in Europe now... very very hot.. 

  5. 27 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

    In the app settings -> Link View you can enable and reorder blocks at your wish. 

    EDIT: Index view, sorry.



    Thanks. I can see the settings, but the block is not shown. It's a clean install of 4.3.5 with default theme, just for the test on my localhost. 

    I can imagine now, how it should look like. It is not important for me to get it run at the moment. Just wanted to report the issue. :blush:

  6. 6 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

    Affiliate comes from old versions of this app and it is exactly for what it does: you can make partners/affiliates. That’s all. I just wanted to keep it, in case someone uses it. There’s a block in the index for the affiliates. 

    Thank you!

    Can you please explain where I can find a block for affiliates? 

  7. Hi Adriano,

    I am trying to understand what is the difference between pinned, feature and affiliate.

    Pinned - is like a pinned topic. It' clear.
    Affiliate - "Mark links as official affiliates and display them in a different section on the Links Directory index" How can I display them in a different sections? Is it a custom work or setting?
    Feature - what is the purpose of this? I do not see any difference to the unfeatured links.



  8. I would like to "clean" the list of my purchases here. The most apps there are outdated, belong to 3.x, are not active, not available, cannot be renewed and so on. I would like to be able to delete or at least hide them from my list. This way I can better overview the applications I really use and need to upgrade. And I would appreciate if I could sort the purchases by renew date or status.

  9. Hi @HeadStand, I have some questions: 

    • I have over 230 000 registered users. Do you have any experience whether your application can handle such a large amount of mails?
    • How long does it take to send over 230 000 mails out?
    • Can I define smaller packages or will it try to send all 230 000 mails at once?
    • Does it handle bounces, so that I can mark "dead" mails and exclude such members from the Newsletter?
    • Can members unsubscribe without login to the site or must they be logged to unsubscribe?

    Thank you.


  10. When promoting an advert, an image is not chosen in the Promote window. Please consider to add this the same way forum topics, articles or blog entries get the images from the content. In this case we even have a mandatory field for image to upload. But this image is not suggested in the Promote dialog.

    Thank you!


    screenshot- 2017-09-28 21-23-16-156.png

  11. 1 hour ago, MeMaBlue said:

    Hello Sonya, edit.  read the description . 

    has anyone tried to change the existing urls with some of the tips mentioned elswhere in a different plugin for translit ? 

    like clearing the forum database   with these ;

    UPDATE blog_blogs SET blog_seo_name='';
    UPDATE blog_entries SET entry_name_seo='';
    UPDATE calendar_calendars SET cal_title_seo='';
    UPDATE cms_database_categories SET category_last_seo_title='';
    UPDATE core_announcements SET announce_seo_title='';
    UPDATE core_members SET members_seo_name='';
    UPDATE downloads_categories SET cname_furl='';
    UPDATE forums_topics SET title_seo='';
    UPDATE gallery_albums SET album_name_seo='';
    UPDATE gallery_categories SET category_name_seo='';
    UPDATE gallery_images SET image_caption_seo='';

    I have tested the query:

    update `forums_topics` set`title_seo` = '' 

    And yes, after loading the forum page the titles are rebuilt according to new Translit URLs rules. I have not tested another queries, but I assume, that they will be rebuilt as well.

    The plugin works for me on 4.1.17 and for other users. I cannot say why it does not work for you. 

  12. 7 hours ago, Adriano Faria said:

    Save admin time. You don't have to go to ACP to do it. You can do it on front-end.

    Exactly. There are too many steps needed to login as user. Imagine, you are on the issue page and then have to login to ACP, find the user, login as member and then search for the issue page again to see what is wrong. With this plugin you log on the issue page from the hovercard to see what the user sees. Just one step. ;)

  13. This plugin adds a button "Sign in as Member" to the user's hovercard and profile header.

    To setup users who should be able to use the button, log in to your IP.Board Admin CP and visit the Members tab -> Administrators. Select the existing group or Add new Administrator and grant access for System -> Members -> Can sign in as members

    For security reason, the button is not available on users' hovercard and profile that have access to Admin CP. For those users you can still use the default "Sign in" feature in Admin CP.





  14. Hi Mike,

    I am not able to uninstall your app. The error is:

    Ne peut effacer (DROP) 'g_ns_add_news'. Vérifiez s'il existe.

    It does not help to create the column. It is deleted during uninstall and then comes the error. Seems that IPS4 tries to delete the column twice and fails at the second time. IPS version

  15. The pricing of the chat service is yet to be announced and will be based on how many people you have in your chat room at one time. Details of the package levels and pricing will be made available at a later date. The good news is that the first chat package level will be free for active IPB license holders. We hope you enjoy that extra benefit to being a license holder.

    I am interested in IP.Chat for the community hosted on my own server. Is this solution only for hosted Communities? Can you tell, what is the timeline for the first release?

  16. Yeah.

    As always, feel free to report bugs and feedback but we really are tied to MySQL full text searching. I would presume that MySQL would see "lo-fi" as "lo" and "fi" and each word is less than 4 characters and therefore not stored in the index.

    I am aware of MySQL full text searching restrictions.

    I would just suggest 3 things that will make the search feature in this board more usable:

    1. Turn off flood control or reduce it significantly for registered customers. They are your potential friends and not enimies :)
    2. Makin boolean searching "this +that" by default, as there is no practical approach in searching "apples OR pines". And it is more intuitive as this is default in the major search engines throught the world.
    3. Display only topics, not posts by default.

    And there is an option in the 'advanced' search form to not display posts from a topic.

    By the way, there is no such option in 'advanced' search form:
    "Search titles only" - does not search in the posts body
    "Search posts only" - is opposite to what I have suggested.
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