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Buying new self hosted licence - how to choose few applications?


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I just transferred one of my licenses (pretty most important for me - it is uses on Polish unofficial IPS4/IPB Support board). I gained two months for free.

FYI - that licence was bought ~ 10-12 years ago.


All seems pretty fair imho.

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We did an analysis of all our customers to work out the average renewal cost and buying habits. We made sure that the renewal price point was as close to the average as possible (we actually went under).

We discussed the pricing at length and shared it with a handful of customers in a focus group to get thoughts and feedback, and tweaked accordingly.

We have been as fair as we possibly can throughout this process. Undoubtably some may need to pay a bit more to unlock all that new functionality, but most will pay a bit less. We've found a pricing model that ensures the self-hosting version is viable for years to come.

Invision Community v5 is the start of the next evolution for our community platform bringing in many features to help publish content, monetise the community and more. Just selling a forum app is a market in a serious decline.

But you do not have to do anything. You can stick with your v4 license for as long as you wish. This is not a choice you need to make now, or even this year. Wait until v5 is out and then decide what is right for you. If it's not right for you, then be assured that v4 will remain supported for years to come.

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On 7/30/2023 at 8:03 AM, JustinHawk said:

@Charles will these license terms affect third party devs? I was blocked on version 4.4 once Velion went awol and left me with a broken design. So why would I renew? As upgrade mostly breaks the designs.. That's mainly my experience, cannot say for someone else. 


Not Charles, but your site is not suppose to be frozen in time.   If the template designer went AWOL, look for a new template by a new designer... keeping in mind that going to V5 will completely change the template system and you'll need to update again.

These are just the costs of running a website.

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12 minutes ago, Square Wheels said:

For 2 of 3 of mine, this seems cheaper if I keep my license up.

What happens if funds are low and I let it lapse for a few months?  I do this sometimes.  Do I start paying again at that time?


If you choose to change to the new pricing, it depends in you go with monthly or annual renewals. If annual is your choice and you don’t renew, you can pick up your annual renewal later. If monthly is your choice and you don’t renew, you can either switch to annual or catch up your missed monthly payments. 

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6 minutes ago, Charles said:

If you choose to change to the new pricing, it depends in you go with monthly or annual renewals. If annual is your choice and you don’t renew, you can pick up your annual renewal later. If monthly is your choice and you don’t renew, you can either switch to annual or catch up your missed monthly payments. 

Sounds fair.  If I choose, how long do I have to choose?

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Interesting change - I'm all for it, if it means that self-hosted is sustainable for IPS to continue forward. I simply don't have the budget to move to cloud, however tempting it is. It would allow me to explore the apps I've been interested in but haven't taken the plunge on yet (like Gallery and Downloads). I'm interested in the Commerce revamp and the ways I could monetise my community to help keep it sustainable too, but I'll wait for v5 to play around with any of that I reckon.

Few random Qs:

  • The upfront cost of $499 - does that apply only to new customers, or would current self-hosted customers wanting to move across to the new service have to pay that too? Or is that price variable based on customer loyalty?
  • Will customers be able to remove the IPS branding after migrating to the new plan, or will they still need to pay $500 for branding removal?
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23 minutes ago, Miss_B said:

Thank you @Charles. I had one more question, if I understood it correctly, if I switch/upgrade to the new Ipb 5 license, that will allow me to download and use the other official Ipb 's apps as well? Did I understand it correctly? 

Yes, you will get all the apps.

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