Help shape the future of Invision Community by suggesting new features or giving feedback on existing functionality.
We would love to hear your ideas for future versions of Invision Community. If you see a feature idea already posted that you like, make sure you reply and let us know!
25,501 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
Hi there, This is a suggestion for improvement in a future version. When we merge two topics, the subscriptions from the topic that is being merged are lost, instead of being updated/carried on to the new topic. By subscriptions I mean notifications (e.g., user is subscribed to receive an instant email notification when there are new posts). The support department replied me saying that this is the intended behavior, as they didn't want users receiving notifications for topics that they didn't subscribed to. (Well, I don't agree with this interpretation as they were subscribed to the topic that was merged...) Cheers, Gabriel.
Last reply by Gabriel Torres, -
- 4 replies
Hi, could you please remove the "Load more activity" button if there are no more additional entries. Some users reported this behavior as very confusing. In deed it is.
Last reply by GlenP, -
- 3 replies
When we add records to pages database via some script directly in mysql table - this records isn't indexing and their content can't be searched. Only rebuilding all search index helps. How it's possible to fix this or - if this is a bug - can it will be fixed in next releases? Is there way to rebuild search index only for selected pages database or, at least, for pages component (without affecting all other data)?
Last reply by StRiANON1, -
- 1 reply
So, approximately one week ago I asked for a backup of my cloud services. I got my backup that's all good and fine but they messed up my community license. I've been waiting almost 7 days+ for a response to my ticket and solutions to fix this. My license is stuck to my cloud account which means I cannot install my community board and i've been waiting almost 3 days for a response in to fixing this. The support told me to "change it" via my control panel however I cannot change it because you guys put it on your cloud service and i'm unable to get this. I'm very frustrated because i've been waiting almost one week for a response to fix this issue and very frustrated!
Last reply by Rhett, -
- 5 replies
Image sorting in the Gallery is wrong. If you sort images by "Recently updated" and open the first image in the album, you get it at the last position in the navigation: If images are sorted in descending order, why are they sorted in ascending order in a slider? And you can't change anything because there is no asc/desc setting.
Last reply by LiquidFractal, -
- 4 replies
Hi, I have a posts feed widget on a page for a game on my site. The posts feed widget doesn't have any sort of applicable filter for tags and thus we're having to use a separate forum for news on this page. We want to run a single forum for all of our news to de-clutter the forum (something I've been working on over the last 1.5 years). Thanks, Zack
Last reply by openfire, -
- 0 replies
Hello, did you noticed, the search URL is is something like: The malformed "?&" query string... (empty value righter after the question mark, before the ampersand).
Last reply by querschlaeger, -
- 2 replies
As someone who has several custom blocks across several custom pages with prose, URL lists etc., it would be great if as an Admin I could edit the content of these blocks on the fly without having to log in to the AdminCP and navigate the menu system every time I wanted to add a link, change a phrase, etc. What if there were a browser button or arrow, like the Manage Blocks arrow on the site screen, which brought up an Edit mode which allowed you to directly edit the content of certain kinds of blocks (i.e. custom)?
Last reply by LiquidFractal, -
- 1 reply
It seems the forum world is the last to get this.... but as FB has now trained the world.... Threaded replies are almost now a necessity. Anyone working on a prototype for how this could work over there?
Last reply by Jed Rosenzweig, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Earlier today I removed the "Administrators" and Super Administrators" user groups from the Moderators section under Member > Staff in the ACP. This removed the "ModeratorCP" link, moderator tools and the "Manage Blocks" section from the front-end. At first, I didn't notice this and didn't know what was causing this. After a while, I remembered that I had moved the admin user groups away from ACP > Members > Staff > Moderators. After putting those groups back in place I was able to use the Manage Blocks sections and ModeratorCP. As a administrator, I feel as if I should be able to have access to the ModeratorCP and the Pages' Manage Blocks/Page Build…
Last reply by TDBF, -
- 0 replies
Not sure if a plug in like this exists. A user configurable dashboard of blocks selected by the Admin or user configured activity streams (both) Has something like this been created or existed before?
Last reply by socceronly, -
- 3 replies
For accounting and according to laws almost worldwide we urgently need written evidence for withdrawals. By using IP.Commerce and IP.Downloads, we allow our customers to become contributors. Successful contributors can withdraw the money they earned with commissions for customer purchases. One way to perform this action legally correct is to require a valid invoice of each customer. Problem: most of the customers don't know at all how a valid invoice looks like and what applies for their entrepreneur status. And it will take ages for personal conversations until everything is correct. The second possibility is to generate all credit evidences automatically, save…
Last reply by Cyboman, -
- 4 replies
In the AdminCP main dashboard view, you can Add widgets to show an overview of Gallery, Downloads and Blogs. To build on this existing facility, would you consider adding extra widgets to show stats for Forums and Calendars too? This would provide an at a glance summary of all the main stats for the community suite. Perhaps a Members Overview as well. Make them cache-able, so updated say once every 24hrs. For example, in a Forums Overview widget, include the basics such as Forums, Sub-Forums, Topics, Replies. Then perhaps like in your Downloads Overview, you could add Most Viewed Topics, Largest Topic (based on number of replies). Perhaps even Average Daily…
Last reply by The Old Man, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
I've noticed on my community if I price something at zero dollars it will display as $0.00 dollars. Whereas here on IPS whenever something is $0.00 it will display as FREE. I was wondering if there was a setting I'm missing or perhaps a mod available that does this?
Last reply by Insydius, -
- 31 replies
Dear IPS team, I'm experiencing quite nasty troubles with my IPS 4.1 self-hosted community, which is quite heavy in terms of DB size (>4GB already) and daily page views (>70k). Even for 8-core Intel Core i7 CPU + 32GB RAM + SSD it appears to be quite hard job to run IPS engine scripts, server goes down quite often running php-fpm environment. Do you know any examples of other high-loaded communities running IPS 4.1 suite? Maybe their administrators can share some experience? OPcache helps a lot, but still... looks like IPS suite engine is very heavy. Different from older 3.x versions We have faced even higher page views rate 2 years ago, when we…
Last reply by Dean_, -
- 0 replies
The question voting arrows should appear on the forum questions list similar to how they are next to the answers when viewing a question. Currently they are only on the question detail page when viewing a question.
Last reply by atdev, -
- 0 replies
Hi guys, I was wondering if you would consider implementing a global "term" set system in a future release. For example, you could maintain a list of terms or values in one section of the site, and custom fields you use elsewhere in the site will reference that global list for its selection criteria (instead of needing to update each individual Select field that has the same data). You could keep the manual entry in the Select fields, but just add an extra option which pulls the data from the Term set instead. It would make maintaining slightly fluid lists a bit quicker Cheers Adam
Last reply by Adam_S, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Hi guys, I'm wondering if you could add custom fields for Calendar Events (similar to the custom profile fields)? Thanks Adam
Last reply by Adam_S, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
If the admin user clicks on followers he can remove followers, but cannot quick add followers. Please, add this feature.
Last reply by Adriano Faria, -
- 4 replies
There's a lot of software packages out there which have add-on mods and plugins. I've yet to come across one that has a great management interface for managing which software I hate, love, purchased, etc. Some software plugin directories have thousands of items. It's hard to keep track of all of them on the software company's site. Here on IPS, I do have the ability to use the manage purchases - which is an ok list. But it's a daunting task to manage everything I've installed, purchased, or just plain don't want to see ever again like the developer who released 27 color change themes and the theme I want is on page 27. I've resorted to creating an excel spre…
Last reply by Bluto, -
- 0 replies
I just had my SMTP server fail a couple of days back. Thoughts arising... 1) While there was a warning in the admin panel that mails weren't being sent, I didn't see this for a couple of days. Obviously in this case an email wouldn't have been much use, but a front-end notice (similar to the one we get if the site is set to offline) would have been useful. Perhaps this could be done in any circumstances where there's a lot of recent errors? Perhaps optional for those folk with generally error-ridden sites. 2) I've got 600 entries in the email error log, but my only option is to click on the resend button for every... single... one.... Some batch options would b…
Last reply by rgf100, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
One of the main reasons delaying speed site is using other domains on shared resources. What does the IPS on this essential point? Compliance with this policy makes file storage function useless ... See this article PP. In my site I gave up using cookie-free domain. Now I charge all the resources of a major domain. Site Speed improved by 4 points mobile and 3 points desktop. Full loading time is 3.5 seconds old. Now it's 2.7 seconds. Please comment.
Last reply by inkredible, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Dear ipb, could you please add some kind of sorting to the list of database templates in acp? We have a lot of different templates and sometimes it's hard to find the right one. An alphabetical sorting would be very helpful! This would be another benefit for admins besides the missing search bar
Last reply by Apfelstrudel, -
- 5 replies
My tickets are being automatically marked as resolved WITHOUT any notification to me. For example, Tickets #973642 and 973348
Last reply by Lindy, -
- 6 replies
Hi, When I go through template differences for new versions I use a combination of git diff in my local repo and seeing the template differences page here in cases where I would like some further confirmation/clarity on what have changed. However, currently it's very hard to find specific template bits on that theme differences page. For example template bits like: forums/front/index/index.phtml forums/front/global/row.phtml I use ctrl + f in my browser to search for templates like includeMeta and includeJs, but for the templates above that kind of approach is impossible. Which leads me to have to scroll through the whole ordeal to find it or …
Last reply by teraßyte,