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  1. Agree
    OptimusBain got a reaction from Nicoolas in A user should be able to delete his account request a deletion   
    I am suggestion this feature:
    A user should be able to delete his account Alternatively, the user should be able to request a deletion from the administrator This is something that should be built-in the core. Users will have an option to disable/delete an account. It's the normal behaviour, like adding a new user or editing it.
    This is not possible at present, only via a plugin created by Adriano Faria.  
  2. Thanks
    OptimusBain reacted to Jim M in Duplicate emails on purchased product   
    I have tagged this to a developer to review what is happening here and confirm if it is intended.
  3. Thanks
    OptimusBain reacted to Nathan Explosion in marketplace shows no plugins after upgrading to 4.7.0 beta   
    Yep - you are shown only those items that are compatible with the version you running.
  4. Agree
    OptimusBain reacted to Sonya* in Force Guests to Pay First then create an invoice   
    This is not about guests, but about how IPS is designed.
    See the page: _https://irosacea.org/subscriptions/ When you click on one of the Subscribe now buttons, you will be redirected to the Checkout page. The URL of the Checkout page contains the invoice number in its URL, e. g. _https://irosacea.org/checkout/XXX/ and this invoice (XXX) is already created before you even start to fill out the Checkout form.
    So it is not that users submit invoices without filling in the information. They will not be able to proceed without filling out the information. This is the IPS that creates the invoice as soon the page is just shown to the user. It is just too early. 
    If a user is just curious about what happens after clicking on Subscribe now, the invoice is already generated for being curious. Theoretically, the bots can generate invoices as well. Just by crawling all URLs on the site.
  5. Agree
    OptimusBain reacted to Joey_M in Force Guests to Pay First then create an invoice   
    It does my head in the amount of invoices that are generated but actually aren't paid, I think this suggestion would eliminate the issue - especially when guests do it.
    Serious buyers will put in their name/address etc
    So, many guests don't even bother and there's no way to remind someone who doesn't leave any information - so what's the point in the generated invoice?
  6. Like
    OptimusBain reacted to nigeld27 in Zapier Action: Add Secondary Group   
    Hi All,
    I can't remember if I submitted this suggestion before, but I would like a Zapier action that allows me to add/change a Secondary Group on a user.
  7. Agree
    OptimusBain reacted to acarlsson in Validating and deleting members : becoming very difficult...   
    Just that this thread exists is a sign that it's done the wrong way.
    Furthermore, I can't find any "PRUNE MEMBERS" link in my Members page. I have some hundred spammers that I want to ban and delete. It's quite tedious to do this manually.... 😖
  8. Like
    OptimusBain reacted to SecondSight in Validating and deleting members : becoming very difficult...   
    Hello !
    Today, I wanted to delete  very old members belonging to a specific group and who had no content at all.
    So I made a search and it returned 6 pages :

    Then, I saw that there was no checkbox to deleted all members in one click...
    So I told myself I had to delete each member at a time... I tried deleting one member and I got this :

    What I think about this option :
    Anyway, I went ahead and, after deleting the member, I saw that I was back to... the members' page. Moreover, I had to do the whole process again...

    So is there another and fast way to remove these members ?
    Same question for validating members :
    Managing members on IP Board is becoming really difficult... unless I'm not doing it the right way ?
    Thank you.
  9. Like
    OptimusBain reacted to PatrickRQ in Nightmare of configuring commerce packages with custom fields affecting price   
    We have we have 6 fields assigned to package and each has 3-5 options. Guess how many combinations I have to configure under Commerce > Product > Stock and Price Adjustments? 1920!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sometimes I do things manually but this is already too much 😄 IPS, please redesign price adjustments, in IPS3 the system worked differently and was fast to configure. Now you create combinations of all available fields and values, this is insane to configure.
  10. Agree
    OptimusBain reacted to annadaa in improve the checkout and subscription page   
    would it be possible to improve the subscription and checkout page to make them more powerful and better convert the sale?
    we could for example use widgets...
    here is the example of a subscription page and another of checkout
  11. Agree
    OptimusBain reacted to Ocean West in [Suggestion] Topic unhide at same time topic unlocked   
    Correct and this has been a long time suggestion and find it sad that its still not native since this functionality already exists in the blogs and in the pages CMS. - I have never wanted to create a post and have it "locked" and then "unlock" at a given time - however I have always wanted a way for people to post things that perhaps embargoed for a certain go live date. I hate having to get up at 6am because something has to publish at 9AM Eastern time.
  12. Like
    OptimusBain reacted to PCM Focus in [Suggestion] Topic unhide at same time topic unlocked   
    I have put this in a ticket but they adviced to put it in here so i do that
    A member of our forum have noticed that when you set a time for unlock a topic en you hide the topic the topic opens at the given time. But the topic don't show because it is still hidden. My suggestion is, why you don't make it so that when you put in a unlock time, and you hide it when you make the topic, thats it unlocks and showing at the same time. On our forum we make sometimes topics for the futher. There is then no reason to make the topic visible. So it is normal that you hide it, en for be sure we create a lock time to for in case the starter makes a mistake.
  13. Agree
    OptimusBain reacted to Ramsesx in Reported Content - Button to Reply to Reporter   
    This should be indeed a default feature.
  14. Agree
    OptimusBain reacted to Emediate in Reported Content - Button to Reply to Reporter   
    We make great use of the Reporting system within our community, nurturing a self-moderation approach within the community itself.
    One feature that would make moderation more efficient, would be to have a button (perhaps directly under Status) to send a PM directly to the Reporter.
    We have to manually click on the member and then click Send Message. I know it's only a couple of clicks, but the easier it is the more often they would be followed up.
    Even better would be when you click the proposed "Respond to Reporter" button, it pre-populates the Subject with "Report Response: Thread Title Here".
  15. Like
    OptimusBain reacted to KT Walrus in download invoices improvement   
    The best way to generate server-side PDFs is to use headless Chrome to convert HTML to PDF running in a docker container. 
    I suggest that IPS implement and deploy an API for HTML to PDF conversion like the Spam Service and update Commerce to use this API to generate and store PDFs of invoices for download/email attachment.
    Here is a link to a docker container that could be used to implement such a server-side HTML to PDF generator:
    There already may be other 3rd party web services available that Commerce could use, but I think it would be better for IPS to host the HTML to PDF service and make that service available to Commerce and app/plugin developers through an HTMLtoPDF class.
  16. Agree
    OptimusBain reacted to MythonPonty in Hump Day: video streaming coming soon   
    I'm not feeling comfortable to read every second Humpty Dumpty message for only enterprise plans. I feel more and more to be pushed in the 2nd row. I'm not LEGO®, SEGA, Mattel or any other big company. 
    I'm just a nice guy, with a moderate wallet, who want to offer his members the best experience.
    I'm just hoping that the self hosting plan goes on and on and on...
    You offer one of the best plattforms, but it feels more and more, that the small man are not longer be welcome. I know that you all think, that's not true... and you are happy to have small and big customers. 
    But as a small customer, i have to say that the last year have changed many things (to negative in my mind)
  17. Agree
    OptimusBain reacted to AlexWebsites in Hump Day: video streaming coming soon   
    Maybe make an enterprise only membership and forum then. Who really cares if you will never be an enterprise client? Why do I need to know about something I will never have available to me? I've wasted time reading someting thinking its a great new feature, that in turn, will not exist for me and many, many others. 
  18. Agree
    OptimusBain reacted to marklcfc in Hump Day: video streaming coming soon   
    I'll make a prediction. IPS 5.0 will be for cloud users only, whilst maintaining 4.x for us cheapskates. (for a bit maybe)
  19. Agree
    OptimusBain reacted to Square Wheels in Hump Day: video streaming coming soon   
    Yikes, it's only available to those paying more than $549 a month.
    I feel so out of place on this site now.  It seems like just a couple of weeks ago the lowest plan included most everything at around $50 a month.  Now it includes less and went up to $89 a month.
    Sadly, I suspect they will do away with us in the next couple of years.  Hopefully Xenforo continues to improve and doesn't go this route also.
  20. Agree
    OptimusBain reacted to opentype in Hump Day: video streaming coming soon   
    We can only skip the news, if it is indicated to whom it applies. 
    Scenario A:
    “Streaming is coming (to enterprise plans)” I am not not on that plan, so moving on. Otherwise it will be scenario B:
    “Streaming is coming!” Getting exiting. Having to research the details. Finding out to whom it applies. Being frustrated.  So, it’s very much about how the news are presented. 
  21. Agree
    OptimusBain reacted to jesuralem in Hump Day: video streaming coming soon   
    Seriously, what is the point of announcign this feature on this public community when it will be only available to " corporate and enterprise" cloud plan ? How many clients does IPS have on this plan ? what %age of this community members does this represent ?
    Announcing features only available to a few % of your clients can only frustrate the vast majority.
  22. Agree
    OptimusBain reacted to LaCollision in download invoices improvement   
    Yes, that would be really great!
    It's a very popular request:
  23. Agree
    OptimusBain got a reaction from LaCollision in download invoices improvement   
    My forum and I guess that many others, have members that pay a subscription or pay for specific products. There is no way for the administrator of an IPS forum to generate and download PDFs. I don't know about other countries, but in Spain and many other countries, my accountant will need to submit all invoices every quarter no matter what.
    There is NO WAY in IPS to download all invoices for a specific data range, or even generate them in PDF, etc. If IPS accepts payments, then it has to provide a way to download the legal invoices to be delivered to our accountants. I have hundreds of payments every quarter, and this is driving me crazy because there is nothing like that available and IPS told me by email that this function is not present within the platform 😞 I do not understand why. I am not asking for an accounting software, that will be done by the accountant. However the accountant needs the invoices, and when you have hundreds to process and no option to download them it's just a **** in the a**  
    There is no possibility in the backend for:
    Admin to download and generate a specific invoice in PDF Admin to generate invoice and send/resend email to member Admin to filter billing history of a member and download all invoices in a specific data range Member to download an invoice in PDF  
  24. Agree
    OptimusBain reacted to Gauravk in Expired subscriptions must be treated like no subscription   
    Going by your own logic - Why the system isn't deleting, ignoring, killing, crushing, trashing, not seeing, not factoring, not considering - EXPIRED SUBSCRIPTION.
    In IPS Binary 01010101 language, why Expired sub IS NOT EQUAL TO ZERO.
    With so many synonyms and ALL caps, IPS should understand how much frustration this illogical behavior costs us dearly, every day.
    We spend loads of money for user acquisition and when they try for one month and they aren't able to upgrade to annual after expiry, it makes them feel that we are trapping them in monthly billing for more money.
    Some complain and most leave quietly, with tons of abandoned carts daily.
    It's a real shame.
    @opentype @Sonya* @Joachim Sandstrom @Makoto @Xaviours @elonegenio @bradybarrows @David.. @Myr @UncrownedGuard @OptimusBain @DawPi @ZLTRGO @Nakamura0114 @TecsenseAsh
    If this matters to all of you a lot, let's ping this and several other similar threads daily.
    Until it reaches IPS ears.
  25. Agree
    OptimusBain got a reaction from Gauravk in Expired subscriptions must be treated like no subscription   
    It's incredible that this huge problem is still there. I suffer it every month.
    It's even worst to see dozens of posts from other members having the same issue and IPS not saying a thing about it. They said already that it's perfect the way it is, it's intended to work like that 😞
    Now I can see new voices from well known contributors and programmers in the marketplace saying that it's not working logically, that it should be fixed and make it work the way logic says it should work. 
    Bit where is IPS doing? Ah yes, they are adding an annoying fixed link in green colour to promote their cloud service without an option to hide it.
    I am suffering the same renewal problem with a few more clients again. They cannot renew and they cannot buy the same product 😞 that's crazy. 
    I am glad to see others are complaining. But IPS is doing nothing about it. Maybe I am wrong. I assume they are doing nothing because they did not say they are going to do something about it. New features are 'requested' in Hump Day's posts instead of reading the feature suggestions and our complaints. 
    Self hosted clients are also IPS clients and we are being listened. If we were, huge problems like the renewals reported several times would have already been fixed, because it's a critical feature that is not working as it should. 
    Many users are complaining about it because the average user/client expects this feature to work the way it's been reported, not the way it's been developed.
    10 comments in this thread. None belongs to IPS. 
    I am an IPS client, very happy with the software. But these things turn me on fire. I am diligently paying my fees, I have the right to put forward want I think. Moreover, if I am helping IPS to improve its software solution, because it affects my business directly. 
    This issue is affecting my business and many other businesses and we are not being listened. 
    Thanks a lot.
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