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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. There isnt really anything to check, other than if you have any 3rd party items, ensuring they are compatible of course
  2. No problem, and thank you for your feedback.
  3. It would depend on what "It" is exactly. All I can really say is to try it. We cannot make any guarentee on the order in which CSS is loaded, other than that which is provided at a theme level for that purpose
  4. There is no way within the platform, but you could download the member list from the members page in your admin CP and then collate that data off site
  5. That would of course depend on whether you have something else to receive the webhook data. If you do, then you wouldnt need zapier at all. Zapier however can be used as a webhook receiver, to then do with the data as you need on zapier
  6. You would set up a webhook in the System>API section of your admin CP, adding the coreStatusesStatus_create webhook
  7. When you say "Connect" are you looking to pull the status updates? If so, you could use a webhook
  8. Please could you send me a message with the file you are using? I can then take a look for you
  9. Just taken a look on an older release, and you are indeed correct so will get this one reported as a bug. Seems we arent the only one with this issue on the net. Who knew? 😄
  10. Indeed it does now seem to be, however I can confirm it doesnt actually appear to be us. If you paste anywhere on browsers it appears to do the same (I tried gmails editor for example)
  11. Paste will paste whatever is in your clipboard. If its being pasted as an image, thats something your machine would be doing, rather than the software
  12. Before I remove, it depends on what exactly you are looking to add, as some items are not available on some services
  13. These are admin notifications. There would be no way in which you can get them on the user facing side of the site
  14. Just looking at your site there, it seems it's something you will need to contact your hosting company on. You have a connection timed out, which isn't something I'm able to get past on this end. Your server is simply not responding to things at all at present. My guess would be that something is still running from your upgrade that the mysql instance isn't coping with, but your host will be able to confirm if that is the case of course. In terms of the latter, if you wish to talk about moving to cloud, we can certainly assist you with that. You mention there also changing software. It's worth noting, no amount of software change will fix your hosting, unfortunately. That's not an effort to talk you out of it. Feel free to look around of course. Just pointing out the fact that it appears to be your hosting you are having issues with, not the software. We have many self-hosted clients who manage their own sites without issue. We do however find more and more simply don't want to manage issues they encounter, which is where our cloud comes in. I can certainly see how that would cause an issue. Hope you manage to get the problem resolved
  15. Do you have an example you can send me I can take a look at on this one? Something doesnt sound right there
  16. We're aware, and have it on our list to look at 🙂 Its actually only on our site, rather than the software as a whole, due to the way in which we publish blog content
  17. There is only what is in the guide there, which shows where to add the details from your OAuth 2 provider. If you are unsure of where to obtain those details, you would need to speak to the provider there
  18. Im a little confused as to why you would have redundant CSS and JS there. Actually the opposite would be true. If it automatically adds it at an application level to themes that dont need it, then it would be redundant code. The theme is what defines the look of the site, and is therefore what contains any code relating to the way the site is displayed, by design. So any CSS or JS, would need to be added into the theme (or multiple if that's what you require). There are a few exception to this rule when it comes to javascript, such as javascript that needs to run at page level when new content is loaded to the page (used for some analytics services for example), which you can add in System>Settings>Advanced configuration. Generally however, you should be adding to the theme if they are theme related
  19. If it uses OAuth 2, you could create a button to login with using that perhaps.
  20. There isn't a way in which to do that at present, unfortunately, no.
  21. It would show all IPs used by that user, if seaching by user. It would show all users who use that IP address, if searching by IP address
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