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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. Just above the image there, you should have a revert button. if not, please upload a fresh set of files from your client area, then try that again
  2. Please provide the name of the forum, the name of the 2 users, and ensure access details on file are up to date. We can then take a look for you and see what is happening
  3. In the first instance, please update to the latest release and try this again, and ensure any 3rd party items are disabled while testing this
  4. While I agree, we dont know that is indeed whats causing it at present, and there are 504 errors coming from the server too
  5. You need to check your server error logs there, which should give you a better idea of the issue. My guess is that something is blocking your site calling out to the license servers
  6. There is no facility for this within the software unfortunately. You would be better to get a report of files on the old and new server, and then compare this
  7. There isn't any facility to do this at present, unfortunately, no. You can assign a group only based on what they have purchased. Not where they are purchase it from.
  8. This should make it a bit easier for you to compare. This is a download of the stock platform. Bear in mind you will also have conf_global.php and maybe constants.php in there. Always make a full backup before you start deleting anything.
  9. So essentially you are looking to be able to select a forum and all its subforums. If that is the case, you would need to post that up as a feedback item. At present this is not something that is possible.
  10. Click on "Check again" and then add your key if asked. Let us know what that returns, if anything
  11. Is this something happening consistently enough for you to switch off 3rd party items for a while?
  12. Moved this to self hosted questions for you. We are unable to advise you on what SMTP service you should use unfortunately, but Im sure there are plenty who will have suggestions for you 🙂
  13. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  14. Its been reported now, so Im sure our devs will have it covered 🙂
  15. You would need to reach out Thats fine. We would usually advise using a subdomain for this. That way you can simply point it at wherever you are testing
  16. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  17. We would be unable to assist with changing the URL of your test instance, as the test URL on file also has an installation present
  18. I guess what you would actually be asking for here, is the facility to feature only for x amount of time, rather than anything else. A featured block will show all the featured content. Im not sure on the order, so have tagged a dev to see if we can get an answer on that one
  19. There isnt so much a glitch here. While I understand we could certainly put something in place to prevent that occurance, there shouldnt actually be any way for a user to select a forum that doesnt exist
  20. There are no plans for this at present as far as I am aware. Please post within the feedback are if this is something you would like to see appear in a future release
  21. php.ini usually. Check things like 'UPLOAD_MAX_FILESIZE'
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