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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. Very glad to see you got the issue resolved 🙂
  2. User agent must indeed be included with any request to our servers
  3. It would be worth checking modsecurity to see if anything is being logged there. Or any other similar item such as securi
  4. No problem at all. Any other questions, please feel free to ask. I know you had a couple in your ticket which I hope I have addressed. If not, I shall see you when you are over on cloud 🙂
  5. Are you using anything such as cloudflare or similar? If so, please disable this. It sounds like something is blocking the check there
  6. I have merged your 2 topics here. Please follow the instructions Randy provided above to try and recover your site Should you then still have issues, please update your access details on file. At present we do not have access in order to take a look and seen what is causing the problems
  7. Glad to hear the issue was resolved there 🙂 Thank you for that information, Randy
  8. In addition to the above, it is usually wise to limit the amount of time a user can edit content on the site. This way a user would not be able to individually go through and wipe out every post
  9. I would need an example item you believe they should have been notified for, and the name of the user. If you can provide these, I can certainly take a look to see what may be happening.
  10. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  11. What was it you changed, out of curiousity? It may be helpful for others experiencing similar
  12. Please first of all try the above. If you are then still having issues, please update your access details on file so we can take a look for you
  13. As mentioned above, you need to check your server error logs to see exactly what the error is when you are testing this. Its very likely there is something like modsecurity or securi that are blocking these in some manner
  14. I believe the author has been assisting with removal on these, so I would suggest contacting them on this
  15. Taking days for nameservers to change over, is very very unusual these days. It tends to be a matter of minutes.
  16. It is also worth noting, all tables should ideally be using INNODB and not MyISAM. It would be worth switching those first of all, and seeing if this resolves the issue of it not being cleared properly, as the 2 table types work differently
  17. Could you please confirm you are seeing it on a default unaltered language, and also logged in
  18. Are these items which have been manually added? Or items that have been uploaded as attachments?
  19. There is no way in which to get these by database unfortunately. They would only get notification of items they can approve however
  20. Before we proceed, have you 3rd party items running on your site that need to be updated to be compatible with PHP 8?
  21. We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  22. The link you are looking at there is not our site. Invisionbyte.ru is a 3rd party site, and not ours. That tool you are using is in no way associated with our product. I would advise you double check that its saved on yoru conf_global.php file. The only way what you have stated is happening can be happening is if its connected to that database
  23. You keep mentioning "The developers website" but havent actually stated a link to what you have seen. What you have there, it sounds like you havent actually edited the conf_global.php file to point to your test database. It would not be writing topics etc to live unless this hasnt been done
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