Wrong info - Fresh new installed community
I didnt noticed that, was done by one of our member team, thanks!
Wrong info - Fresh new installed community
That's just 1 problem. You have a problem on mobile version too, the date of topics are out of the box. Profile information wrong aspect! Much more!
Wrong info - Fresh new installed community
Done !
Wrong info - Fresh new installed community
Hosting provider said, on their side it's everything fine, and told us to contact you again. I updated the informations, you can log in now!
Wrong info - Fresh new installed community
Am i speaking chinese? When i told you cpanel was reseted from 0, files installed from 0, database installed from 0. 1.Reinstaled completly cpanel 2.Installed community again, from 0 3.Created new database, new user Please read what i wrote!
Wrong info - Fresh new installed community
I said that the whole community is reinstalled from 0: New database, new folder, including the cpanel was reinstalled from 0 to avoid problems. So everything is clean, from 0. How can you say it wasn't deleted even if everything was done from scratch, personally by me. Even the cpanel was reseted from scratch!
Wrong info - Fresh new installed community
Mysql base is instaled fresh, and yes the content it's present, where it shouldn't be! Everything it's installed fresh!
Wrong info - Fresh new installed community
Hello, i have a problem, i just reinstalled the platform from 0, and i saw some problems during configuration When i try to visit activity, wrong aspect for content, on every template, including the default one! Eg : https://zerohp.ro/index.php?/discover When i go to some profiles, same problem! Eg : https://zerohp.ro/index.php?/profile/1-admin/ I repeat, it's fresh new installed platform, i unninstalled the plugins and aplications and same problem! Do you have any ideea?
Couldn't get list of available blocks
I updated all the informations, please tell me wich field is not good now!
Couldn't get list of available blocks
I hope now it's fine!
Couldn't get list of available blocks
Couldn't get list of available blocks
It happens with all the plugins, that's the problem, and i dont know where is the problem, i dont know if the problem it's from database, or something else!
Couldn't get list of available blocks
For example this error apears when i have Staff Badge in User Profile ON ( plugin ) Error: Typed property DOMDocument::$encoding must not be accessed before initialization (0) #0 /home/zerohpro/public_html/system/3rd_party/phpQuery/phpQuery.php(324): DOMDocumentWrapper->documentCreate('utf-8') #1 /home/zerohpro/public_html/system/3rd_party/phpQuery/phpQuery.php(666): DOMDocumentWrapper->loadMarkupHTML('<!DOCTYPE HTML ...') #2 /home/zerohpro/public_html/system/3rd_party/phpQuery/phpQuery.php(317): DOMDocumentWrapper->documentFragmentLoadMarkup(Object(DOMDocumentWrapper), 'UTF-8', '<ipscontent id=...') #3 /home/zerohpro/public_html/system/3rd_party/phpQuery/phpQuery.php(218): DOMDocumentWrapper->loadMarkupHTML('<ipscontent id=...', '') #4 /home/zerohpro/public_html/system/3rd_party/phpQuery/phpQuery.php(191): DOMDocumentWrapper->loadMarkup('<ipscontent id=...') #5 /home/zerohpro/public_html/system/3rd_party/phpQuery/phpQuery.php(177): DOMDocumentWrapper->load('<ipscontent id=...', 'text/html', NULL) #6 /home/zerohpro/public_html/system/3rd_party/phpQuery/phpQuery.php(4868): DOMDocumentWrapper->__construct('<ipscontent id=...', 'text/html', NULL) #7 /home/zerohpro/public_html/system/3rd_party/phpQuery/phpQuery.php(4642): phpQuery::createDocumentWrapper('<ipscontent id=...', 'text/html') #8 /home/zerohpro/public_html/system/3rd_party/phpQuery/phpQuery.php(4656): phpQuery::newDocument('<ipscontent id=...', 'text/html') #9 /home/zerohpro/public_html/system/Theme/Theme.php(4416): phpQuery::newDocumentHTML('<ipscontent id=...') #10 /home/zerohpro/public_html/system/Theme/Theme.php(2721): IPS\_Theme::themeHooks('{{if !\\IPS\\Requ...', Array) #11 /home/zerohpro/public_html/system/Theme/Theme.php(823): IPS\_Theme->compileTemplates('core', 'front', 'profile') #12 /home/zerohpro/public_html/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php(312): IPS\_Theme->getTemplate('profile') #13 /home/zerohpro/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(118): IPS\core\modules\front\members\_profile->manage() #14 /home/zerohpro/public_html/applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php(81): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #15 /home/zerohpro/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\core\modules\front\members\_profile->execute() #16 /home/zerohpro/public_html/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #17 {main}
Couldn't get list of available blocks
The forum is up to date, we are on default template!
Couldn't get list of available blocks
It happens when i try to install plugins, and now i see, it's not just this problem, if i try to install plugins i get a blank white page.I have just 1 plugin installed, but it's installed from the marketplace.
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