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  1. I was trying to create a new theme, and the website was blank when theme selected / default. I trully dont know what happened. I mean the theme was unmodifed and still didn't work, I will check into it maybe I find a better explanation to what happened.
  2. Howdy, found the issue, the issue was from System > Site Features > Google Analytics. I disabled it and it worked, I checked network tab and that somehow got blocked and all content was removed ? I have no Idea how and why. @LadiesMan217 has contacted me for help. @Marc Stridgen is this an installation issue ?
  3. I've noticed that PageSpeed Insights can be pretty easily manipulated. While it still points out issues like unused CSS/JavaScript and render-blocking stuff, I managed to get all my scores over 90 just by adding a lot of text at the top of the page in the viewport. So, yeah, it's not always reliable. On IPS installation. The most problematic part is phone version which I couldn't do anything about, cuz on phone it cried over unused CSS/Javascript + render-blocking nothing else.
  4. Can you see (check screenshot) when you create / edit an Announcement ? It works for me.
  5. Like Jim said. Remove the installation from old domain. (if any). Login into your Client Area [https://invisioncommunity.com/clientarea] and press Reset URL. (Keep in mind that you need to remove the files from the old URL as it will not let you Reset the URL if the files still exist on your old website). Download the database from the old website. Download the files from the old website. Add the files in public_html on the new website. Create a new database and user, make sure you give the user access to the database. Import database downloaded from the old website and upload it to the new created database. Edit conf_global.php and change database + database_user and password to the new one you just created. Done. (Add license key if needed)
  6. Hey ! I encountered the same problem with AJAX Loading, and I looked everywhere from what It could be, nothing on the server side, nothing in settings. But by updating the version the problem fixed itself. Try upgrading your version and check again.
  7. Hey there 👋! I encountered the same error as you and for me were 2 ways to see from what was it. 1. If you are using cloudflare, make sure is not proxied. ( For me this was a problem, not showing the css at all, I use custom Nginx protection and it was fighting with Cloudflare, by disabling proxied, worked again ). 2. Data-Store path is incorrect. - What I did? Logged in AdminCP, and tried to find "clear caches" it was hard but I did it, after that some of the CSS came back so to say and I updated the data-store path and everything worked again. Follow these links to update data-store path: 1. Create New (https://yourdomain.com/admin/?app=core&module=overview&controller=files&do=configurationForm 2. Edit Current One: (https://yourdomain.com/admin/?app=core&module=overview&controller=files&do=configurationForm&id=1)
  8. Paste this in custom.css until the next release. After release, please remember to remove this css lines. .cGalleryWidget { display: grid; }
  9. It's fixed, yeah we updated the handler from ACP => System => Files => Storage Settings => Configurations => Create New
  10. Did you fix your problem or you still need help?
  11. I already changed mine when I saw the button in there 😛 I think 2 months ago :))
  12. Try contacting Invision directly! https://invisioncommunity.com/contact-us/
  13. Oh dear. ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 hopefully we see some new features for designers as well in designer mode ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥😅😅
  14. First suggestion: Adding CodeMirror that supports template logic with if-else statements and such, I want to expand my work by offering my clients full access to the custom stuff I do. I was thinking about this one for a long time now and I always wanted it so that it would make my life easier and also the same for other Theme Designers. Since I saw the Header/Footer CodeMirror editors in the AdminCP for each theme, I wanted to have it as well. To be specific, here. Some tab that you can select when adding a new Setting into your theme, called "CodeMirror Editor" or something. Second Suggestion: Adding in Menu Manager a field where you can add icons for each nav link and even allowing you to add your custom font-icons link. This would be very helpful since all of us add icons directly in CSS with the ID of the nav item. The problem with adding icons with CSS per id is that the IDs don't stay the same on all websites. Currently, I'm doing this way and sometimes it gets confusing explaining to people where to edit them and some of them are clueless on how to do it. {{if $item->id == 10}} <i class='fas fa-pager'></i> {{elseif $item->id == 41}} <i class='fas fa-ribbon'></i> {{elseif $item->id == 36}} <i class='fas fa-user-astronaut'></i> {{elseif $item->id == 2}} <i class="fas fa-chart-pie"></i> {{elseif $item->id == 106}} <i class='fas fa-folder-download'></i> {{elseif $item->id == 42}} <i class='fas fa-life-ring'></i> {{elseif $item->id == 88}} <i class='fas fa-store-alt'></i> {{endif}}
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