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Release Notes v5

Invision Community 5 Bug Tracker





Everything posted by Marc

  1. Still an open bug report at the moment 🙂
  2. Check tmp on your server isnt full. Sending so many, I suspect that may be the issue
  3. Thank you for returning with the solution 🙂 Always handy for others who find the same issue
  4. You may find the following pages helpful to you too https://invisioncommunity.com/developers/
  5. Everything working now?
  6. In the first instance, please test this on a default theme, with no 3rd party items enabled. If you are then still having problems, please let me know which browser you are using
  7. The intention of recovery mode, just so you understand, is that it allows you to disable the running of any external code. So you would be adding the recovery mode constant to say "Kill anything running that isnt default, and let me log in. And when I log in, disable all 3rd party so when I remove recovery mode, they are all disabled" So Add recovery mode constant Log in and allow it to disable everything remove recovery mode You should then have access to your site again. You would then be looking for what the cause was. You can check in system logs which may give you an indication as to which broke your site, and start ensuring items are updated to the latest releases that have been sent out by the authors.
  8. Dont change anything directly in the database. All you do is the above. You actuallky move the site, change the domain, and then reset in the client area. 🙂
  9. I can see your issue in the first, and we can get a bug report for that once e have taken a closer look at the second. On the second one, you appear to be scrolling up and down, which is what you mention you cant do. Could you please provide more info on that?
  10. Sorry, Its not clear what exactly you are doing in the video. It looks like there is an issue only when you switch to a custom language pack on something, but its not clear what. Please could you provide more information?
  11. If you are uncomfortable with things such as FTP and SSL certificates etc, have you ever considered using our cloud solution instead? You would then simply be able to concentrate on your community, rather than all the hosting side of things.
  12. If it is the pages application, its worth noting you need to also ensure you set whatever page you have created as the default page, by select the dropdown at the side of that page in the admin CP
  13. You should import using the converters if you are doing it in this manner It is worth noting, the IDs really should be treated as such. They are nothing more than something to identify the user programmatically. So it shouldn't really matter what that number is visually.
  14. No problem. Glad to hear its now working in any case 🙂
  15. Has it stated which task is failing? If it's the queue task, have you checked what background tasks you have running?
  16. Are you using any plugins on your browser perhaps?
  17. It would be worth reporting that to firefox as a bug too. It really shouldnt be doing that
  18. Do keep your eye on the live chats we have, such as the one on 1st February about our February release. The live topics feature was briefly discussed here. Of course there is more to come on this 🙂
  19. I would need a linked example of this so I can take a look for you
  20. You can indeed. 🙂 It's the creation of groups that would be the issue
  21. As mentioned above, there is an open bug report for this currently.
  22. I can imagine so. I have seen that in the past myself. No problem, please let us know. Our advise however would be for them not to be using a public vpn
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