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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. It very likely is, yes. However without looking at your server error logs, you wont know what 'it' is, unfortunatetely. You can of course use recovery mode which will allow you to disable everything, but that will not tell you specifically which item was causing your issue. I feel you may be misunderstanding this part. You create a file named constants.php, and add that text. So you are not looking for a file here.
  2. Nathan is indeed correct there. If you upload the requirement checker here, and then visit in a browser, it will tell you what is missing (when switched to php 😎 https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/7046-invision-community-requirements-checker/
  3. This is actually incorrect. All 4.7 is compatible with PHP 8 Actually step one would be to check your server error logs to see what the issue is.
  4. You create a file named constants.php Its your server error logs you need to be checking, not your console. If you are unsure how to do this, you would need to contact your hosting company for assistance.
  5. I would suggest upgrading to the latest release to resolve your other issues, once you have the PHP 8 issue resolved. With the PHP 8 issue, please disable all 3rd party items then test again. Its very likely one of those causing you problems
  6. If you have added adverts through our ads system, then it is indeed. You would do the following Create a new group that would be a group added to those subscribers Edit your advert, and exclude that group from being shown those ads Create your subscription, and have it add the new group as a secondary group Of course if there is any of that you are unsure on, please feel free to let us know what, and we can get you pointed in the right direction
  7. We dont actually have any control over what the browser itself enters into the editor unfortunately. Therefore if its entering extra space, there is only the browser that can resolve that. I have tagged developers anyway to see if there are any further thoughts on this of course
  8. Given its timing out, it would certainly be worth approaching your hosting company on this, as it seems your mysql instance is timing out there
  9. This is something you would refer to the instructions on viglink for.
  10. Please also check y our server error logs, as that may give you an indication as to what is actually causing the problem
  11. There is no way in which you can do what you are looking for at the present time, unfortunately.
  12. On the current version, you can actually use either, as they are compatible with one another. However its likely we will focus on the opensearch route going forward.
  13. You do have moderators who can see the moderator CP who may not be able to see set areas as they are restricted, so please provide at least 1 username
  14. If you have removed your card on file, then indeed it wouldnt be taken as there is no payment method. The invoice itself will be generated, and you will be informed its present if you wish to pay it
  15. As mentioned at the end of the message there, you really would need to contact your hosting company if this is something you are unable to resolve yourself. Your alternative would be to restore that table from your latest backup
  16. Check mysql is optimised so things arent timing out after very short periods too. This could also cause issues
  17. If the above is something you are unsure on, you would really need to contact your hosting company on this, as something has unfortunately gone wrong on your mysql instance that has caused a table to break
  18. You appear to have promote disabled entirely at a module level. Go to Admin CP → System → Applications, expand the system application, and you will see promote is disabled
  19. No problem at all. Appreciate you had been patiently waiting to see what was happening there 🙂
  20. Yes, they would remain operational as a self hosted platform. Only IPS services would become unavailable to to you. So for example, support, upgrades, the spam service etc.
  21. I have just spoken internally to see what the plan is for this. Currently we support Elasticsearch and OpenSearch, however they forked somewhat after version 7. At present, the plan is to focus on OpenSearch. Note, this may well change of course, but thats the plan currently.
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