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Everything posted by Marc

  1. Anything we create would be added to the core product, as a core item. We would not create 3rd party items. I'm not sure where you get the harassment from there. It really is as simple as needing you to disable 3rd party items to test things. We're not harassing you for not doing so. This is entirely up to yourself.
  2. Thank you for coming back to let us know, and very glad to hear you found the issue 🙂
  3. I would need an example of this in order to take a look at the problem.
  4. Could you please confirm where you have the installation? That would not work on a local install
  5. Im not sure what would be causing that issue, as its clearly accessible. I would ask however, why you would be doing this? Are you aware it submits itself?
  6. I wouldn't say that is the case, and sorry to hear you feel that way. I believe the correct analogy you were looking for is you believe that they are treated like covid. This isn't really the case, unless they cause symptoms like it. To explain the above. We find that most issues in support are caused by 3rd party items and badly configured environments. So naturally, you eliminate those 2 items before anything else, which is why it appears that way. But to do otherwise would be like admitting a patient to hospital with chest issues, who is struggling to breathe, and not testing to see if they have covid first. So your analogy in that context actually fits better than perhaps you intended. Its not something against the authors, its simply logical steps. If we updated the editor and upload process, and there was an editor issue related to uploads, we would look at that first, as logic dictates that is likely where the issue is. Its nothing more than this.
  7. Before we go on to this, did you find the actual issue there? I ask, as it doesnt sound like the cause was found. If not, its very very likely, even if we could find a way for you to do this, it will fail
  8. There isn't really a workaround there. It's an addition. There are performance reasons we don't add this to the core platform, as mentioned in the topic above. While there may be sites who can use things like this, they are not necessarily always something that is good to add to the core platform. If this was the case, the marketplace wouldn't exist. This is where the 3rd party community comes in. Application and plugin developers develop for people who purchase their application or plugin. So by definition, in this case, the only people purchasing that addon are the people who need that added. We do the same, but have a broader audience. The people who are buying our product, are not only people who need that feature added. There is nothing wrong with that. Its just the way it is. I'm sure there is a store somewhere that sells leopard print car seat covers for Ferraris. I'm also pretty sure thats never going to come as a default option
  9. Please feel free to post that up within our suggestions area.
  10. Ah, only in feeds. No, you would indeed need a plugin for that.
  11. Please could you let us know what you found to be the cause? Others may find the same issue, and its always handy if people know when they search the community
  12. It was indeed memory limit. Not sure why it wasnt being respected on your server, but it was certainly the issue, as the server was literally stating it hit the limit there. As a suggestion for any future items like this. If it's a large scale item such as moving items, changing servers, changing your domain etc, always backup everything fully before you start, and only ever do one at a time. Doing it in the manner you describe above will very likely cause you issues. 🙂
  13. I would need to know the name of the member in order to be able to take a look at this
  14. We would need an example member who you believe should be showing. We can then take a look from there
  15. You can then add this to your menu if you wanted to do so, in the manner described here https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/global-settings/setting-up-your-menu-r27/
  16. I must admit I'm not sure as to what you mean here. If you can point out the plugin, we can then advise accordingly. I think that would be the best way
  17. I have created a ticket for you on this, so we can look into the issue further
  18. Glad to hear you got the issue sorted 🙂
  19. Test this on a default unaltered theme, and also with all 3rd party items disabled. If that is then working, you need to enable one at a time until you find the cause
  20. Glad to hear thats sorted 🙂
  21. There isnt a way to do this within the core platform unfortunately. However I would ask what you are trying to achieve there? If its just a way to get information to your users, have you thought of just using an alert for this?
  22. All good. Glad you have what you need 🙂
  23. Glad you are sorted in any case 🙂
  24. I have converted this to a ticket for you.
  25. It seems you havent actually done that, unfortunately.
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