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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. What I believe you are looking for here is the setting in each forum. Edit the forum in question, and you will see....... And luuuk above beat me to it 😄
  2. Sorry to hear that. Hope the new upcoming features help with that 🙂
  3. There is no elasticsearch on the cloud based platform, so no values I can give you to enter there. There will be changes to the way in which search works internally on cloud at points in the future, on some levels, but that isnt there at present
  4. Ah I see now. I do see there was some changing about with our ranks, so its possible the thresholds were simply changed there. You've not lost anything there
  5. Thank you for the confirmation, and glad you got things resolved
  6. There is no workaround for that unfortunately at present.
  7. Im not actually seeing one on that date. Do you have an invoice number you can share so I can take a look?
  8. I'm a little confused as to what you mean here. There is no 'issue' present. This simply doesnt work in the manner you thought it worked.
  9. There are, for example achievements would be another, if you change thumbnail sizes in areas may be another. But you really shouldnt be seeking those out unless you have a specific issue or reason
  10. I believe you have read that incorrectly. You have 849 points to gain before you get to your next rank. Thats not what your points are currently
  11. In the ACP if you go to any user, and select the dropdown next to their content count, you can recount from there. It will ask if you want to do it just for that member, or for everyone.
  12. I have created a ticket on this for you, so we can take a closer look
  13. The INNODB is something you need to change on your hosting side. You would need to speak to your hosting company to change your tables to be INNODB if you are unsure how to do this. The same would be for the tmp file issues. These are issues relating to hosting, and not related to the software. Have you perhaps considered our cloud solution, as what you are using at the moment you appear to be struggling with?
  14. Yes, that is intentionally and has always been the case. Content count is added up, but in most cases removing content count because of things like tidy up, pruning etc, people would not want to remove that post count from people. So unless you actively recount, that count will stay. No, they are not included in the statistics.
  15. I have just linked this up to the marketplace application after conversation with Adriano on what was causing it not to show. The upgrade should now be showing for you
  16. Thank you for your feedback on the cloud environment there. Always happy to see people working well on our systems 🙂
  17. There would be no way in which to do that. Please feel free to post this up as a suggestion in our suggestions area. The overview shows an overview of events in that period. Whether or not they have been and gone, would not change that.
  18. No, that is incorrect. Deleting content will not remove postcount
  19. I am taking a look at this to see if we can get things sorted
  20. There is also a profile privacy one there. Not everything is disabled there unfortunately.
  21. I note this appears to be a test user. Could you please confirm if there is any possibility the items may have been permanently deleted? I ask as deleting items will not reduce count.
  22. This will be from 3rd party plugins most likely. Try recovery mode, which you can read more about here https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/welcome/getting-support-r292/ Also check any custom pages templates, as these could also be causing an issue (and likely are, looking at the error)
  23. As mentioned on the topic itself there, this has not been tested past version 2. Officially, its elasticsearch that is supported at present, however some do use opensearch.
  24. Have you rebuilt achievements? Also when you refer to "Items set not to count" are you ensuring you have not selected them in the achievement itself? If this is the case, we would need a specific example.
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