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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. You would need to contact your hosting company on this. It sounds like there were declarations in your htaccess on what to do with PHP files, so you would need to have been adding ours to yours, rather than replacing it entirely.
  2. Its worth noting that permissions are additive as apposed to subtractive. So when you say restrictions there, this is not actually correct. The default position is that a user has no permissions for anything. Groups add permissions. So for example, if in their group you have "maximum conversations a day" set to 5, dont look at it as restricting to 5. Look at it as they didnt have the permission to send any, so you are giving them 5. If you then add another group that has 10, you are then giving them permission to use 10. etc
  3. It would probably be worth contacting your host and getting the IPs in question blocked
  4. Ive created you a ticket so we can look closer at this for you
  5. Check you have updated anything you need to within your constants.php file, as well as your conf_global.php file
  6. Please check those details as your admin CP is returning that the details are incorrect
  7. Ah of course. It would only really be banning user accounts. If they are logged out there is no account, so no real way to do what you are looking to do there. The issue is you both want guests to be able to use the reporting, and not to be able to use reporting. There is no facility to block certain guests from using it, and we would advise against it
  8. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  9. An IP ban is not ignored in any way. If an IP is banned, they cannot actually even see anything to report. They would simply get the ban message. There is no way in which to geographically block these, unfortunately. Feel free to add that to our feedback area. At present, the general advice on areas like this would be to remove access to guests. While I understand a user may not want to log in, you also dont want spam. They can log in, or can use contact us to request things are removed, if they really wanted to. Of course, its up to you, but personally thats the way I would go. At present you are going out of your way for people who do not want to contribute to your site, at the expense of spam.
  10. The most sensible way would be to disallow guests from reporting content, to be honest. That is actually the default. You can change this from the guest group, on the content tab
  11. If you are using something custom, then custom is indeed what you would need to write. There is no access to the database on the cloud platform. As mentioned, the table you are talking about there is not our table, and we host only our own tables here. So its not actually clear what you are trying to achieve
  12. There appears to be some confusion here. We do not have a table named vendors
  13. You can change that within the "Prune settings" option in the top right of that same page. That will not change the spam rating however, if thats what you are referring to
  14. I believe this was a bug that was resolved quite a while ago. Are you also seeing this on a default unaltered theme? If this is the case, please provide an example I can take a look at
  15. Your server is what you should be looking at in order to gain performance, rather than any settings in the admin CP. Items such as ensuring mySQL is optimised correctly, for example
  16. Videos I believe will. Its just reels that dont at present. Whether or not you can integrate something like the above would depend on your own development knowledge. We can only advise on what the current suite is capable of. The reality is, that integrating with Facebook is getting harder and harder, unfortunately. In order to integrate successfully, you will need to ensure you get business verification, as previously mentioned
  17. You are making a little too much of the URLs there. When you click on a club forum, you are in a forum, and therefore that is indeed what the URL will show. This is the same for many areas of the software. In terms of widgets, all widgets show in a widget area. I would need to know what you mean in terms of not showing everywhere. Are you referring to showing on every club? What widget?
  18. You are indeed correct in that there is no access to the database on our cloud environment. You would need to create a plugin that returns that information if you need it. When you refer to a table 'vendor', is this something added from a 3rd party application somewhere? If so, you would be best to contact the author of that application
  19. The following guide shows how to add access details if needed https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/client-services/getting-support-r292/#access
  20. Please can you let me know the member ID of that member? I can then take a look on your site
  21. Sorry its not actually clear what you are showing me there. You appear to have added Afghanistan then saved.
  22. While 6 month is not something returning, its worth noting we actually do a monthly option. If you did really want to do 6 month, you could add account credit for 6 month of payments, and then choose the monthly option.
  23. It opens above for me also. What browser are you using?
  24. I feel there may have been misunderstanding there. Your site was not accessible at all at the time I sent the message there. So I couldnt get on to check anything. It does seem to be back now We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
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