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Everything posted by Marc

  1. Please could you give me an example item you are searching for? I can then take a look for you to see if I can see whats going on
  2. That would look the way to do it, based on what you are asking for, yes
  3. As mentioned by some other here, you could indeed create basic support via the use of pages if needed. I have even seen some people who have just used forums for this purpose, by creating a forum where members can see only their own topics. We certainly appreciate that some users will miss the features than this offered, of course. And we will try and point people in the right direction where we can. If you have anything further to add regarding the deprecation of this (or indeed any other item), please feel free to discuss in the topic provided here. You will see this has however been discussed quite at length.
  4. This is not something in which is possible at the present time, unfortunately. The validation link will always lead to the validation page, which in turn leads back to the main page of your site once validated. If they then click the link and log in, it will of course lead them to the correct location
  5. I think thats the version where the admin CP manages you.
  6. You would need to contact the author of that application in order to gain support. We would not be able to assist with 3rd party applications.
  7. All in due time 🙂 I would say however that we do have plans with commerce throughout v5, although maybe not for the first release. This has been mentioned a few times in terms of us concentrating more on the monetization of the product once the physical sale items have been removed. 🙂
  8. Which is apparently, just fine this morning 😄
  9. Exactly this, unfortunately.
  10. It would actually be the other way around. As those as external factors, you really should be resolving those external factors.
  11. There isnt anywhere specific for theses. It would be something you would need customisation to achieve
  12. If they are able to see anything else needing approval, then I wouldnt think so. Unless you dont give permission to see hidden items? If you are unsure, please let me know the name of an example moderator who cannot see these, and I can log in and take a look for you
  13. We would not tend to do guides for users. This would be for each site owner to do for their own purposes. This is because every site will look different, have different applications running, have different features available to their users, and may even have 3rd party functionality that wouldnt be present in core.
  14. When you say they have been "Uploaded", how have you done this?
  15. You would need to speak to your domain host on how best to do this. Usually something like this would do the job if using htaccess Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/forums/(.*)$ RewriteRule ^(.*) https://forum.yourdomain.com/$1 [R=301,NC]
  16. There is no way in which to do this at the present time, unfortunately. Please feel free to add as a feedback topic if its something you would like to see appear in the future
  17. There is nowhere in which to change timeouts for this at the present time. You can only set that for all 2 factor. So go to 2 factor authentication>Settings, and you will see how often it should ask there.
  18. It does indeed sound like a cache issue you have there, so try the above first of all. If you are then still having problems, please update your access details on file, so I can take a look and see what I can see
  19. I would suggest checking mod_security to see if this is blocking things while saving. Also ensure you disable all 3rd party applications and plugins while doing this
  20. You would indeed require customisation in order to achieve something like this. There is no way in which to force users to make a choice, which is what I believe you are looking to do here
  21. I have created a ticket on this for you so we can take a closer look.
  22. If you disable any 3rd party and check on a default theme, are you seeing the same?
  23. Yes, so those are also whether or not you have read notifications, not whether or not the item its notifying you about is read. I say click on the bell icon, as that is how you would see the notifications. Then refresh the page you mention there, and all the items there will not be bold
  24. Open the notifications section and refresh the page. You will see they are all read
  25. There is no way in which to decrease this on cloud, no.
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