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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. Officially the advice would be not to create one at all. The software has this built in. If you are doing something outside of what the software already does, then you would really need someone with expertise in that area to assist with whatever you are trying to achieve.
  2. This is not something that is an option within the product at present. You can currently download individual invoices only. It may be worth looking at zapier to see if this is something you can achieve with zaps
  3. That would indeed be expected, as it's the same action performed. I can only say if its caused no issues, then just let us know if you see this happen again on your next upgrade
  4. Im not sure I understand the question there, as you appear to have answered it there. You would create a secondary group, and give that secondary group permissions to the forums you wish them to have access to Note that permissions are additive. So for example Group 1 has access to forum 1 and 2 Group 2 has access to only forum 3 If you give a member group 1, and a secondary group of group 3, they would have access to all 3 forums
  5. Of course 🙂 The requirement checker mentioned can be found in the following location https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/7046-invision-community-requirements-checker/
  6. Please feel free to post up this as a suggestion within our feedback area. I understand this does not work in the manner you wish for it to work.
  7. Yes, thats correct. They either can or cannot delete their own content. That includes their own topic (regardless of who has responded to them)
  8. Could you let me know what you are happy for me to save as a selection on your site for testing?
  9. That is correct, yes. If you answer that, you should be back in right away. This is one of those situations where a real user (yourself) has been caught up in the prevention. This was added to ensure you can get back as soon as possible
  10. Its actually part of the guides 🙂
  11. The default moderators group that comes on first install has all moderator permissions. Bear in mind that moderators is a set of permissions, rather than a usergroup. So the 'moderator' usergroup is added to be moderators in Members>Staff>Moderators. So to answer your question, you would create a new group and save it, then you would go to Members>Staff>Moderators and add that group in there with all permissions.
  12. Could I ask if you have been using the beta of 4.7.13 at some point? What you are seeing with saving sounds like an issue we had in beta. In terms of what you can see (ie, you mention guests cant see), if you are logged in you will see what you have permission for
  13. This is being removed from Invision Community in version 5. Incidentally you can see this on our deprecation tracker here if needed https://invisioncommunity.com/deprecation-tracker/ In terms of moving to another product, we will be providing advice nearer the time. We dont even have version 5 in alpha as of yet, and its not being removed from 4 at all. So you have time yet. Have you thought about using a forum for this purpose? By allowing only the author to see their own topics? Just a thought for you
  14. We would not offer optimisation of your own server. Thats something you would need to contact your hosting company on. If you are referring to cloud, we take care of all that so you dont need to
  15. Indeed, that issue was also on this site. Its since been resolved I do understand you were able to post here btw. It was intermittent on the servers
  16. I think you may be misunderstanding there. You have no price increase at all, unless you choose to change terms (in the same manner as if you had chosen to add more applications before). If you havent changed terms, your price is as it was previously. What we have done is stopped selling items individually. This isnt an increase in price, it's a removal of sale options
  17. If you are unsure on how server optimisation will help on the basis you have a lot of CPU and memory, that would most certainly emphasise why would need someone running your server. As while you can make a server perform better by increasing those if configuration is done correctly, you can actually make no difference at all by increasing these in any way if configuration is incorrect. Just as a very very basic example. If your mysql is set to utilise 8gb of memory, you can add 500gb to your server, and it will make no difference unless you change the way mysql is configured accordingly. In terms of cloud, we have US and EU based servers. We also have many customers using cloud in the middle east
  18. As mentioned, there are some instances where this works incorrectly, which seems to be down to ckeditor at present
  19. I would need to know more information as to where you saw this. This is not the case for self hosted, if this is what you are looking to purchase? If its cloud, thats monthly or yearly
  20. There is nothing like that within the core platform at present
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