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Marc Stridgen

Invision Community Team
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  1. Like
    Marc Stridgen reacted to nodle in Conversion XenForo 2.2 to Invision Community 4.5 or 4.6   
    Just wanted to chime in and give a big shout out to @Stuart Silvester. With his help I was able to successfully do a transfer. (Give this man a raise 😄). Also thanks to @Charles. It's customer service like this that a lot of forum software companies are missing these days. Glad to be back and be part of the IPS family once again. 

  2. Thanks
    Marc Stridgen got a reaction from bearback in [Bug] Profile fields IPS 4.6.6   
    Just to let you all know, there has now been a patch just released to resolve this issue. To apply the patch, please visit support in your Admin CP and select the "Optional Update" item shown
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    Marc Stridgen reacted to Ryan Ashbrook in theme differences tool - this site   
    This should be fixed now.
  4. Thanks
    Marc Stridgen got a reaction from Afrodude in [Bug] Profile fields IPS 4.6.6   
    Just to let you all know, there has now been a patch just released to resolve this issue. To apply the patch, please visit support in your Admin CP and select the "Optional Update" item shown
  5. Like
    Marc Stridgen got a reaction from Jimi Wikman in Sharing on Linkedin pick the first image as shared image?   
    This being the case, it sounds very much like it's a linked in issue, rather than one of your own there
    Your articles look awesome btw 🙂 
  6. Like
    Marc Stridgen reacted to Nathan Explosion in Source editor button unavailable   
  7. Like
    Marc Stridgen got a reaction from Buttercup in Forum Statistics   
    There isnt a setting for this, however one of our customers has placed a suggestion on how to customise this if you wanted to look?
    There is also an open suggestion for adding a setting for this. 
  8. Like
    Marc Stridgen reacted to Afrodude in [Bug] Profile fields IPS 4.6.6   
    IPS staff are working on it, so we should only wait until they release a fix. 
  9. Like
    Marc Stridgen got a reaction from SeNioR- in How i setup a CDN?   
    Also checking simple things first such as going to support in your AdminCP and ensuring you follow any suggestions in there. Items such as tables not using INNODB can affect performance for example.
  10. Like
    Marc Stridgen got a reaction from SeNioR- in [] WhosOnline widget didn't work   
    Please bear in mind it can take some time for these to go through. From the point its determined to be a bug, it needs to actually be fixed, then reviewed, then applied to a version, then actually released.  These processes mean it may not have a fix for the next release. It may be the release after, and in some complex cases longer
  11. Thanks
    Marc Stridgen got a reaction from Thomas P in theme differences tool - this site   
    Thank you for letting us know. I will make our developers aware of this so that it can be looked into.
  12. Thanks
    Marc Stridgen got a reaction from LiquidFractal in Setting up a forced-innoDB database in phpMyAdmin?   
    tables are created using the default storage engine, so switching that will indeed have the desired effect
  13. Like
    Marc Stridgen got a reaction from Brainy S. in Migrating IPS site to new domain: Font Awesome issues   
    If you are physically moving the tested site to another server, then take a look at the guidelines here. You can however selectively use the information you need from this to switch from dev to live
    The main things to remember when doing this are the following
    If you are converting the other system, do a test first. This will save you having issues on the day you do it for real, and you will know what to expect Use -TESTINSTALL at the end of your license key, to use your test key instance. That way you dont have any issues with switching to your live domain. You just move it and set your live license key Any issues at all, go to ACP->Support (top right) and see that page to see if there is anything showing up, and (as already mentioned) use clear cache Make sure if you are moving from a subfolder, you change any .htaccess files (and indeed ensure you move that, as I have seen people miss that where its hidden) When changing your conf_global.php file, back it up, then change it. That way if you make a mistake, you can repeat that process. I have seen many times someone accidentally delete or add something that breaks the site on moving items
    One thing you can do to speed up the process, is if you are moving from one location to another with the physical files, make a copy of all the files in advance. Then you can just replace those which have been added or changed.
  14. Thanks
    Marc Stridgen got a reaction from AlexWebsites in New notification when content is approved in 4.6   
    This is still showing as being worked on at present, and  your ticket on this is still active
  15. Like
    Marc Stridgen reacted to opentype in How i setup a CDN?   
    A CDN won’t magically make your size faster, especially if you already use Cloudflare. 
    For speed improvements, you rather want to improve your website. I had a look and your site loads a huge amount of resources for each page load. Lots of images, lots of local third-party code, lots of external stuff from Google and Twitch. I would rather suggest to work on that. 
  16. Like
    Marc Stridgen reacted to Lucas James in Force a MariaDB database install to innoDB?   
    You need to edit the /etc/my.cnf file with following parameter under the [mysqld] section:
    Save the file and restart MySQL/MariaDB.
  17. Like
    Marc Stridgen reacted to asigno in Is there a setting to add register button header to mobile?   
    Thank you @Marc Stridgenthat fixed it, I had only added the GTM code, but it was an older version of the globalTemplate.
  18. Like
    Marc Stridgen got a reaction from asigno in Is there a setting to add register button header to mobile?   
    You would need to revert your globalTemplate there. At some point you have edited that template, and therefore its not updated. So your theme at present doesnt have the changes required to add that menu
  19. Like
    Marc Stridgen got a reaction from SeNioR- in There's something wrong with .mov files embedding   
    I can see this happening with MOV files here and opened a bug report on this. It appears it is happening with any device that cannot natively play them. Not only can you not show the video (expected) but you cannot download it (not expected)
  20. Haha
    Marc Stridgen reacted to Daniel F in Calendar-Add similar event bug   

    It was fixed in 
    Fixed an issue where copying a calendar event with a broken cover image would result in an exception.
  21. Like
    Marc Stridgen reacted to Dean_ in Username glow for groups   
    Be sure to enable this too.
  22. Like
    Marc Stridgen got a reaction from brfcs in Bulk email failed after 300 sends, can I bulk resend?   
    You can set up any mail that uses SMTP by adding the relevant details into the email settings area. You can see how to do this here if needed
  23. Like
    Marc Stridgen reacted to Jim M in Which i can do with Pages addon?   
    Pages is our Content Management System(CMS) application. Has a lot built into it. I would suggest starting in our Guides to get a feel for what it can do: 
    Can create static and dynamic pages, build Databases to create an article system (or other custom data types), custom blocks/widgets, and more. 
  24. Like
    Marc Stridgen got a reaction from Jim M in Here we go again.. Facebook action required   
    You would need to email all members to let them know if they use facebook login, they need to reset. There is no way in which to specifically target users with facebook login at present
  25. Thanks
    Marc Stridgen reacted to Matt in Achievements - Days/Months/Years of Active Membership   
    There's a bit of confusion here from my brief responses. I'll be a little more verbose in this reply. 😄
    Here's how the system should work and why:
    The rule 'Member logs in for the first time that day'...
    ... offers two options. "Time since registered" and "concurrent daily login". These are two different things.

    The time since registered, is simply an award based on the length of time since they joined.
    The concurrent daily log in is simply an award based on the number of days concurrently logged in (so logged in daily without fail for N days).
    This rule is triggered by a new session being started. A new session is started in the code for you when you either manually log in with a form/button or visit with cookies stored.

    Starting with Invision Community 4.6, we record the log-in date in a separate table.

    With 4.6, when a session is created, a row is either added or updated for that day.
    This means that from 4.6, future rebuilds CAN award the "concurrent log in" badges without a user needing to log in again IF they have logged into your 4.6+ version at any time.
    With regards to time since registered: if you chose to rebuild your achievements, the rebuild iterates through your members and looks for valid full members, who have visited at any point since you launched your community and checks to see if their joined date is old enough for the badge.
    If you chose not to rebuild your achievements, then you would need to wait until a user comes back and log ins to create a new session and trigger the event.
    Hopefully this clears it up. I understand it's a bit confusing and it seems like you've had overlapping answers because it's a fairly complex part of the suite and what happens is really conditional on the length of time since you've upgraded to 4.6, and when you last rebuilt your data and when your users last visited.
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