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Stuart Silvester

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Posts posted by Stuart Silvester

  1. On 3/14/2023 at 9:07 PM, Florent_ said:


    Like some other clients, I have an error when I try to "Sign in to Marketplace" :

    I use nginx so no .htaccess, I don't block IP...I don't see any particular logs.

    So, if you have an idea..


    Versions :
    - Invision 4.7.7
    - PHP : 8.1.16 (same issue with 8.0.X)

    It looks like your SSL certificate/server may only allow TLS 1.3, also allowing TLS 1.2 will address this issue. Note that TLS 1.2 is still widely supported across the internet and still required for some services and older browsers.


  2. Yes, that's right, alternative contacts can no longer submit Marketplace resources. Only primary account holders are able to do this.

    I had a look at your primary account, I think the issue is that you have multiple accounts and you're not signing into the right one, or the incorrect one has been linked with the client area. Please try signing in with it now. If that doesn't work we'll move this to a ticket.

  3. I would encourage you to sign up to our status page, you'll get notified about incidents and ongoing status via email - https://status.invisioncommunity.com/


    Early this morning, our launch configurations that have been in place for some time started failing. An internal utility at AWS that has been in place for years was no longer operating. A work around has been put in place and we are investigating with our AWS account representative as to the root cause of this failure. They do not yet know at this time.

    Our sincerest apologies for this downtime event. We have monitoring, automatic scaling, and various systems in place to prevent just such an issue. However, with such a low level piece of the AWS systems failing without warning, we were unable to quickly recover.

    At this time we have no further information but can promise we will work with AWS to determine root cause.


  4. 1 minute ago, Franck Poulain said:

    I don't think so because currently all my API calls made in my software are returning '403' (Forbidden) error right now.

    Here is what my software is logging with a "hello" request used to know the availability of the API at the start of the software:

    "Failed to execute '/api/core/hello/' API request. HTTP response code is '403' (Forbidden)"

    Thank you in advance for your work and good luck with the fix 🙂 

    Ok thanks! we'll continue working with you on this via your ticket.

  5. 10 hours ago, Eduard Kripak said:

    Hi, I have issue with login to marketplace.

    Our Marketplace server received an unexpected response from your community. Please ensure your community is up to date and web accessible (localhost installations are not supported) and contact technical support if the issue persists. (server_error)


    You have something called pro-managed protection blocking the requests we were sending to your server.

    Error text:
    Host: <host>
    Request: /cookies.html?cdata=8ec7ab5fdd2ece6fb2053d0814614cb6&backurl=https://f<host>/index.php?app=core&module=system&controller=marketplace&pmtry=3
    HTTPS: on
    Protocol: HTTP/1.1
    User IP: <ip>
    Browser: InvisionCommunity/1.0
    Timemark: 1679200791
    ErrorCode: 405
    ClusterNodeID: M-26


    1 hour ago, tzrtim said:

    Yeah, Down for me too - will put in a ticket

    Your issue is something different that we're looking in to, we'll update your ticket when we have further information.

  6. Hi,

    I was wrong, the security issues only really come into play when you allow SVG uploads (I'm not sure where my mind was yesterday when I replied!).

    The internal bug report is still open, but out of interest is it Firefox you're using to reproduce this issue? I wasn't able to reproduce it in Chromium based browsers, only Firefox.

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