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Everything posted by bfarber

  1. "Source" probably comes from the feed itself. You can shut off "Read full article" by editing the RSS feed in the AdminCP and disabling adding the link (it's a per-feed setting).
  2. No, those files don't need to be web accessible necessarily for the software to run correctly.
  3. There is no way to modify this form I'm afraid. The issue with the categories not displaying should be fixed in 4.6.0.
  4. This is an intended change designed to help boost income for sites using free trials. A lot of users will provide a credit card when offered a free trial, and then allow their subscription to continue without cancelling it, but may never come back to provide their credit card if not required to up front. It's a pretty common sales tactic. Ultimately, as mentioned, this is intended, but I could see a desire for a setting perhaps to control the behavior. Either way, I'm not sure this is really an ideal topic for the development gateway forum here. Would you like me to move this to the feedback forum instead?
  5. You are certainly welcome to suggest changes to the software in our feedback forum if you would like to see new or different functionality. https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/180-sales-feedback-and-information/ I can ohly suggest submitting a ticket at this stage. Unfortunately without investigating directly I can only offer guesses.
  6. I've been experimenting with some options that should help improve the behavior in an upcoming release. 👍
  7. Thanks, we'll take a look at this.
  8. Our support system was migrated yesterday to a new provider
  9. Regarding the bugs you are referencing, we have no open Commerce bugs in our bug tracker system (although there are some bug fixes queued for 4.6). Which bugs are you referring to? Have you reported them through the ticket system to ensure we are aware and can be certain the issues are resolved? As to your original question, there is no real way to set up a product that renews but to also have an indefinite purchase option. What I expect most people would do is set up two separate products, such as "My license" which has various renewal options, and "My license (lifetime)" which is more expensive but has no renewal terms. These two separate products can be configured to behave the same - i.e. to award the same groups and so on.
  10. There is no built in option (beyond what you are already doing) to adjust the outgoing email address on a per-email (or bulk mail) basis. There is only a single outgoing email address setting which is used for all outgoing emails.
  11. It sounds like some sort of javascript/AJAX issue in the AdminCP. Use your browser developer tools to inspect the AJAX requests being made in the AdminCP and see if any are failing. If they are, look at the response to determine why they are failing.
  12. Considering your other topic where plugins are randomly disappearing, I'm wondering if your database is corrupting which would explain all of these issues potentially.
  13. Are you saying the plugins are just disappearing in the AdminCP under System > Plugins? If so, somehow the records are missing from the database and I couldn't begin to imagine how if someone isn't uninstalling those plugins.
  14. I agree, it sounds like the files are corrupted upon upload and you should reupload a full set of files.
  15. Try changing <?php $bg = array('0_header2a.jpg', '0_IMG_20200928_120515.jpg?_cb=1611148998', '0_m_vengeance_lpx_ddr4_2400_2x8gb-1610717649-743-e.jpg?_cb=1611148998' ); // array of filenames $i = rand(0, count($bg)-1); // generate random number size of the array $selectedBg = "$bg[$i]"; // set variable equal to which random filename was chosen ?> <li class="ipsWidget ipsWidget_horizontal ipsBox ipsResponsive_block"> <div class="SuperBlocks_thumbImage SuperBlocks_thumbImage_low SuperBlocks_shadowContainer" style="background-image:url('//www.xyxcx.com/pages_media/<?php echo $selectedBg; ?>) no-repeat;"> to <?php $bg = array('0_header2a.jpg', '0_IMG_20200928_120515.jpg?_cb=1611148998', '0_m_vengeance_lpx_ddr4_2400_2x8gb-1610717649-743-e.jpg?_cb=1611148998' ); // array of filenames $i = rand(0, count($bg)-1); // generate random number size of the array $selectedBg = $bg[ $i ]; // set variable equal to which random filename was chosen ?> <li class="ipsWidget ipsWidget_horizontal ipsBox ipsResponsive_block"> <div class="SuperBlocks_thumbImage SuperBlocks_thumbImage_low SuperBlocks_shadowContainer" style="background-image:url('//www.xyxcx.com/uploads/pages_media/{$selectedBg}') no-repeat;">
  16. Are you talking about shipment orders? If so, they do not have multiple separate statuses. You can adjust from pending to shipped to cancelled, but cannot define custom statuses like "in progress". That's not a bad suggestion though, so you may wish to post in our Feedback forum requesting this change be added in a future release.
  17. We have a custom header applied basically so that we can match our main site and community, but otherwise largely use the default theme.
  18. https://invisioncommunity.com/notifications/options/ You can also force this and not allow moderators to override the preference through the AdminCP notification preferences area.
  19. bfarber replied to KT Walrus's post in a topic in Feedback
    It's on our radar
  20. We have to do a pseudo-random ordering for sites with large galleries, because MySQL's "ORDER BY RAND()" is extremely expensive from a performance angle. That said, it is possible we can improve our pseudo-random selections a bit - I'll take a look.
  21. An alternative might be to use clubs for your purposes. Clubs can contain download categories and you can explicitly control who has access to individual clubs.
  22. The error indicates a problem connecting to Redis. You can disable Redis by editing constants.php in your community root directory,
  23. Sorry, I was mistaken and the behavior has changed. The online list simply lists every active session, while the "Who's Online" widget lists every logged in member and a raw count of guests.
  24. bfarber replied to Adlago's post in a topic in Feedback
    We have a general SEO audit/review planned and this is on the list.
  25. Not via the web, no. If you wish to block web access to it you can.