Everything posted by bfarber
Name and address fields on checkout page
AdminCP > Commerce > Settings > "Checkout" tab Some payment gateways may require the information so read the setting carefully.
ModCP Deleted Content Not Deleting in 30 Days?
I agree your best option is to submit a ticket so we can take a look.
creating a theme with theme editor or app development
I am unaware of any designers creating applications just to create their themes. Most designers use the theme system to create their themes, however many designers use Designers Mode for this purpose.
Redis caching not improving performance - it's worse
There are several factors at play so I can't say "yes" or "no" without qualifying the answer. You may wish to try it out to see if it performs the best in your case in any event.
I meant the server level error logs, which aren't available in your AdminCP and are separate from your php error log. Where they are located will depend upon what webserver software you are using and what operating system you are using typically.
Email Digest Not Truncated
Thanks for pointing this out, I've put in a note to have this looked at for our next release.
sending multiple \IPS\core\AdminNotification
Yes it is possible. As long as $extra is a different value here, it will register as a new notification public static function send( $app, $extension, $extra = NULL, $resend = TRUE, $extraForEmail = NULL, $bypassEmail = FALSE ) That said, it's typically best to follow established paradigms where possible. We may, for instance, make a change in the future that disallows this ability.
IPS Community Suite
If you are self-hosted, we recommend taking a backup before applying upgrades as mentioned by @Miss_B. It is often a good idea to upgrade a test installation first to ensure there are no compatibility problems before upgrading your live site. That said, as a general rule upgrading between minor point releases (i.e. 4.5.2 to 4.5.4) should not cause you any issues, while upgrading major point releases (i.e. 4.5.x to 4.6.0) should be treated with extra caution due to a higher likelihood that third party customizations such as plugins, applications and themes will no longer be compatible.
This is almost certainly some sort of server issue - unfortunately I couldn't begin to guess what. You may be able to start by reviewing server error logs to see if perhaps an Apache plugin is crashing or something along those lines. If you use a CDN like Cloudfront, you may wish to temporarily bypass it for further testing to see if a more concrete error response is returned.
More friendly URLs in blogs
If you use Pages for your blog (like we do for our News here), you can remove the ID from the URL because you can define custom friendly URL slugs.
Manually updating marketplace files
The reality is it's pretty rare that a "corrupted" file occurs with software like ours, outside of when someone is manually uploading files and they have connection issues (i.e. the connection drops mid-upload). That said, if this is something that actually comes up we could look at a "reapply files" button for applications in the marketplace. We wouldn't likely do that unless we see material instances of this happening outside of hypothetical situations mind you, but it's not something that's a blanket "no". It is, however, something completely separate from what was originally requested and discussed.
sending multiple \IPS\core\AdminNotification
For AdminCP notifications we would not recommend sending multiple of one instance (or trying to), but rather following the pattern we use of grouping the notifications appropriately. When clicking on the "View all notifications" link you get more details, i.e.
How do i download plugins?
We use AWS for our infrastructure. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-ip-ranges.html
Incorrect Meta og:type added for each Pages database record?
We would not release a patch for 4.4 to correct this issue I'm afraid, so if you have not updated and don't plan to soon you may need to manually patch your installation to correct the issue, or develop a plugin to do so.
Site Won't Work After Moving To New Server
This is related to an inability to connect to MySQL for some reason. I'm glad you got it resolved. For reference, this may be of help to anyone else who hits this in the future: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1676688/mysql-connection-not-working-2002-no-such-file-or-directory
Old Guest Posts (Guest Never Registered)
Indeed, the "post before register" feature didn't even exist in 2014 so some of these posts you are looking at are simply posts attributed to a guest, and not specifically posts made by a guest since the new feature was introduced. You'd have to look at the old posts to gather some more information really. They could have been made by a user who has since been deleted, you may have allowed guests to post at some point, there may have been a bug in a previous version of the software - it's difficult to definitively give a blanket answer for 209 posts dating back to 2014 on this end I'm afraid.
Incorrect Meta og:type added for each Pages database record?
This will be addressed in our upcoming 4.6 release.
Error Search Category in Pages (ACP)
I can reproduce so I'll take a look. Thanks for reporting!
searching in custom databaze
Are you adding the widget to a listing page (i.e. a page that lists records)? Do you have any fields configured to allow filtering?
Developing w/ Cloud Hosted Version
you'd probably need to do something like this in your block $_SESSION['arrayValues'] = ...;// The array data and then look at $_SESSION['arrayValues'] in the rest of the block/template after. I just used $_SESSION as a globally accessible storage container in this case, you could use other similar paradigms.
API request to my forum is getting blocked by CORS policy
If you make the request within the client/browser, you need to content with CORS which is designed to allow cross-domain requests to work but also provide protection against javascript-based attacks. Essentially, you'll need to add a few response headers for these requests which is typically done at the server level. Postman doesn't run in the browser context which is why it works without an error. One word of caution - running any sort of API requests via javascript exposes the API credentials. We'd only recommend using an OAuth-based client for API requests if javascript is going to be executing the API requests, since the permission level will match the current logged in user anyways.
24H Clock in calendar
For the record since this was bumped, this is a current feature (the original topic is 5 years old). This can be enabled in the AdminCP settings for Calendar.
Change the "Start New Topic" for Forums
If you're using the application that is linked to I would contact the author for support to ask how you use the feature being mentioned as a default feature.
searching in custom databaze
Not exactly accurate. The "Allow filtering" option does not control the sort menu, but rather which fields are filterable. That said, the filter form does not display by default on the page. What you need to do is open the sidebar widget manager and add a "Database Filters" widget to the list of records page to add the filter options. This will give you the following (taken from our bug tracker here)
Problem with Post Before Registration and streams (bug?)
Sometimes a ticket is the easiest way to diagnose a problem, even if the issue can be duplicated on a fresh install. When you look at the steps necessary to reproduce a problem and it can take an hour to set up your test installation to duplicate the problem, but you already have a live example we can look at, it's often more effective and efficient to look at the live example. Support is included with your license and we encourage anyone experiencing a problem to make use of our support.