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Posts posted by bfarber

  1. We store the post content as already generated HTML, which means the same content is served to members and guests. In order to accomplish what is being asked here our options are limited, as such. We could in theory...

    • Link to a script that serves the image (instead of to the actual image), and let that script serve an error/alternative "no access" image to guests. Main con: you lose the benefit of using a CDN (such as Cloudfront) to serve your images.
    • Use javascript to provide an alternative experience for guests. Main con: simply disabling javascript circumvents the "protection", so it's not really that useful if you truly want to block guests from seeing the images.
    • Store different content for guests and members. Main con: you duplicate the bulk of your database, and all existing content would need to be rebuilt on upgrade.

    Realistically there's not a great way to handle what you are asking for when you factor in other considerations as above.

  2. In the languages area of the AdminCP you can disable any languages you don't wish to use.

    The default language to use will be determined by your browse/user-agent. For instance, if you have English and French installed, and your browser says "this user is using an English language on their computer" then you should get English used by default on the site. For users who use French primarily, then the French language pack should automatically be chosen.

  3. Inside the loop you have $fieldId, so you could do this:

    {{$field = \IPS\cms\Fields<database_id>::load( $fieldId );}}
    Label: {$field->_title}
    Description: {$field->_description}

    Alternatively, they're just language strings with the key "content_field_<field_id>" and "content_field_<field_id>_desc" so you could use

    Label: {expression="\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'content_field_' . $fieldId )"}
    Description: {expression="\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'content_field_' . $fieldId . '_desc' )"}


  4. UPDATE downloads_files_records SET column=REPLACE(column, 'https://xyz.old.com', 'https://xyz.new.com');

    Take a backup first, add your SQL table prefix to the table name if applicable, and adjust "column" appropriately. Also, it goes without saying, adjust the old and new URLs appropriately.

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