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Posts posted by bfarber

  1. I would second running a one-time REPLACE SQL statement for this specific purpose.

    Back up the database, then run something like

    UPDATE forums_posts SET post=REPLACE(post,'http://wrongDomain.com/','http://correctDomain.com/');

    Note that you may wish to check other similar tables (blog entries, status updates, personal conversations, etc.) but the method is the same, just the table name and column will vary.

  2. As has been mentioned, IPS Connect used to allow sharing of membership databases between sites, however that was removed and you should use OAuth to connect your sites instead for login integration. Note that this does not share groups, account configurations, etc. - it simply allows you to share your account login credentials between sites (much like logging in to a site using Facebook).

  3. For some reason you are exceeding the maximum number of allowed MySQL connections. Are any other portions of your site or server using the same MySQL details which may be consuming the resources?

    If your site was working fine, you didn't make any changes, and suddenly things started going haywire like this I'd tend to think either (1) your site is being attacked, or (2) something has changed on the server side.

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