Posts posted by bfarber
You have to ensure the js is loaded. In your controller you do something like this, adjusting the filename as appropriate.
\IPS\Output::i()->jsFiles = array_merge( \IPS\Output::i()->jsFiles, \IPS\Output::i()->js('front_browse.js', 'gallery' ) );
Here you'd change "browse" to the javascript controller location, and "gallery" to your application key.
As others have mentioned, in order to remove the copyright line you need to purchase the branding removal option in your client area. Removing the "Powered by" line without purchasing branding removal constitutes a violation of the license agreement and would most typically lead to the license being terminated.
The software is more focused around receiving payments than sending payments, so there is not a lot of functionality built in to "send" payments.
You can issue refunds through the software, including partial refunds.
You can issue account credit to users which can be used to make future purchases.
When issuing account credit, you can allow users to make withdrawls as has been noted.
But beyond that, you can't just open an input field and specify an arbitrary amount of money to send a user through whatever payment processor you may be using.
You can already place an advertisement in the sidebar, however it will display above any other blocks, not in a configurable position.
In order to show an ad in a different position, you would need to use template logic to add a new advertisement location, or create a custom Pages block that loads and prints out an advertisement.
23 hours ago, RoleplayUK said:
@bfarber I would also love the option to restrict this to commerce related pages also.
Also is there an option to redirect the user to a stripe checkout page rather than using the integrated commerce one?
People on our community would feel more confident in entering there details
I'm afraid this is not an option at this time, although SCA sometimes results in a page from Stripe (or I believe more accurately, the card issuer) appearing in the browser when the user checks out in order to confirm details.
Possible to call a block from within an editor field?
in Technical Problems
It is not possible to embed a Pages block within a standard editor field, no.