Posts posted by bfarber
If you want to add ad code inline in an article, you will need to edit the appropriate template to display it. This will be in the Pages template area, with the specific template you needing to edit depending upon your database configuration. It will be the record view template specifically you'll want to edit.
While probably a niche scenario, I'd say what you are describing is likely the intended behavior. Most of the time the system is used to go from "Moderate content" to "Restrict from posting" to "Banned". Ultimately your setup looks like it would ban users each time they get a point, so the other settings seem pretty pointless actually.
Meta keywords are like "tags" but only for search engines - they're embedded in the HTML document, but visitors don't see them visually.
Tags can also be useful for SEO purposes, but are primarily a means to allow end users to cross-link similar content. If your community is about pets, people might use tags like "cat", "dog", "hamster", etc. When reading a topic about a hamster, I could click the tag and see all other topics that also have a "hamster" tag to see content I may be interested in.
You can simply disable tags in the AdminCP if you don't wish to use them. This is a better option IMO than allowing tags to be used but not displaying them to the end user.
As others have noted, reputation counts (like post counts) are not a current "live" tally. When you receive the reputation, your score does not go down if the post is later removed (for instance), or if the reputation type is deleted (so you wouldn't see the reputation type and its count listed on the profile page, but your score would still reflect that you received that reputation initially).
When you add a sidebar widget, it only displays on those pages. So you can create a custom HTML block (using Pages) with your Google adsense code, then add that block to all of the pages used by Articles (i.e. the index, category listing, article listing and article display pages). The block won't be shown suite-wide, but will be shown on all pages you add the widget to.
The upgrade processes are not ran when installing an application, only when upgrading it. You need to create an install folder and add all the queries necessary for a new installation there. Look at one of our first party apps for an example (Blog, Downloads, etc.). You'll find applications/blog/setup/install/* which has everything needed for a new installation, and then any changes since the first version are individually tracked in the applications/blog/setup/upg_XXXXX/* version folders.
Logging in fails or times out when remember me not checked
in Technical Problems
I'd investigate what cookies are being set in each scenario to see what's missing.