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Posts posted by bfarber

  1. 1 hour ago, rgf100 said:

    I like the new topic summary boxes, but have a few thoughts...

    "TOP POSTERS IN THIS TOPIC" - it's more likely people will want to read the posts, than the posters' profiles. If there's any way to bring together the posts someone has made (perhaps by minimising other posts?) that would be good, otherwise I'd have that link to the person's first / highest rated post in that topic.

    The "POPULAR POSTS" bit - I'm not sure how intuitive clicking on the date is. I'd make the post text snippet clickable (and perhaps that whole div, with the userphoto / name also going to the post, although I realise this would be inconsistent with behaviour elsewhere.

    POSTED IMAGES - I like this, but there's no way to get from the images to the associated post. I think there should be. 

    You didn't see this snippet from our 4.6 changelog from me shhhhh


    - Changed "popular posts" in the topic statistics area to make each displayed post a link to the post.
    - Changed "posted images" in the topic statistics area to link attached images to the post they were attached to.


  2. It's far easier for us to advise if we can get in and see your configuration. That said, the legacy handler is never "automatically" used. It was set during a 3.x upgrade in the file storage handler configuration, and if the /screenshots folder (in your case) is web accessible, it should not be necessary. You should be able to edit the storage handler and adjust the "Custom URL" option to remove the PHP loader.

  3. This means your file storage handler is configured to use the legacy loader (which was necessary when moving to 4.x from 3.x if you were storing the screenshots outside of your web root directory).

    If those files are now web accessible, you can adjust the file storage handler custom URL option approriately.

  4. On 1/27/2021 at 8:00 AM, Charles said:

    You can click support on your purchase page or just email us.

    (Emphasis added)

    For those looking for a larger viewport or having trouble with attachments and so on, have you tried just emailing us instead? It all ends up in the same place on our end and might mitigate the concerns you're expressing interacting with a "quick chat message" style interface.

  5. In your constants.php add this

    define( 'DEV_USE_WHOOPS', false );

    Refresh the page. Typically the error you are seeing is indicative of something occurring low-level triggering a PHP error (I've hit it locally before attempting to use an unsupported version of PHP for instance, as I have to switch around between different versions of things frequently).

    I recommend removing the above constant after confirming the underlying error.

  6. On 2/23/2021 at 7:27 PM, Chris89 said:

    Has this been implemented yet? If so are you able to let me know where abouts in thev PHP this has been done? I've checked the latest version but the login cofde still seems the same... I'm trying to integrate it with my SSO.

    I expect the next release he was alluding to is 4.6, given that his post was in November and we haven't put out a major maintenance release since then.

  7. There is no requirement for Redis to persist data if restarted. Redis is used as a temporary cache. Any data lost does not represent a problem for the community software with a very minor exception not worth worrying about - you have the option to store "topic views" in Redis that are accumulated for a short period of time, and then they are saved to the MySQL database by a task periodically. If data does not persist, you might lose out on some topic views being recorded. This is probably not a concern if you are looking at fine tuning Redis persistance for performance in 99% of cases.

  8. 9 hours ago, OMGTECH said:

    still problem with facebook share.. 

    og image its detect but the image not show... 

    check here https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/

    and got this error 


    how can i set the og image width and height ?

    after 30 minutes i scrape again fb debug got this error 


    I would submit a ticket - it looks like the image URL hasn't been "parsed" to set the correct base of the URL correctly. We'll need to take a look to determine why that is.

    • Top 10 posts as per comments/reactions/voteups

    These are different metrics, so are you looking to create three different reports (in this case)? "Posts" won't have comments (unless you are looking at quotes of the post, but this isn't something easily query-able). For "voteups" are you referring to the ability in Q&A forums to vote a post up/down?

    • Trending last month/year

    What is "trending" to you? You'll need to define this more specifically.

    • Top 10 active users

    How do you determine "active"? Most recently logged in to the community? Most number of posts? Most reactions, most followers? You get what I mean.


    First you'll need to clearly outline the definitions for what you want to report on and then I'm sure someone can help point in a more specific direction.

  9. 6 hours ago, Chris Anderson said:

    IPS ... have been known to downplay ideas initially but eventually come around to embracing them in the end.

    Just to be clear, we don't generally take an approach of downplaying ideas here. We simply have an internal roadmap and existing ideas we intend to explore and a finite amount of resources to do so with, so every thought has to be gauged and "ranked" (for lack of a better term) against our existing plans and other things we'd like to explore.

    Over time, an idea may gain more traction or prove more necessary, which is where it might seem we "embrace them in the end".

  10. Caching changes in an upcoming release mean that when a page is generated for a guest, that page will continue to be served to all guest visits for a period of time. That means a user could cause the page to be generated, and then 100 bots visit the page and see a cached image. Or a bot could cause a page to be generated and 100 regular guest visitors then view the page.

    Guest session tracking is not reliable due to caching and performance optimizations, and all bots are treated as guests, so what you are after simply isn't reliably tracked.

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