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Posts posted by bfarber

  1. Sell the product for $50 and allow the license key to be generated.

    On your site (I assume this is outside of Invision Community), you then use the license key API I pointed to in order to validate the license key that the user provides. You would have a form where the user inputs the license key, that form would call to our API and verify the key is valid, then you would do whatever you need to do once verified.

  2. 9 hours ago, Paul E. said:

    I'm not sure your requirements are clear enough. What exactly is IPS lacking?

    As above, what specific changes would make it easier for you to accomplish your task? For instance, you can monitor the "Unread Content" activity stream to see all new content as it comes in (the stream will auto-update as well to show you new content as it posts), which might be a tool that you have overlooked based on what you've described?

  3. 5 hours ago, BikeHub said:

    Thanks for the feedback. It was converted perfectly in terms of the HTML structure, just stripped of the CSS.

    From what I could tell the conversion and stripping of CSS happened during the upgrade (i.e. before the background rebuild tasks ran).
    So does that mean we'd need to inject the whitelisted CSS classes ahead of the upgrade? e.g. by editing the default value in the settings.json file?
    Or would updating the whitelisted custom classes in the 4.x admin CP ahead of the rebuild tasks running do the trick?

    We do not rebuild any post content through the upgrade process. All rebuilding occurs by background tasks.

  4. 22 hours ago, 6ichem said:

    A product's license key is only generated when someone purchased and it's only generated for that user, where would the user redeem that anyways?

    I'm not sure I follow. There is no "redemption" for the license key. You would use the license key API to validate the license key externally.

    Perhaps it would be helpful to know more about what you are trying to accomplish? For what/how are you using the license key?

    22 hours ago, 6ichem said:

    I know about the invoice trick and I didn't know it was possible to add credits to an account and use that to purchase with the store if that's what you mean, how do you enable that feautre?

    You edit the user in the AdminCP and adjust their account credit.


  5. It's going to be trickier on cloud where you can't access the files, but one thing you can do in templates is

    {{var_dump( $event );exit;}}

    If you use double curly brackets like above, the code is executed as PHP (there's some special shortcuts for if/foreach statements but otherwise it basically means "execute as PHP"). By editing templates and adding things like the above you should be able to print out vars in most situations.

  6. I would recommend blocking unwanted traffic at the server level. By the time the request makes it to PHP, a lot of unnecessary overhead has already occurred if your intention is to block the traffic. You can already ban by IP address if you wish, and most legitimate spiders will advertise the IP address ranges used by their bots if you wish to do that, but again...this is better served at the server/firewall level.

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