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Thomas P

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    Thomas P got a reaction from Linux-Is-Best in robots.txt recommendation for IPS   
    You can easily create a robots.txt files with wildcards:
    Check the section: "How to Use wildcards in robots.txt" here: An SEO's Guide to Robots.txt, Wildcards, the X-Robots-Tag and Noindex (builtvisible.com) for example.
    To prevent the report URL or other sections being indexed we use this e.g.: 
    Disallow: /*?do=reportComment* Disallow: /*?do=add As the robots.txt file is very site and version specific and there are other methods, see article mentioned above, I think every site owner has to create his own robots.txt file or "no index" mechanism.
  2. Agree
    Thomas P got a reaction from SeNioR- in robots.txt recommendation for IPS   
    You can easily create a robots.txt files with wildcards:
    Check the section: "How to Use wildcards in robots.txt" here: An SEO's Guide to Robots.txt, Wildcards, the X-Robots-Tag and Noindex (builtvisible.com) for example.
    To prevent the report URL or other sections being indexed we use this e.g.: 
    Disallow: /*?do=reportComment* Disallow: /*?do=add As the robots.txt file is very site and version specific and there are other methods, see article mentioned above, I think every site owner has to create his own robots.txt file or "no index" mechanism.
  3. Like
    Thomas P reacted to Daniel F in How can I find topics with the most attachments?   
    select id1 as topic_id ,count(*) as total FROM core_attachments_map where location_key = 'forums_Forums' group by id1 order by total desc will return the topics with the most attachments
  4. Thanks
    Thomas P got a reaction from Gauravk in Data storage choice - which one is better and why?   
    There are various options to keep the DB small, in the context of server optimization using Redis for caching instead of MySQL and Elasticsearch instead of a MySQL search index helps. So if you don't use the caching method MySQL and for example not the MySQL search index, both keeps your database smaller. 
  5. Like
    Thomas P got a reaction from Daniel F in Data storage choice - which one is better and why?   
    Hi Gauravk,
    we use Redis since quite a while. For bigger forums with lots of concurrent sessions I'd say it's the way to go.
    Try those settings for one week and measure your pageload with GTMetrix, Pingdom or Webpagetest.org.
    If Redis has an impact on server load or on pageload, you will notice it.
    Another server service you could have a look into is elasticsearch, this will offload your search index from MySQL to a dedicated search service.
    In our setup every task I can take away from MySQL, such as caching or searching, helps to have a faster, smaller database.
  6. Thanks
    Thomas P reacted to 13. in MS IE warning   
    The easiest way to filter all ancient browsers from the IE epoch is just checking if CSS or CSS.supports are missed, because it present in all modern browsers and Edge 12+.
    if (typeof(CSS) === "undefined" || typeof(CSS.supports) === "undefined") { // Here you can do whatever you want to the visitors with ancient browsers from the IE epoch console.log('Your browser is out of date'); }  
  7. Like
    Thomas P reacted to Morgin in MS IE warning   
    There is no legitimate reason anyone or any organization should be using IE. If you have users stuck on it, that sucks, but it’s akin to having users tell you they unfortunately are stuck on 14.4k dialup and find the site loads too slowly. 
    IE is dead. Let it Rest In Peace. 
  8. Like
    Thomas P reacted to Daniel F in Is it possible to install the system in a folder?   
    Absolutely 🙂
    IPS doesn't need to be installed in the sites root directory if you're self hosted! 
  9. Like
    Thomas P reacted to Daniel F in missing phrases (posting friday, thursday....)   
    Ahh, I was too slow with my research. I was just going to say that it was _date_this_week_c and _date_this_week 
  10. Like
    Thomas P reacted to Daniel F in missing phrases (posting friday, thursday....)   
    No, unfortunately we included this feature in 4.5.0, so beginning with the 4.5.0 release you're able to see any modified language strings in the setup/upg_x/folders.
  11. Like
    Thomas P reacted to DawPi in (DP45) Watermark for Uploads   
  12. Like
    Thomas P reacted to Jordan Miller in Introducing Invision Community's new developer Matt F!   
    Hey team, I’d love for you to give a warm welcome to Invision Community’s new developer, @Matt Finger
    You want some sweet sweet Achievements addons? Then be extra nice to him 😉  
    So you can get to know Matt F better, I held a mini-interview with the 20-year-old developing prodigy. I said what I said. 
    When he’s not coding, he’s cooking, fixing things (like cars, bikes, electronics, etc) and reading up on science, physics and philosophy. 
    After asking him about his hobbies, I cut to the chase and asked him about his passion for coding and a few of his past experiences with it. He flexed his knowledge of philosophy right away. 


    He continued: “That being said, we're faced with the question of, 'how to improve upon one's ability to reason?' We improve upon our ability to reason the same way we can get better at most things: do it over and over again while challenging yourself more and more each time. And in the case of our ability to reason, problem solving and solution finding is, in my experience, the best way to challenge our ability to reason, therefore making it most conducive to increasing said ability to reason, in turn allowing ourselves to achieve our true potential. And software development persistently presents new problems to solve and solutions to find a great way to flex our brains and get better at reasoning.”
    “So to sum up, to me, developing is more than writing code, it's more than solving problems. It's a way to achieve my true potential as a human being.”
    “Plus it's fun.”
    Welcome to the fam, Matt F!
    Please drop a line in the comments and spread the good vibes 😎 
  13. Haha
    Thomas P reacted to CoffeeCake in How do I know if a website is using 4.4 or 4.5?   
    About 73% of what I say is smatterings of nonsense, mixed with a pinch of glerp. 😄
  14. Like
    Thomas P reacted to Stuart Silvester in Upgraded ubuntu to PHP 7.4.3 now errors   
    It sounds like your server no longer meets the minimum requirements for Invision Community.
    The DomDocument extension is enabled by default (and is perhaps missing from your PHP 7.4 build) and is required to run a lot of PHP based software. Please run our requirement checker to see if anything else is missing
    If that doesn't show anything missing, I would next suggest re-uploading a copy of Invision Community, overwriting your existing files.
  15. Like
    Thomas P reacted to Daniel F in Registration remove agreement check box to receive email   
    We have an internal suggestion for this.
  16. Like
    Thomas P reacted to The Old Man in Please restore the choice of reactions here at IPS!   
    Thanks everyone for their responses and thoughts either way. 😊
  17. Like
    Thomas P reacted to Miss_B in Single error in system log after Upgrade to 4.5: dupl column   
    Have a look at this topic:
  18. Like
    Thomas P reacted to bfarber in Elasticsearch 7.9.1 not working on 4.5.1   
    We are going to tag the latest supported release in our software so you cannot enable ElasticSearch with a non-supported release for now, and we will be looking into the underlying bug for a future maintenance update.
  19. Like
    Thomas P reacted to Sonya* in Best SEO Tricks?   
    I have some checklists.
    HTTPS - right from the start and redirect 301 for non-HTTPS The domain should be either with WWW OR without WWW. But not both. Again redirect with 301. Set up Friendly URLs Translit plugin to replace ö, ä, ü (no idea if it helps for SEO, but I don't like special characters in URLs, especially if there are only special characters like Cyrillic 😃). Connect Google Search Console to see what Google thinks about you Load sitemap.php in Search Console, here I can see nicely if something is not running correctly, not indexed or whatever. Change the title of the start page (no Home or Forums), but so that every user understands what it's all about. If you have some important landing pages, then change title on them as well A welcome block on the home page, short and to the point, what this is all about. (I've seen many forums where I have not understood what they are about). NO huge header/image slider, so that every page looks the same and the content begins below the fold. Content:
    Create articles in Pages (quality over quantity), you do not need 100 articles with 1 click a day. Write 5 with 20 clicks a day 😉 Fill out ALT tags for all images in the articles (double-click on the image, even if it's annoying, it helps) Use H2-H5 tags in the articles via editor plugin, create TOC at the beginning if the article is too long Link to trust sites, like Wikipedia, Unis, studies etc. This would give you more trust and Google like if you are trustworthy Sign all articles with real names and put short BIO of the author if possible, photo is even nicer If you enable Forum for articles, make sure that no duplicate content is created (article page itself plus forum topic that repeats the same thing again - this is IPS default and bad for SEO!). The best idea is not to show the forum to the guests, they can see the article and comments, there should be enough, forum only for members for Google E-A-T: add an about-page in the footer of the project, where the project is described in more detail, best to mention names and achievements of the people involved. See where you can place a link. Less is more. Better 2-3 trustworthy sites than 100 links from junk sites. Watch the search terms in Search Console and Analytics. If a search term is on the second page of the search result, it is worth to write an article about it. In this case, Google already considers the project relevant for this search term. It needs just a little push. Social Media:
    Create channels/pages in all relevant social media Regularly promote new content (it can give additional links if people share it somewhere else)
  20. Thanks
    Thomas P got a reaction from Adriano Faria in Dead Topic Protection   
    I see, that didn't work as described.
    Well, I did it in our testing environment. I can handle it manually, this is no problem as this app doesn't have historical data or a complex configuration.
    This is just a report for you that an Upgrade from 4.4 to 4.5 didn't work as expected in our case / so not in all cases...

  21. Like
    Thomas P reacted to CoffeeCake in [Mad] Multiple Accounts Detector   
    Ahh. That would not be good on a large community. Thanks.
  22. Like
    Thomas P reacted to Miss_B in [Mad] Multiple Accounts Detector   
    I am not sure that I understand your suggestions. The app already does what you are asking/suggesting imo. Can you please post a few screenshots of what you mean btw?
    That is correct. Automated topics are generated only when a member has registered more than one account from the same ip address.
    I will keep your suggestion in mind for the future version(s) though.
  23. Like
    Thomas P reacted to Pavel Chernitsky in Post Before Registering - Statistics?   
    I don't think there is a separate stat for that. But I can tell you that when we first enabled it our registrations more than doubled. From around 50-70 a week to around 150+
    *the second jump was after we've enabled Facebook+Google login.

  24. Thanks
    Thomas P reacted to Matt in Post Before Registering - Statistics?   
    This is on our list. 👍
  25. Like
    Thomas P got a reaction from DamonT in Post Before Registering - Statistics?   
    Hi mates,
    when "Post Before Registering" is enabled, is it possble to see Users who registered that way?
    We enabled the feature quite a while ago, but I can't see how many registered through it.
    I checked the user activity log on specific users and the statistics in general...
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