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Posts posted by opentype


    1 hour ago, teraßyte said:

    There is no way to do that with the default code as far as I know.

    I thought so too, but I just tried it here, pasting an image selection from Photoshop and it is actually turned into an attachment as requested. 

    Could contain: Pottery, Nature, Outdoors, Snow, Snowman, Winter, Plant, Potted Plant

    Might not work with every clipboard content, OS and browser though. Don’t know. 

  2. 18 minutes ago, The Old Man said:

    I wondered if you could tell me which is the latest that I should keep?

    You can ignore the modification indication and the default state. That refers to IPS’ default templates, which are irrelevant for custom templates. If you do anything on these screens, you replace the SuperGrid code with the default IPS code. You will hardly ever want that. 

    If you never touched the templates, you can always just upgrade the plugin (carrying the templates) and the templates are updated when needed. 

    You only need to deal with these code comparisons if you manually made change to the templates. In this case, the upgrade will prompt a code comparison where you would need to decide if you want to keep your own lines or have them replaced with the templates in the plugins. 

  3. Pretty sure improvements will come with V5, but nothing substantial will change with V4. In the meantime, a lot can be improved by changing what is shown on each page or how the server is configured (for self-hosting). It’s certainly possible to pass the Core Web Vitals test with a standard V4 installation. 

  4. 2 hours ago, The Old Man said:

    Please can you clarify if you will be supporting this?

    Support is handled manually here via PM or through my site. For a support request, the purchase key should be added to the request. I have no plans of moving my products and their purchases to my site at the moment. I don’t really expect further sales or support issues to justify this. I will just deal with the few request that might come in manually. 
    I might start offering 5.x products on my site if what I do is still possible with 5.x. We will see. 

  5. 11 hours ago, Jim M said:

    Could you please provide the image in a zip here which you're trying to upload and we can take a look. Providing a screenshot of what you're seeing will help as well.

    It seems to be broken currently in general. I don’t think it depends on the specific image. From the upload screen:

    Could contain: Electronics, Screen, Computer Hardware, Hardware, Monitor, File, Text

    clicking upload just results in …

    Could contain: Text



    (By the way: I am also get errors trying to upload the images above)

  6. 10 hours ago, John Michaloudis said:

    This technique is called "content cloaking" and it's allowed by Google, among others.


    Have you read the article you linked? It explains in details why should NOT do it. 


    If caught, a website can be heavily penalized by Google, if not banned entirely. 


  7. 20 minutes ago, Dreadknux said:

    I did try including an IF in the cms > submit > topic template file in my theme, but I'm having trouble getting that to work properly either.

    Yes, you can do it there. Changes there are global, but you can target the specific fields. 
    It’s a bit tricky to try things out there as the code only takes effect when a new record is submitted. 

  8. 2 hours ago, Square Wheels said:

    OK, how about releasing a guide on how you built your guide?

    I can’t speak for IPS, but it’s still safe to say that this is extremely unlikely.
    The people with coding skills don’t need it. They can just open the respective page, inspect the actual HTML and learn everything they need from it. It’s all public and there for everyone to see. 
    The people who don’t have these skills, can’t do much with such a tutorial. They would just have to copy code they don’t understand. If they make the slightest mistake, everything breaks and now someone has to give free support for the tutorial. Who is willing to do that? If the user wants just a tiny variation of the template, they would have no idea how to do it. So again, they would ask for free support. Not to mention that such custom Pages templates correspond to Pages database fields and possibly CSS and JS files. If they don’t exist as expected, again, everything breaks. It just doesn’t work. I’ve created an entire online course around learning Pages, but it does not contain teaching people how to create templates from scratch. That’s just not a suitable topic for a tutorial. Either you know how to do it or you can get stock or custom products which deliver the needed functionality. There really is no middle ground. 

  9. There is nothing Invision-Community-specific about such a move. You just:

    1. put the site in offline mode
    2. export the files and upload to new server
    3. export the MySQL database and import it on the new server
    4. test the website with its server IP/domain
    5. when everything works again, put installation online and initiate the domain transfer


    Optional, but recommended:

    • Perform a trial transfer with step 2 to 4 just to make sure everything CAN work on the new server and that the export and import are processed correctly. Watch out for problems with character sets (database) or file permission errors (file system). 
    • Change the DNS settings on the current domain and set a short TTL time. This will speed up the domain transfer. 
  10. I had a user report and can replicate this easily. I appears at least with the combination of Firefox (mobile and desktop) and Cloudflare with guest caching. 

    1. Visit site without stored cookies
    2. Cookie bar appears
    3. Click Accept or Reject
    4. Site shows an error (2S119/1) and URL changes to mysite.com/cookies/?do=cookieConsent

    I guess it has something to do with the CSFR key being cached and used for multiple users, but I have no idea how to fix this without turning off guest caching altogether. 

  11. Log in to Stripe to see more details about these attempted transactions. 

    I wouldn’t necessarily assume that something is fishy. Could be an honest user really trying to pay and having their card(s) rejected.  

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