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Posts posted by opentype

  1. 14 minutes ago, WebCMS said:

    It would be nice to have a global CSS common to all the themes and a theme-level CSS specific to themes where we could add URLs to these files or upload files or just type into text areas.

    IPS is moving in the other direction and removing options to mess with these things. It’s just not something the average Invision Community user needs. 

    That being said, it’s actually pretty easy to set up a custom plugin or app to apply global CSS and JavaScript code. And on a self-hosted installation, you could also just set up your global code on the file system and then call it from each theme. So, there are multiple options to achieve it. But IPS will probably not create a dedicated feature for it. 

  2. On 11/3/2023 at 10:48 PM, 700newtons said:

    For example when using my iphone or ipad a strip of our main homepage photo will appear but the rest is remains unloaded (even if I refresh it). If I rotate the iphone landscape and then potrait again, the problem often resolves. Why would that be?

    Safari’s caching method. It’s not related to Invision Community. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, David N. said:

    In the field settings, I selected "Allow filtering" but how are you supposed to filter your articles by the field value? I'm expecting to be able to click the badge to filter records but that does not work. 

    You need to drag the filter widget on a database listing page. That’s what this setting is for. It can’t be tied to the badge display itself without custom coding. 

  4. How do you define “new user”? A recently created account or an account created AFTER the terms were changed. The latter should certainly not be forced on an acceptance page again. They already accept the terms during registration. 

    But once you force an acceptance after a change of the terms, all existent users will have to accept the terms. That would be working as intended. It also doesn’t matter that you try to save the terms again and this time don’t choose that option. You still have the pending acceptance from the first time. This has nothing to do with UX choices. It’s a legal requirement. The Terms of Service are a legally binding agreement and substantial changes need to be agreed upon. You can’t just make silent changes. That is why this intrusive process is necessary. 

  5. The solution for the “phone problem” is to reduce the size allowed for attachments. On top of that, compression settings for uploads are also available. That covers almost every use case. Very few people would need to mess around with additional options to convert the existing content. 

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