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Posts posted by opentype

  1. On 24 June 2015 at 9:35 AM, AutoItScript said:
    • Add/Change conf_global.php to include 'sql_utf8mb4' = true
    • In the ACP goto Support -> Something is not working
    • It will spit out hundreds of MySql commands

    I just tried this on a test installation, but changing the conf_global did not seem to do anything at all. Is that really all we would have to do to start this process?

  2. I agree to the feature request. 

    However, I would suggest that you stick to calm factual descriptions for such requests. IPS will judge the feature request by itself. It doesn’t need red, exclamation marks or exaggerations (i.e. “it’s useless”). 

    If it helps you as a work-around: On my 3.4 site I monitor Wiki article changes by having set up blocks which are ordered by last change. It’s much easier to spot changes this way. 

  3. IPS not only supports it but is new standard for IPB. At this point it looks like anyone converting from 3.x to 4.x will automatically be converted to the new utf8mb4 standard. However those of us that was so inclined to convert prior to IPS adding this auto conversion to utf8mb4 will be stuck on utf8 for the remaining time were utilizing IPB.

    Stop spreading these false information. The UTF8 type is a user-choice during installation or upgrade. There is no “automatic” conversion, because that wouldn’t even work, e.g. when your database runs on MySQL 5.1. In addition, your are not “stuck” with UTF8. Its YOUR MySQL database on YOUR server. You can do whatever you want with it. If you are not able to, maybe you should better move to IPS’ clould solution. But don’t expect IPS to become your server admin. 


    What Marcher said. It’s really a server-level thing that has nothing to do with the actual IPS software. If you choose to self-host, you should be able to maintain your database and set such things yourself or let it do through someone else. IPS only guarantees that 4.0 works both on UTF8 and UTF8mb4. It’s not their job to maintain your server. 

  5. Do we have to convert to  UTF8MB4  ?

    No. The scenarios are:

    • MySQL <= 5.1
      • You cannot use UTF8MB4 at all
    • MySQL >= 5.5
      • UTF8. Certain characters (like certain Emoji) won’t be supported and could cause problems in earlier releases. Therefore the most recent version now warns you about this when you try to include such characters.
      • UTF8MB4: You are free to use any characters. 
  6. "Google Maps: JavaScript Maps API v2 will shutdown on November 19, 2013"

    Indeed. My member map has turned into a white page.

    Hoping for an update. I have been trying to push my users into adding their location and now I feel bad about not being able to deliver that map anymore.

  7. Hiding/deleting posts is always a tricky issue. It's necessary, but it can create new discussions, because the users who's posts got hidden can get pretty mad.

    On Facebook Pages this is solved quite nicely. If you hide a post, no one will see it anymore BUT the author. So provoking posts will not cause any trouble, but the author won't get mad, because he/she will still see the post.

    This might be a nice option to have on IP.Board as well.

  8. How is that size of the speech bubble for custom markers calculated? Can I change that somewhere?

    Because no matter if my text has 5 lines or 50 lines, the text block is always larger than that speech bubble.


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