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Posts posted by opentype

  1. There won’t be an easy fix like just setting preloading, lazy-loading or anything like that. In the end, it’s always the same content that needs to be loaded. 

    You could improve the internal ads by delivering them as HTML code. Then you could specific the size of the banners to reserve their space and let the browser start rendering earlier. You could then also add lazy-loading, but that should depend on the position of the ad. It would work well for footer ads, but not for above-the-fold ads. 

  2. On 7/17/2023 at 10:05 PM, HighlanderICT said:

    we have all the typical measures in place - captcha, registration questions, email validation etc.

    I am missing “moderate first X posts” from the group settings. That’s the best measure. If the posts never get published, they will try and give up quickly. If you let them post freely, you invite them to hammer your site with spam. 

  3. 5 minutes ago, Fast Lane! said:

    You'd prefer a 0.7s rendering delay (until it is cached)?

    I don’t appreciate leading questions like that. 
    If you would say “let’s reduce environmental pollution with measure ’X’“ and I point out that measure X might not work properly and might cause other issues, it would be naive at best or even dishonest to ask “so you don’t want to reduce pollution?” It just doesn’t logically follow. I addressed a specific measure/hack and explained my concerns. I have nothing more to add. 

  4. Disagree. It’s a poor hack and therefore nothing we should want in a professional framework for thousands of websites. You trick the browser into thinking the fonts are not used for screen at all, then after the page is loaded, you say “April fools! Now switch to the webfont!”. It creates a terrible user experience because of the delayed and unreliable font change long after the page started rendering and the “local font first, use webfont later“ is already available as CSS declaration. It works in a much more reliable and optimized way because it was specifically designed for this use. 

    If loading webfonts is not acceptable in terms of the loading times, the solution is simple: don’t use webfonts, which Invision Community already supports. onLoad is not the right moment to activate webfonts. 

  5. 44 minutes ago, Fast Lane! said:

    As an aside may be nice to have the member enter a "reason" why they are requesting their account to be deleted. 

    I have that option for years through a third-party solution. Get ready to be insulted. 😉 People who leave a community in anger (e.g. after moderator actions) will love the opportunity vent their anger one last time, blaming and insulting you. I can’t remember a single time a text-based option to give reasons to delete an account was actually useful. If anything, I would suggest a checkbox list with admin-defined options. 


  6. 12 hours ago, Fast Lane! said:

    Could contain: Text, Page


    If necessary, one can change the language string to clarify that this does not include posts. 

    I have it in my terms of service that personal data should never be included in posts and that account deletions will not delete posts. So users agree to that. If personal data ends up in individual posts, I deal with that on a case-by-case basis and delete the personal data or the entire post. But it makes little sense to delete possibly thousands of posts just because there is a chance that one of these posts could contain something personal. 

  7. 26 minutes ago, Dreadknux said:

    If they no longer will be able to use FB/TW to sign into their account, does anything lock out for them?

    Users would need to use the Forgot Password function to set a password and would need to know the email address they used with the linked login method. So you could or should explain that somewhere and inform your users before making the switch. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Dreadknux said:

    inability to x-ref Gallery albums with Pages records (so I could, for example, have a "Wiki" Page that can connect to a "Related Gallery" that would output thumbnails from that gallery in-page), similar to how I can x-ref different Pages Database with one another.

    Yeah, that should be a stock option. Not just Gallery, but pretty much any content type could be available as custom field in a Pages database. 

  9. 12 hours ago, Dreadknux said:

    Hi, I’m looking to see if there is some built-in IPS code that allows me to check if a topic in a row is synced/connected to a Pages record.

    I think the topic itself doesn’t “know” anything about the Pages connection. That connection is stored in the table of the cms database. So you have to use a manual query to check if the current topic ID is present across any of your cms databases. Might not be a good idea. 

  10. It can be tricky. Many areas expect standard values or you will get cut-off letters (e.g. in the bread-crumb navigation). There is also more than one value because there is the the space between lines and the space between paragraph and dozens of CSS classes that apply in different areas.  

    A start would be to override this default value and pick a higher number:

    .ipsType_normal.ipsType_richText {
    	line-height: 1.6;

    This should have an instant effect on forum posts, articles and so on. 

  11. On 7/4/2023 at 5:28 AM, asigno said:

    Any ideas what is causing this?

    This is code that one would put in the field settings of a custom Pages database field. I would first identify which field that is and check the settings and the code. Maybe there is an error there in the code. 

    Another option would be the theme template cms -> topic, that is used to create the posts. That should be unaltered.

     Could contain: Text


    As mentioned in a private message, I don’t see how the database templates are related to this. They are just used for viewing the records. They don’t initiate or create the forum posts. That comes from a core file using the options mentioned above. 

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