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  1. Like
    Ibai reacted to marklcfc in Running the Achievements Rebuild Feature   
    Would it remember badges given out like logged in 7 days in a row or special ones given out by moderators like the superstar badge?
  2. Like
    Ibai reacted to Phillyman in Provide Groups for Badges - Show Highest Earned Only   
    So I love the new achievement, badges, ranks system. I plan to create the following badges
    Created 1 Topic, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2500, 5000, 10,000, etc... Replied to 1 Topic, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2500, 5000, 10,000, etc... Uploaded 1 Image, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2500, 5000, 10,000, etc... Gave 1 Reaction, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2500, 5000, 10,000, etc... Submitted 1 File, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2500, 5000, 10,000, etc... Signed in for 1 day, 7 days, 1 Month, 3 Months, 6 months, 12 Months, 24 Months concurrently  
    Anyhow, this is obviously going to lead to a TON of badges, My community has been running IPB since 2005. I want to give credit for past items created. So I would say let us create groups, put similar rules into those groups, and then choose to ONLY show the highest badge earned. So a user with 500 topics would only show the 500 Topics badge, and not the 6 previous badges. It's a given that if you have the 500 topics badge, that you would also have the 250, 100, 50....etc.
  3. Like
    Ibai reacted to Maxxius in Do not force reviews in Files/Downloads for rating   
    Absolutely agree. Leave a setting in ACP for users to decide.
  4. Like
    Ibai reacted to AlexJ in Do not force reviews in Files/Downloads for rating   
    Please revert the new change i.e. forcing users to post reviews for rating. For ex: We have rating on maps.
    It's annoying for everyone to post reviews to rate their map. Eventually users are forced to post junk reviews, just for rating. I have no idea why IPS makes some changes and forces it upon their customers. Please revert the change so we can continue to rate without review. 
    For those who need it, just simple add a toggle option in ACP. 
    PS Now to just rate, I will have to deal with bogus reviews which doesn't make sense. Thanks.
  5. Like
    Ibai reacted to Yamamura in Hump Day: 4.6.3 is officially out!   
    I just upgraded yesterday from 4.4.10 to 4.6.2. I really liked the new version 🤩 Good job 👍
  6. Thanks
    Ibai reacted to Randy Calvert in Badges and Ranks: when are rebuilt?   
    Force it to rebuild from the achievements settings area. 🙂 
  7. Like
    Ibai reacted to My Sharona in Badge Icons   
    Is there a file somewhere of the icons used for the badges?
    Also, for the default "Ranks" icon?
  8. Like
    Ibai reacted to Gabriel Torres in Google Core Web Vitals / Google December 2020 Core Update   
    Coming here just for a quick update and to thank the IPS team for having added the lazy loading feature suggested here in the 4.6 series.
  9. Like
    Ibai reacted to Gabriel Torres in Lazy load profile pictures on IPS 4.5   
    Returning here just to thank the IPS team @Jordan Invision for adding the Lazy Loading featured we suggested in the 4.6 series! 🙂
  10. Like
    Ibai reacted to Linux-Is-Best in How active gzip via htaccess?   
    Add the following to your .htaccess file
    # BEGIN GZIP COMPRESSION <IfModulemod_gzip.c> mod_gzip_onYes mod_gzip_dechunkYes mod_gzip_item_includefile.(html?|txt|css|js|php|pl)$ mod_gzip_item_includehandler^cgi-script$ mod_gzip_item_includemime^text/.* mod_gzip_item_includemime^application/x-javascript.* mod_gzip_item_excludemime^image/.* mod_gzip_item_excluderspheader^Content-Encoding:.*gzip.* </IfModule> # END GZIP COMPRESSION Or if you were using Nginx (for future reference), you would add this to your config file (nothing you need to worry about, since you are using Apache).
    gzipon; gzip_comp_level2; gzip_http_version1.0; gzip_proxied any; gzip_min_length1100; gzip_buffers168k; gzip_types text/plain text/html text/css application/x-javascript text/xml application/xml application/xml+rss text/javascript; gzip_varyon;  
  11. Agree
    Ibai reacted to opentype in Make gallery thumbnails JPEG   
    I would want this as a site-wide feature (for user content). A 5 MB PNG screenshot would usually just be 100 KB as JPG. 
  12. Like
    Ibai reacted to Egorkin in Cross-posting protection   
    One user can create one topic in different sections (cross-posting).
    I used to make a module for 3. x, which compares the new user's message with the previous ones (the algorithm of fuzzy duplicates) and this 100% protected against cross-posting.
    Why hasn't IPB made this option yet?
  13. Like
    Ibai reacted to Sonya* in Pages: Thumbs for record image in search snippet   
    Please use thumbs for the record images in search snippet. The template recordResultSnippet.html:
    <ips:template parameters="$indexData, $itemData, $url, $condensed" /> {{if $condensed}} {{if $itemData['record_image']}} <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' style='background-image: url("{file="$itemData['record_image']" extension="cms_Records"}")'> <img src='{file="$itemData['record_image']" extension="cms_Records"}' alt='{$indexData['index_title']}' class=""> </span> {{endif}} {{else}} <div class='{{if $itemData['record_image']}}ipsColumns ipsColumns_collapsePhone{{endif}}'> {{if $itemData['record_image']}} <div class='ipsColumn ipsColumn_medium'> <a href='{$url}'> {template="thumbImage" group="global" app="core" location="front" params="$itemData['record_image'], $indexData['index_title'], 'large', '', 'view_this', NULL, 'cms_Records'"} </a> </div> {{endif}} For the image heavy database the activity stream has a terrible performance if every record image has over 4 MB.
    Thank you!
  14. Like
    Ibai reacted to Ehren in Big Blank Area   
    This is caused by an incorrect suffix on your group name. The prefix is:
    <strong><font color="#cc0000"> And the suffix is:
    The font tag is deprecated and the strong tag is not closed properly. You should change the prefix to:
    <strong style='color:#cc0000'> And change the suffix to:
  15. Like
    Ibai reacted to Ocean West in Leader Board Top Members needs an update...   
    Would be nice to see the Badges & Ranks and Achievements on this page. 
  16. Like
    Ibai reacted to sadams101 in PageSpeed Insights - Score   
    For the record I am using the default skin, and not a custom skin. I do have a custom footer, and a custom menu, as well as other plugins.
    I think we all know that the mobile site speed scores are what affect rankings the most now. While your home page score looks pretty ok, not great, let's face it, 90%+ of your entire site, like mine, consists of topics, so those are the most important scores for Google site speed ranking. Take a look at one of your thread page scores for mobile, and this is exactly what I saw after upgrading to 4.5, so I'm not criticizing your site in any way:

    Even the makers of this software, who are using the next version of this software 4.6, are still doing horrible for site speed...see one of their threads below:

    The architecture of the site needs to be changed because the CSS loads EVERYTHING for the mobile site, and EVERYTHING for the desktop site. There are many other issues that are causing this, but IPS has promised faster speed scores, but 4.5 and 4.6 are both terrible.
    PS - I won't even go into the number of W3 html errors in the software, which also affect ranking. Most are easily fixed as I've done...I reported these to IPS as well, but it's always going to be fixed in their next version (4.6 has even more errors!). These also affect rankings.
  17. Like
    Ibai reacted to Jimi Wikman in Enhanced Tag System. IPS Community Suite   
    Not a bad idea.
    Tags already have landing pages, but we can't change slug or set a description. This would allow for plugin creation also to extend with more things on these pages.
    You have my vote 🙂
  18. Like
    Ibai reacted to SeNioR- in Enhanced Tag System. IPS Community Suite   
    Hi. It would be nice to add an advanced tag management system. Something like in WordPress. Mass delete and add tags.
    Each tag could have a description, and the tags could be indexed on Google.
    Making "Tags" indexable

  19. Like
    Ibai reacted to opentype in Multiple owners/authors   
    I also need this functionality often. Just because someone started a record, doesn’t mean others should not be recognized. They might have done most of the work. 
    I set this up as custom MySQL query with some of my databases: 

    Better control for who can edit would also be nice. I guess the typical way to do this is to allow “invitations” for contributors instead of letting all members edit. 
  20. Like
    Ibai reacted to Morrigan in Multiple owners/authors   
  21. Like
    Ibai reacted to Morrigan in Multiple owners/authors   
    Again, I don't think this is a feature that needs to be added to forums. This is a feature that needs to be added to pages. Pages has its own thing and I think that Topics need to be unique to the users and SHOULD NOT be shared by multiple people. Pages articles/records, on the other hand, should have this capability especially on large sites where you want content submitters but not necessarily a million moderators.
    Its like "group blog" adjacent but at the article/record level of pages where you can add those that are permitted to make changes to the article that are non-staff members.
    I own an article but I need you @Jordan Invision to be able to edit the article because you're a person that knows about the subject/article/company/listing/thing that the article is about. I add you as "additional editors" or whatever you want to call it. Now, even though you're not a mod/admin you have the "can edit" functionality on my article, you can click edit and make changes as needed but I still own the article. Then, lets say you are no longer the business on this article and or no longer interested in updating it. I can remove you and add someone else to edit said article.  
    That mod only works if you are also using the "account switcher" mod and you allow people to create accounts that multiple people can log into. Which is technically the only solution for what I'm asking for at the moment but the account security there makes me cringe.
  22. Like
    Ibai reacted to Morrigan in Multiple owners/authors   
    I don’t want this suggestion to get diluted! Please!!
    I am looking for the ability to say “this is my article but I trust person1, person23 and person 1007 to make changes” and from there they have the same rights as the owner to make changes to the article.
    I’m not exclusively talking about wiki editing in which doesn’t have a real owner and all members can edit. Wiki editing has a mess of its own that needs to be solved first before this feature is permissible.
  23. Like
    Ibai reacted to SeNioR- in Multiple owners/authors   
    I would also see this possibility in the future.

  24. Like
    Ibai reacted to Teddy Rogers in Invision Community 4.6.0 Beta 1 is live!   
    Still waiting for the dark theme!?!
  25. Haha
    Ibai reacted to Matt in Invision Community 4.6.0 Beta 1 is live!   
    You can’t award yourself. We don’t allow self back patting around here. 
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