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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. Post in the support topic for the resource...
  2. Could you not make that assumption, please? It could lead to unnecessary 'panic' from people, as the addition of an Editor in a resource is a lot more simple than I believe you think it is.
  3. Which would be a bug if it was showing, as you can only see resources that are compatible with the version you are running. The more correct answer would be related to the fact you are in the Members group on here, and not Clients... which would be an indication that your license has expired. If you have just renewed then you need to logout and back in to trigger the group movement to occur. And an even more correct answer is that the resource is not available for purchase, as the vendor is also not in the Clients group.
  4. v4.1.0 is currently pending approval NEW added a "Add 'data-nosnippet' attribute to replacement text" setting (on the Miscellaneous tab) CHANGES None FIXES None
  5. In that case, you edited a template that isn't been used by your configuration. I'll have a think about how to support the addition of this, and will release a new version when done.
  6. I'm assuming that you are using the "Hide all content" functionality, along with the "Use ipsMessage box for replacement content?" setting enabled, which is what would call that template? Works fine here - template edited, page refreshed:
  7. v1.4.1 now available FIXES Fixed issue where setting an expiry date on a user/ip address listing resulted in "Error: Cannot use object of type IPS\DateTime as array (0)" when saving
  8. v2.0.4 is now available. FIXES fixed issue with the "Apply to these groups?" setting not being applied to groups correctly when adding a new custom endpoint. CHANGES None NEW None
  9. Refresh what I posted - I changed it because you are missing a </div> in your original code.
  10. Add this: <div class="ipsWidget" data-ipssticky data-ipssticky-relativeto="#ipsLayout_sidebar"> before this: <div id='ipsLayout_sidebar'... And this: </div> After wherever your closing </div> is (I don't see it in your code there)
  11. As you have purchased one of my resources, I will answer this - you install from the Marketplace in your ACP; you do not get a download file and one will not be provided (you have access to the code after you install it) As you have not yet installed the resource, I am willing to refund your payment at this time if you do not like the above so please advise if you wish to have that done. That offer ends if you do install the resource, however.
  12. If you ever want to test later versions of Chrome safely, install Chrome Beta (which is the 'Next' version) and Chrome Dev (which is the next beta) from the Google Play store. 3 separate browsers, thrice the fun!
  13. Yes - it's a moderation permission. If they can't use it currently then you have likely set up restrictions - the below is on the 'Content' tab:
  14. It was patched yesterday - go to your support page in the ACP.
  15. Nobody mentioned overwriting the existing file.
  16. What application is set as your 'default' in the Applications listing in the ACP?
  17. Needs a minor update to take into account the addition of webp a little while ago. This: Should be: The problem you then have with any update on the resource is that it is currently a zip file, which is no longer allowed on the MP. Shifting to an application (as per this) could allow you to generate a file on-the-fly that takes into account the current .htaccess content from IPS, and not worry about keeping that element of your file up to date.
  18. Dig deeper...what make/model/OS version? Browser? What version?
  19. Edit the theme's settings and provide them permission to use it.
  20. Don't need to go near the database - go to the post that is the real first post, and edit it. You can set the publish date back to a prior date, and save the edit.
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