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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. It's a free application on the MP - my reading of the above is that the Download button isn't working. But logically progressing from there....you don't download the resource, as it's only compatible with 4.7...therefore it should installed via the Admin CP integration to the MP and not manually as a 'Custom' app. And then you take a look at the following and wonder if they've managed to get logged in to the Admin CP yet 😉
  2. Or just use CSS to control what is displayed when an item is printed: @media print { body{ display:none; } div.cPost_contentWrap{ display:inline; } } The above will turn this: into this:
  3. return array_merge(parent::getAllowedCssClasses()....
  4. Tagging @Daniel F for his opinion on this one - I believe that may be something that may need to be changed by Invision It appears to be added by this block of code in ips.core.lightboxedImages.js } else { // This is an INLINE attachment attachment.addClass('ipsAttachLink_inline'); attachment.attr('title', ips.getString('attachmentPending')); attachment.attr('data-ipstooltip', true); } Earlier in the function, however, it states: var attachments = this.scope.find('[data-fileid]').not( function (idx, elem) { // We don't want to change any image/video attachments, so exclude those here var elem = $(elem); return elem.is('img, source, video') || elem.find('img, source, video').length; }); Maybe audio also needs to be added there here too (seeing as you are excluding video/source) var attachments = this.scope.find('[data-fileid]').not( function (idx, elem) { // We don't want to change any image/video attachments, so exclude those here var elem = $(elem); return elem.is('img, source, video, audio') || elem.find('img, source, video, audio').length; }); It might be possible to reverse the above using some JS in a plugin.
  5. Link to the article...let people look at the HTML.
  6. Just an idea (which I have already looked at, and declined to go further due to fear of the leap year) - an app which has a task which runs a task and converts birthdays to events would sort you out here, I think.
  7. I'm out... Anyway...my point is that you should post in the topic if you have a support issue or a question about the resoruce, nd not create a new one in the MP forum.
  8. Thanks @Adriano Faria @Drewfus - what MP resource (link) is this for?
  9. You started a new topic in the main MP support forum, which houses the support topics for items that are in the Marketplace. That is probably this then: https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/9068-events-enhancements And if so then the support topic is...
  10. Whose app? Post in the topic for the resource.
  11. @Stuart Silvester curious - any reason why you went with @14.0.2 instead of @latest in the CDN URL? I would have thought that going with @latest would be better going forward, considering the files being retrieved are only images (as opposed to CSS/JS)
  12. If this is in relation to a resource from the Marketplace, you'd be best posting in the support topic for the resource itself. If this is in relation to the base Invision Community software then you can't use 'fa-regular' as IC only supports FA 4.7 icons, not FA 6 (which I believe is where fa-regular was added)
  13. Fair enough - but personally, I'd be looking at why you end up with the unexpected HTML for your YT videos instead of kludging it to make it work.
  14. You might want to look at the HOW those YT videos are added. Normal YT video, added via pasting link into the Editor and allowing it to do its thing: Your site:
  15. Isn't this purely down the requirement that a forum be viewable by Guests for its content to be included in RSS feed?
  16. Oh, that would be the logical progression from there yes. But you still need to know what needs to put in hence my provision of how to do it in the Editor first of all.
  17. Wrong type of button, Marc. Do the following to be able to add a button to Editor content... Ensure that your group has the 'Can edit HTML?' setting enabled In the Editor, you'll now have a 'Source' button - click it to edit the source html of the content Here's the code for a button that is actually a URL link <a class="ipsButton ipsButton_medium ipsButton_important" href="URL">BUTTON</a> Sizes/styles here
  18. If by forum you mean category then here you go:
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