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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. I'll POC this tomorrow - will update here if it's a goer (already thought of a flaw with the idea, but also a step to avoid it)
  2. As per the message displayed - try to repair the table https://www.nexcess.net/help/how-to-repair-mysql-tables/
  3. Go to the Moderator control panel - tabs are there for both items.
  4. Make an announcement containing a link to the topic. Send an alert containing a link to the topic.
  5. If the 2 licenses include the exact same suite elements, go for it. But if they differ (example: 1 has Pages, the other doesn't) then download the correct package for the license.
  6. How to download: Go to https://ckeditor.com/cke4/addons/plugins/all Search/find and click on the title of the plugin Scroll down, review the releases section If you want to use it, click the 'Download' button Don't click the 'Build my editor' button on the page - that will add it to CKEditor and will download the full package Test the plugin on a test installation first Then use it on production
  7. You're trying to upgrade CKEditor itself there, if you are uploading those zip files. Don't, you can't (well, you could but it will probably end badly) and should allow Invision to update it themselves in their own code.
  8. It's clearly going to be a link on the default theme: Easy to make it more obvious.... guest_post_pbr_blurb = "You can post now and register later." guest_post_sign_in = "If you have an account, <a class='ipsType_brandedLink' href='{internal.front.app=core&module=system&controller=login.login}' data-ipsDialog data-ipsDialog-size='medium' data-ipsDialog-title='Sign In Now'>sign in now</a> to post with your account."
  9. Does it work if you rebuild the search index after renaming a tag?
  10. 2 days later, nope, as I've marked the site read multiple times since posting. Move the topic to the "Community Support" forum quickly (don't reply) and I'll confirm for you
  11. 4.7.4 is PHP 8.x only. The above are probably because you are running 7.4.x Move to 8.0.x and troubleshoot issues there instead.
  12. Why? Issue is resolved, and it's nothing to do with a problem with a MP resource, just the user looking in the wrong place. Heck, if you want to go the full hog then merge it with the support topic for the actual resource, if one exists.
  13. Here's an example of this without clubs even involved - notice I am the last poster on the topic? Therefore, it's been read by me already, prior to my post, and shouldn't be unread following my post. Well, the topic was in the Help & Support forum when I replied. Then it got moved to the Advanced Self-Hosting forum, and is now marked as unread. https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/524-advanced-self-hosting-assistance/
  14. Open the IIS Manager app, go to Handler Mappings and change the path for the PHP entries you have there.
  15. Known issue: language strings are missing for administrator permissions; will be resolved if/when the resource is purchased a less trivial issue requires resolving.
  16. Known issue: language strings are missing for administrator permissions; will be resolved if/when a new version is required for less trivial issues.
  17. And also notification__club_response_declined - that is used in the notification sent to the user, while the above is the message across the top of the club page itself.
  18. v2.0.0 of this is now pending approval - converted from a plugin to an application, and now IPS Community Suite 4.7.x compatible
  19. This is easy to reproduce, Marc. Modify the 'Members' group, enable the 'Can lock and unlock own content?' permission. Login as a member and create a topic Once created, click 'Moderator Actions' -> 'Lock' Result - click 'Save' has no effect on the topic Workaround: Make the member a restricted moderator, with only the 'Can manage alerts?' permission Try to lock the topic again. Result - clicking save now locks the topic.
  20. It's because CKEDITOR introduced a change in their clipboard plugin (I think it was v4.19 of that) that produces the message. It looks like it can be 'worked around' in code but it is up to IPS if they want to account for the new functionality that was introduced by CKEDITOR.
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