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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. Working on phone, but repro steps appear to be based around this, on 'older' topics...will try to flesh out exacts tomorrow. 1) Start a topic, publish immediately 2) Reply to the topic (you will want to turn off post merging) 3) edit the first post, notice publish fields show actual date/time and not 'Immediately' 4) save edit. 5) first post is now the last post, and vice versa.
  2. This is reproducible...editing the first post in the topic shows the publish date fields, populated to 'now', (as opposed to the 'Immediately' setting being shown) and saving the change results in the first post date/time ending up changing..result, first post becomes last post.
  3. It allows users to record audio/video into the areas configured. Any issue you had while you were using this previously are ignored by me, and you know full why. Test it yourself - got an issue with the functionality, provide the reproduction steps, and the observed behaviours, so that I can look into it further.
  4. Nope, it's Runar's resource
  5. Correct - and as I said..it was fixed in 4.7.6 Anyway...this is the correct path that is in use as of 4.7.6 (changing from https://twemoji.maxcdn.com) https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/twitter/twemoji@14.0.2/assets/72x72/1f600.png So it's possible that you have something in place that is pointing to another now-defunct path.
  6. I checked your site and can see you are running 4.7.7 - were you running it when you took that screenshot? (there was a fix in 4.7.6 for a CDN change, so if you were on a prior version when taking the screenshot then that answeres that one) If not, right-click one of the 'images' and provide its URL.
  7. It wasn't difficult to find. https://github.com/runar?tab=repositories
  8. No additional work required - I've found their oembed endpoint. Create a custom endpoint as follows: Note: ignore the "Apply to these groups?" setting - that appears to have a bug which I will resolve at a later point. Once you've added the custom endpoint, go to the group(s) that you want to be able to use it, and there is an 'oembed' tab there where you can configure what the group has access to use. Once done, the https://www.canva.com/design/DAFZWegAizg/view link will embed as an iframe in the Editor.
  9. No worries - just trying to save you some money...ask before you buy, make sure first.
  10. It's not entirely true. Anyway...I'll comment here after I've looked into whether it's possible to add this is a custom support in my application.
  11. The answer appears to be 'No' - I can look into building this into the application in the same way I've previously added support for captivate.fm embeds, but it won't be for a few days. Tip: next time someone suggests a resource, it would be a good idea to check with the developer before you buy. If I had seen that conversion before your purchase then I would have commented if it was going to assist.
  12. @EvanDCSee information above your post. The link you provided is a direct link to a design - it is not an oembed endpoint to which a URL can be sent to then retrieve the embed code from Canva.
  13. Thanks for the purchase but you won't be able to get the code you provided working using it - as per the listing of my resource, it is for adding oembed endpoints into the default ones provided by Invision, and providing access to those on a group-basis (if desired) So, the question is: does Canva provide an oEmbed endpoint? If yes, great...use that. If it doesn't, then you'll probably have to use the iFramely integration provided by my resource.
  14. Are you referring to this? If so, still the same and there is no involvement required from the other developer. If it can be resolved at a later point, it will. At this time, it can't.
  15. Nothing. A question was asked about why you had content other than the current defaults in your conf_global.php...the answer is what you quoted.
  16. 4.7.7 final was released a little over an hour ago, so no need for the above constant to be used.
  17. v1.4.0 pending approval... NEW Added ability to randomly determine the length of the delay for "Delay page load" functionality CHANGES Minor language string modifications
  18. Assuming it matches up to the default theme - can't verify this will work for you as no idea what your site code looks like... .cAuthorPane_info > li[data-role="group"]{ display:none; }
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