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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. https://invisioncommunity.com/profile/633487-carole-asselin/content/?type=gallery_image&change_section=1
  2. When creating a page, select the 'Manual HTML' option and then deselect 'Use suite HTML wrapper' in the resulting configuration - it can't be done with the Page Builder, as far as I am aware (although probably could be achieved if you want to begin hiding things using CSS)
  3. You can,however, use 'Group Promotions' to move a user to a group or add them to a secondary group based on the value of a completed profile field.
  4. v1.1.0 is currently pending approval... NEW Video recording is now available Media recording is now available in the following 'CORE' areas: Status updates (not available for comments, at this time) Announcements CHANGES Language string changes FIXES The 'Enable audio recording functionality' setting, when enabled, didn't hide the 'Allow user to provide a file name?' setting
  5. BTW - you'll also see there that they don't have their messenger disabled 😉
  6. If they did, it isn't effective for staff: It's more likely that the contents of their inbox exceeds any configured quotas - which can be overridden by those who have the following group setting enabled: "Override recipients' storage quota?"
  7. It may be old, but it's still a supported device and is capable of going to Android 13 too. @jay5r - send me your site address and I'll do some testing here. I've got a whole bunch of different Samsung devices available to me.
  8. No idea if it will help your situation, but for those using Firefox then this will likely be 'enhanced tracking protection' being set to On with no exceptions applied.
  9. If you would like control over the Invision implementation, this is available:
  10. If a user has access to more than one theme then they see the theme selector - so if you don't want the theme selector seen, modify permissions on themes theme to not make them available to groups.
  11. If you are thinking of going one-by-one then there is a quicker way - go to your group listing, click the permissions icon for Guests.
  12. Importing uses an upload of a CSV file to populate the member list, so if you can create the source file then go for it - but it wouldn't be associated with AD. However, you could always look at implementing the LDAP login method and allow your users to register using their AD credentials. If it's Azure AD, or your on-premise AD is sync'ed to Azure AD, then you could use the Microsoft login method instead.
  13. v1.2.1 is currently pending approval CHANGES modified hook selectors to account for custom themes where developer has removed some of the default classes applied to those elements in the default theme
  14. Microsoft no longer allow a 'Never' expiry - 2 years is the limit (so that's an update for the document) Value (it states that in step 7 of the guide) - has to be grabbed at the time of creation, as it is obscured from view on later views. If you didn't grab it then just delete the existing one and create a new one. And the final tip...put a reminder into your calendar for a few days prior to the expiry date, to remind you to create a new value.
  15. This is more likely what you are asking for...
  16. Found your site - yep, the hook point doesn't exist exactly as per the default theme, Leave it with me - when I've got some time I will test something out and release a new version to overcome that.
  17. Maybe give a link to your site so I can take a look? I can't advise anything without that.
  18. This is where you would expect to see them on the default theme, assuming you haven't turned the 'Display badges on phones?' setting off. As it's clear that you're using a customised theme, it's possible that the hook point used in my application probably doesn't exist in your theme, or has been used by something else (such as the display of the reputation score it appears you have there)
  19. Check if you have mod_security enabled, and disable it if so.
  20. The numbers are known as an IP address. If you want to know the IP address of your site, start by (if you are using Windows) opening a command prompt and typing nslookup, then press return. Then type your domain name (exclude the Https://) and press return...there is the IP address that might be your site. If the above doesn't help, ask your host. If your host is Invision - stop trying to find out, as you don't have FTP access to your hosting.
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