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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. If the patch wasn't applied (which it appears it was, based on you indicating that you only saw the gallery one) then you would have had the fields As you indicate that you have the patch applied, you won't now have the fields.
  2. If you are still seeing the first post going to the end of the topic when editing, then it's possible that the patched bug may be back - await Invision support to review that then.
  3. It's a bug in 4.7.7 which was patched recently, so go into your ACP and check for optional patches being available. Before you the patch though, edit the original first post of the topic (which is now near the end of the topic) and set its date/time back to the original information (fields at bottom of form)
  4. Are you referring to this content, or is there an actual post in the forum itself which you haven't included a screenshot of?
  5. Where is the post in the forum? if you are referring to the text starting with "I ve sponsored...." then that's the report the Guest submitted. Advice: don't allow Guests to use the report system..edit the group, go to the 'Content' tab, find the indicated item.
  6. And they are populated with the date/time of when the topic was 'published' ....and you can't save the edit because the date is now in the past. ...and you have to set a future date to save the edit. And then the topic is hidden until that date...
  7. Possible with customisation, yep. I put a proof of concept together last year for this, actually - following this discussion: Based on Daniel's final post in there, I decided not to continue with it as a potential MarketPlace resource as I expect it wouldn't be approved.
  8. If the intention is to host the images on your own server instead of the cdn, then it's not as simple as a single file edit. It's... a language string update, to handle the display of a small number of items in the ACP (that's what the issue was in that linked topic) a modification of core ips JS which contains the hard-coded cdn URL (JS which isn't stored in a local file, but in a database table) a modification (via plugin/app hook, ideally) of a function contained in IPS\Output
  9. v1.2.2 is currently pending approval CHANGES modified author pane hook selector to account for custom themes where the developer has added additional elements which conflict with the prior selector being used. As discussed via PM, the above is working as expected based on your chosen settings in the ACP: "Show recent badges (if none chosen)?" is enabled "Override user's choice?" is disabled As you had entered your own account settings and saved the 'Display My Badges' form, that was a choice being made to not display badges if all of them were left in the default 'off' position. "Override user's choice?" has been included specifically for that scenario, as per the description for the setting: You enabled that setting, and your recent badges now display as expected. 👍
  10. And I mean that you will see that change in the source code - that's what the setting does, nothing else as far as I am aware (if it did something else I would have mentioned it)
  11. This is a problem with your theme, unfortunately. I hook into a template using this as the selector for the area to add information: article > aside.ipsComment_author.cAuthorPane.ipsResponsive_hidePhone > ul.cAuthorPane_info Which points to here in the default theme: And then my additional content is added in (See the 'neappMyBadges_wrapper added) Your theme adds a div into the mix (see '<div id="cb-nexxe__comment_author">') that causes the problem - the selector no longer exists as a result: When I have more time, I'll take a closer look to see if this is something that I can work around.
  12. OK - when I have more time, I will take a look. What version of IPS are you currently running?
  13. What are the actual problems experienced? Difficult to reproduce a problem without know what the problem is 😉 I'll look into it further when I have time.
  14. Thanks - confirms it is working fine on the Invision theme then: Go into your ACP's Support page and click 'Clear System Caches' - let me know when done.
  15. Try clicking it - you go to the post from which the quote was taken.
  16. Thank you Can you please make the default Invision theme available to Guests, so that I can switch to it? Alternatively, create a test account for me, and add me to a group that does have access to the default Invision theme.
  17. Well first of all, badges won't appear under posts...they will appear in the author pane to the left of a post. If you need assistance, post your settings (ACP) and a link to a topic on your site (which contains posts from someone who has badges) and we go from there when I wake up later today.
  18. The OP observed that it was on - but didn't mention whether the setting had any urls added (you can't manually enable it with no URLs added)...if the setting somehow toggled to that value via other means, then I suspect that the above issue I can see would begin occurring.
  19. @Marc Stridgen I think you may want to take a closer look at that setting... One additional observation - notice that my valid URL is still a link, while the Google ones are not links?
  20. They already have, and we already use it. As far as I am concerned as a 3rd party developer I have no concerns with CKE 5 replacing CKE 4 in a later version, other than the couple of resources where I actually do something different with the Editor in the front-end. I am pretty sure that the majority of resources that have an Editor implemented will be fine - it's those that do something extra with it that will need to do some work. Some examples of something different/extra: (NE) Add 'Preview' button to Editor instances 1.0.0 - I trigger the ipspreview CKE plugin in a different way; I will likely have to change how I interact with that plugin. (NE) Editor content limits 2.1.2 - I analyse the content of the Editor while it is being added; I will likely have to change how I gather that information from the Editor. Legend Editor Buttons 1.0.1 - the developer on that may have to make some changes to the plugins contained within the resource.
  21. Post in the support topic for the resource...
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