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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. v2.1.0 has been submitted for approval NEW Added the ability to check the submission against akismet.com The following will be submitted: sender's name sender's email address sender's ip address sender's browser user-agent string the content submitted by the sender If you wish to test this out, use viagra-test-123 and/or akismet-guaranteed-spam@example.com as the sender's name and/or email address respectively. CHANGES Language strings relating to the privacy policy have been updated to reflect the previous application name change
  2. Yup a[data-mentionid] { background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba( var(--theme-mentions), 0.15 ), rgba( var(--theme-mentions), 0.15 )); color: rgb( var(--theme-mentions) ); } That in custom.css will sort it.
  3. Take a look at \IPS\Login::usernameIsInUse (system\login\login.php)
  4. Contact your host and ask them for assistance with disabling strict mode in MySQL/MariaDB
  5. No modification required - use the existing bad word filter from the Invision software, the "Block submission" options works on the Editor used on the form.
  6. It effectively does the same as this, yes? If so, it's just a matter of presenting that link somewhere else, in a different way, then?
  7. app = core location = global group = global {template="memberBaddge" app="core" location="global" group="global" params="$comment->author()"} If you had it in core -> front -> global then your code would be fine as postContainer is in front too.
  8. Do the following: Disable all 3rd-party resources (plugins/applications) Put a default Invision theme in place Ensure your site is working BACKUP your software and database. Download 4.7.6 manually Put PHP 8.0.x in place Upload/upgrade to 4.7.6 Test your site. Login to the ACP and go through the Marketplace onboarding and link your MP-purchased resources (if any) Update those resources (do not enable any) Test your site If all good, enable any 3rd party resources one at a time and test each time.
  9. Assumption made (as you've not indicated which template you have edited, as far as I can see) - the template you have edited is front -> global -> siteSocialProfiles Revert it (there's a 'revert' button to do this - it puts it back to the default) In the ACP, use System -> (Settings) General Configuration to populate your social profiles (the ones that can be populated in there) For any additional ones, add the following after the closing {{endif}} in the mentioned template for each of your additional links that you want (replacing the indicated items in href and img - if you don't want an image, and want to use a word then remove the img tag) <li class='cUserNav_icon'> <a href='<THE URL>' target='_blank' class='cShareLink' rel='noopener noreferrer'><img src="<YOUR IMAGE>"></a> </li>
  10. Step 1 - create a group Step 2 - give that group moderator permissions Have you now done both?
  11. Then create a new group to use as the moderator group...
  12. I am trying to do a "From/To or Permanent" type of field. When saving, the following... $form->add(new \IPS\Helpers\Form\DateRange('daterange', array('start' => NULL, 'end' => NULL), TRUE, array('unlimited' => 1, 'unlimitedLang' => 'permanent'))); ...results in... I should be able to overcome it with some custom validation, but would be good if it could work as-is (you don't appear to use a DateRange with a required = true anywhere in the code I have availability to)
  13. So..cloaking: the act of presenting different content to the search engine (which accesses the site as a guest), which isn't actually accessible to the guest if they viewed your site, usually to manipulate search rankings and/or mislead users. Yep, frowned upon...however: With that in mind, what you would need is something that detects Google's useragent and promotes its access to something that has access to the content. Which would require a plugin. And then...
  14. In answer to your question: There isn't one - you can only download the current available release. My advice would be... Put PHP 8.0.x in place now. Iron out any existing PHP related issues (theme/3rd party resource related) Upgrade to 4.7.6 (direct, there are no incrementals) Put PHP 8.1.x in place.
  15. @Adriano Faria that summary could be a perfect home for this too:
  16. Support topic for As I only allow certain groups on my site to upload a profile photo, I'm not a fan of the way the Google login handler automatically synchronises the photo of a Google account regardless of group membership. It meant that every so often I would need to do a sweep of accounts to remove those sync'ed photos, and then repeat... So here we are - this plugin allows you to set which groups are allowed to sync their Google photo...simple as that. Note: pending approval at the time of this post
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