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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. This is the specific point of failure... // Actually initiate // 01/05/16 - Changed to replacing a dom node instead of form field name here // because in some places we use the same field name multiple times on the page // e.g. editing posts in a topic. Using a string name broke the second editor. instance = CKEDITOR.replace( $( elem ).find('textarea').get(0), config ); This is returning null instead of an object, when you use the provided useragent information.
  2. You've found that the error appears to be coming from this in ips.ui.editor.js then?
  3. Scratch that - looks problematic; will probably work with a bit more time put into it but none at the moment. The app method is all good though.
  4. You'd be laughed out of the shop. @Clover13 - I've reproduced it exactly as you described using the chrome developer tools, and it appears to be a jQuery bug which, for some reason, is removing the 2 quote elements out of the DOM entirely - if I have time tomorrow then I will try to figure it out further. Please follow the following instruction, using Firefox (not Edge...Edge is built on the same base as Chrome) and advise if the same issue exists.
  5. v4.0.4 is currrently pending approval. FIXES Fixed issue where an error would occur in search results if the 'Search results' setting was enabled and the content was from an application other than Forums/Events/Pages CHANGES Minor language updates to account for Calendar being renamed Events
  6. Yes, my suggestion to the problem IS an application. Wait for Shahed to read what I have put up, they're the developer.
  7. Overkill, probably, but this would solve the situation: Create an application, with a single admin module Add the zip file as a resource in the application The admin module could then display instructions on what to do, along with a link to the zip file to allow it to then be downloaded and manually installed by the user POC (NE) Zip file example 1.0.0.tar plus dev folder neappzipfile.zip
  8. It's as simple as that... .cToken.cToken_selected { color:pinkwithgreensparkles !important; }
  9. Right click the item and inspect the item before you click it and then after you click it, then find the classes that are applied to it before/after: BEFORE AFTER From the dev tools css files - the color isn't changing, the opacity is: .cToken.cToken_selected { opacity: 0.7; } So override it... .cToken.cToken_selected { opacity: 1 !important; } This kind of stuff is usually a lot easier for others to figure out if you post a link to a site (which allows people to look at the html/css) instead of a screenshot (which only allows people to look at a pretty picture)
  10. I supposed I best add some video to this then...
  11. Or go to the Members listing in the ACP and filter by 'Locked' and see that their name is there...
  12. The issue is that the OP has linked an application (Member Map) to the incorrect one in the Marketplace (Community Map) and needs Invision assistance removing/changing that association.
  13. I don't think you've noticed that the provided atachment link is missing the &key parameter which, if missing, means that the attachment won't be accessible even if it was there because a security check fails as a result - and will present the following message: If it was me investigating this, I would be looking at the content that contains the attachment link, to determine if it is missing the key element there. If so then it was possibly posted in a version when the &key= element wasn't being added to attachment links due to an IPS bug that has since been resolved...but hey, that's me.
  14. My post was for Invision's benefit....there was a post there that made the forum unread. The topic is no longer accessible, therefore it cannot be read, therefore we shouldn't have an unread mark for it.
  15. That's because a post was made but has since been moved out of there - click the URL for the item posted 17hrs ago (at this time) and you get to here... https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/471110-invision-insight-invision-community-team-qa/?do=getLastComment
  16. You've possibly got an extra 'toolbar' line in the configuration in the ACP - easy to reproduce: add a toolbar, drag one item to that toolbar. Go to the front end, make screen slightly smaller until...
  17. I'll ask the question...why? Are you looking to hide content from guests? Or are you looking to add information to the content?
  18. Reproduced it straight away... Login as "User A" Create a topic as "User A" Log back in as an admin Go to the ACP and delete "User A" Go back to the topic Using the "Moderation Actions" above the topic, lock the topic. Locks as expected Using the "Moderation Actions" above the topic, unlock the topic. Unlocks as expected Using the "Moderation Actions" below the topic, lock the topic. You get a prompt as per first screenshot The topic is however locked Do a lock on a topic whose user hasn't been deleted and you'll see that the dialog box would normally contain a single option to "send an alert to....", which would logically be unnecessary for a deleted user so a dialog isn't needed. However, because there are dialog elements in the link HTML in the lower menu then you're going to get a dialog with the results of the AJAX call -> "OK" as opposed to the action alone being performed. There are no dialog elements in the link HTML code in the higher menu.
  19. I'll think about it next time I am looking at the app but... Pardon? Ability for whom? If the admin then a setting alredy exists to control the size of the badges displayed. If the user then I will not be putting in a user control.
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