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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. And for those making use of the following setting (in General Configuration), there is a present attached... (NE) Site URL 1.0.0.xml
  2. @Daniel F could you move this resource to a more suitable category, as it can't be found in the MP via the ACP as it currently is (it's in 'Developer Resources', for some reason)
  3. It's a widget - its settings (if any) will be in the front-end when you drag the widget/block into your sidebar.
  4. 'Edit' your theme and go to the "Button Colors" tab
  5. Alerts (Moderator CP -> Alerts) can be configured to be shown to new members only
  6. Ok - that rules out the possibility of you using one of the cookie constants which may cause problems with processing the login.
  7. Do you have a constants.php file in the root of the installation?
  8. Then you won't be able to do the above via a custom block. Found another option though...you might be able to to do this at the theme template level itself by editing the following template: core -> front -> widgets -> twitter Change the following {{if $style}}data-theme="{$style}"{{endif}} to either: data-theme="light" or data-theme="dark" Not sure how this will behave with regards to caching though.
  9. The twitter timeline is in an iframe - the background colour on it is dictated by the URL retrieving the timeline (based on the 'Light'/'Dark' setting on the block), you'd have to manipulate the URL to modify the 'theme' parameter dependent on the theme being used. Example: configure block to use 'Light' Theme 1 - light - all OK Theme 2 - dark - manipulate the code to change 'theme' parameter from 'light' to 'dark' Probably achievable by creating a new block (if using Pages) based on the existing Twitter timeline block and then modifying the content to allow you edit the template: <div class='ipsPad_half'> <a class="twitter-timeline" data-lang="{$locale}" data-height="500" {{if $style}}data-theme="{$style}"{{endif}} {{if $color}}data-link-color="{$color}"{{endif}} href="https://twitter.com/{$username}?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">Tweets by {$username}</a> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </div> It's the "{{if $style}}data-theme="{$style}"{{endif}}" entry there that would need something around it to check the theme in use and make the modification based on that.
  10. Embedded video - change the 100 as you wish... div.ipsEmbeddedVideo{ max-width: 100px; }
  11. And if you are self-hosted, you would then delete the /applications/downloads folder (I am assuming that the folder is called 'downloads') from your installation.
  12. I doubt it's going to be as simple as a hook into existing code - you'll probably need to write your own login handler. If you want to look further into this, then your starting point is to look at /system/login/handler/standard.php
  13. Go here: https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin/ and sign in, and update your existing key to support your different domain
  14. Show how you have the advertisement configured - screenshot.
  15. If it's really something you want to troubleshoot then you'll need to bring up the web developer console in your browser when you are submitting a post, and keep an eye on it for any errors. The 'Storage' tab (Firefox) or the 'Application' tab (Chrome...dig down to the "Local Storage") will show you the autosave information as you type, and if it's there after you have posted then an error may have occurred in the submission process which has then had a knock-on effect with the clearance of the autosave entry.
  16. The 'quick' is in relation to the cause, not the effect...if you are quick, then the autosaved info stays in the browser. You come back to it, the Editor detects it and populates etc. This may or may not be relevant to your own situation - but the reason the Editor populates data and prompts is because the JS to clear the autosave didn't clear the autosave. That is what would need to be investigated, not the effect of it at a later point.
  17. New version due soon, adding in the following: Any other feature enhancement requests?
  18. BTW - the above is easy to reproduce if you are really, really quick (really quick!!) with closing the page after submitting content but before the JS has run to clear the local storage autosaved content. It happens...the 'clear editor..' option is there to assist with it, really.
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