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Gabriel Torres

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  1. Thanks
    Gabriel Torres reacted to Adriano Faria in How to exclude Products from the available search options?   
    Sent you a plugin via message to remove Products from search. 👍
  2. Haha
    Gabriel Torres got a reaction from WP V0RT3X in Broken images   
    Unfortunatelly Lindy forbid me of opening support tickets. Cheers.
  3. Like
    Gabriel Torres reacted to Danny Michel in Broken images   
    Looks like it's still happening
  4. Haha
    Gabriel Torres got a reaction from sobrenome in Broken images   
    Unfortunatelly Lindy forbid me of opening support tickets. Cheers.
  5. Like
    Gabriel Torres got a reaction from sobrenome in Broken images   
    I really appreciated that as of IPS 4.2.2 broken member photos are replaced with the name of the user, improving the aesthetics of our community. However, on these cases, on the member's hover card, the image is still shown as a broken broken image.
    This is probably a small issue that you guys want to fix in the next release.
    See screenshots below.
    Thank you in advance.


  6. Haha
    Gabriel Torres reacted to ahc in Re-enable audio notifications   
    Yes, please make it optional if you bring it back. That notification noise was almost as bad as the Facebook pings. Good riddance! 
  7. Like
    Gabriel Torres reacted to aia in Re-enable audio notifications   
    Yes, make it optional with the ability to upload the custom sound.
  8. Thanks
    Gabriel Torres reacted to Stuart Silvester in Issue: no audio alert with notifications   
    We were seeing reports that having the support for audio would keep browsers/devices awake and not allow them to sleep regardless of whether the end-user had sounds enabled or not.
    In addition to that, Browsers are getting much stricter about what can play/trigger a sound and in many cases it no longer worked.
    You can (except iOS/Safari) use push notifications instead now and allow them to make a noise on your device.
  9. Agree
    Gabriel Torres got a reaction from jaeitee in Re-enable audio notifications   
    Audio notifications were removed from the 4.6 series. My suggestion is to add it back, as our users are missing this feature. Maybe adding an option in the user's account so they can enable/disable it on an individual basis?
  10. Agree
    Gabriel Torres got a reaction from aia in Re-enable audio notifications   
    Audio notifications were removed from the 4.6 series. My suggestion is to add it back, as our users are missing this feature. Maybe adding an option in the user's account so they can enable/disable it on an individual basis?
  11. Haha
    Gabriel Torres got a reaction from abobader in Issue: no audio alert with notifications   
    Just a follow-up, the support team informed me that this option was removed from 4.6+. I am opening a new topic suggesting them to put this back in place! LOL
  12. Agree
    Gabriel Torres got a reaction from aia in Not allow duplicate filters in Word Filters   
    ACP > Word Filters
    The word filters allow duplicate entries. For instance, if I create a filter:
    Replace: <this>
    With: <that>
    and then create the same filter again, the system will allow it, and we end up with two identical filters.
    IMO, the system should check if the filter already exists, and display an error saying that the filter already exists, and preventing us from creating it again.
  13. Like
    Gabriel Torres reacted to CircaCitadel in Favicon is using wrong image   
    Yep, tried all of those. They were images I uploaded at the same time, so it was replacing the old one just fine. It just seems to be prioritizing the application icon over the favicon.
  14. Like
    Gabriel Torres got a reaction from Thomas P in 📧 Block Disposable E-mails   
    It's been a while since I last checked the list of members with disposable emails in our community. Right now we have 29 pages of users with disposable emails.
    My suggestions:
    In the "Members with disposable e-mails list, add a new column: number of posts An option to bulk prune all users with disposable e-mails, ideally with an option to set the number of posts, so, for example, we can safely purge all accounts with 0 posts. This could be added either in the screen mentioned above or at the main Member > Members > [gear icon] path In the list mentioned above, the links to the users' profile is incorrect. Where it is "&do=edit" should be "&do=view". Thanks!
  15. Thanks
    Gabriel Torres reacted to Adriano Faria in How to set a specific user to always be pre-moderated?   
    It will always send a notification if warned on public side. Via ACP profile, don't.
  16. Like
    Gabriel Torres got a reaction from Hilas in Mass pruning with option to also delete topics/posts   
    When deleting individual users, we are able to select if we also want to delete the contents they created.
    However, when we use the member search feature to mass prune members, we don't have such option.
    For example, I wanted to delete all spammers, however, if I do that using the mass prune option, all the spam is still left in the database, assigned to "Guest: <user_name>", and I want to delete everything, including all posts and topics.
    I think when select to mass prune members, there should be an option for us to select if we want the users' contents to be deleted as well.
  17. Like
    Gabriel Torres got a reaction from Ryan Ashbrook in Help with phrase and strings (%s)   
    @Ryan AshbrookWorked like a charm, many thanks! 🙂
  18. Thanks
    Gabriel Torres reacted to Ryan Ashbrook in Help with phrase and strings (%s)   
    Yes, you should be able to specify the positioning of the parameters. Try this (of course adjust for your language):
    <a href='%2$s'>%3$s</a> %1$s's in <a href='%4$s'>%5$s</a> was marked as the answer The parameters should be able to follow PHP's sprintf() function identifier rules.
  19. Like
    Gabriel Torres got a reaction from Ibai in Google Core Web Vitals / Google December 2020 Core Update   
    Coming here just for a quick update and to thank the IPS team for having added the lazy loading feature suggested here in the 4.6 series.
  20. Like
    Gabriel Torres got a reaction from Ibai in Lazy load profile pictures on IPS 4.5   
    Returning here just to thank the IPS team @Jordan Invision for adding the Lazy Loading featured we suggested in the 4.6 series! 🙂
  21. Thanks
    Gabriel Torres got a reaction from sobrenome in Lazy load profile pictures on IPS 4.5   
    Returning here just to thank the IPS team @Jordan Invision for adding the Lazy Loading featured we suggested in the 4.6 series! 🙂
  22. Thanks
    Gabriel Torres reacted to ABGenc in How to enable web push notifications   
    That is one thing I am wondering too. Do users have to manually save the site to home screen or will they be notified to do so as it was for this site? 
    I have upgraded to 4.6.1 and wonder where is the splash screen image setting mentioned below.
    Edit : I have just found the splash screen image setting in > Customization > Icons & Logos
  23. Thanks
    Gabriel Torres got a reaction from Matthew Fay in Multiple-resolution logo images   
    I am in the process of optimizing our install with the help with Google's Lighthouse, and trying to improve our score in that tool. 
    Today I succesfuly worked on a issue that I suggest IPS to address in an upcoming release: multiple-resolution logo images.
    Here is the warning that we got using lighthouse:

    Following the suggestions decribed here: https://web.dev/serve-responsive-images/ and here: https://web.dev/codelab-density-descriptors/, I decided to create three logo images for our install at sizes 460x77 (1x), 920x154 (2x), and 1380x280 (3x). I uploaded them to a new folder (/uploads/logos/), and adjusted the HTML code at the core > front > global > logo template to:
    <a href='{setting="base_url"}' id='elLogo' accesskey='1'><img src="{$logo}" srcset="/uploads/logos/logo-cdh-1x.png 1x, /uploads/logos/logo-cdh-2x.png 2x, /uploads/logos/logo-cdh-3x.png 3x" sizes="460px" alt='{setting="board_name" escape="true"}'></a> Note: I uploaded the 1x version as the logo in the template's settings page.
    After this change, our logo looks much crispier and also we got rid of the above warning. In fact, our "Best Practices" score inscreased from 86 to 93! 🙂

    I really hope that this helps other administrators who are looking into ways to improve their community's performance, and I hope IPS can make adjustments to fix the recommendations presented by Lighthouse to improve the overall score of our websites.
    Enjoy! 🙂
  24. Thanks
    Gabriel Torres reacted to Claudia999 in IPS Pages - some new features suggestions   
    I use this thread for the extension of my older wishlist for Pages.
    Pages should have 
    background images for categories as for forums grid view polls in Pages entries text area for category descriptions (and not only one text field) an option to show category descriptions only on category sites and not in categories overview. widgets per category and not for all categories together (yes, there's an app for that) the option to set multiple authors for one article field for meta title on Pages database entries snippet preview on Meta Tags at least in ACP more schema tag options as described in this thread from @Gabriel Torres in menu manager the option to include a single entry from a Pages database (an article for example). So many menu entries are "external links" but actually "things" in Pages.  
  25. Like
    Gabriel Torres got a reaction from Houston Miata Club in Commerce: guests creating tons of invoices   
    One issue that I noticed today is that when someone clicks on the "Subscribe" button at our subscriptions page (/subscriptions/), a new invoice is ALWAYS generated. This way, we end up with TONS of unpaid invoices created by guests... See below:

    Right now, we have 106 pages of this.
    IMHO, the invoice should be created only AFTER the user commits to pay.
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