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  1. Like
    PrettyPixels reacted to Cyboman in Mobile App, Progressive Web App (PWA) For IPB   
    Adjust mobile design:
    Then create the progressive web app (PWA) with common requirements:
    My community is begging for an app, and I already lost ~60% of member traffic to Facebook and WhatsApp. Why? Not because my content isn't good enough anymore, but my members use my contents, and afterwards, go on with live messaging/meetings (which is an elemental part in my industry) via Facebook and WhatsApp and I lose control. I can do nothing against it. My competitors don't have contents, but they have active Facebook and WhatsApp groups. The FB/WA messaging functions are way better, and my users require an app icon to remember my site as well as push notifications to their mobiles. Not having an app is blocking my success factors extremely. I'm already considering buying an app development for my WordPress pages (which seems to be cheaper as many developers already did it for the WP platform...), but that would be the point to lose the power an IPS app would have. I'd prefer an IPS app, but I don't have ages to wait for one. We need to speed up any arrangement.
    I'd be willing to pay, too!!!
  2. Like
    PrettyPixels reacted to Nathan Explosion in (NE) Dice Roller   
    Yes, it does. You might want to hold off on purchasing for a short while, as I've got a new version on the way soon which adds a chunk of functionality to it.
  3. Like
    PrettyPixels got a reaction from Joey_M in Live Topics (Support)   
    Same here! I would love to see this, especially if it also works in clubs.
  4. Like
    PrettyPixels reacted to Joey_M in Live Topics (Support)   
    These would be great additions, I don't know if you added support for the tag but I'd be over the moon with per topics to be live.
    I know how busy you are Michael.
    Just thought I would show support and declare my interest.
  5. Like
    PrettyPixels reacted to -FP in Live Topics (Support)   
    I sent a private message to Mike about this, but I thought I should leave this here for others to discuss.
    I suggested that instead of having this as a global option for all the forums, it would be nice of we could enable the option on a per topic basis, so we can control which topics use this feature.
    He's planning to add that on a per forum basis, and then per topic.
  6. Like
    PrettyPixels reacted to Adriano Faria in Links Directory   
    Something like that you mentioned... like I did in Classifieds, with packages, etc.
  7. Like
    PrettyPixels reacted to HeadStand in Template System   
    What version of IPS are you running? 
    1) if you customize the view template. I do have plans to add permissions to each field, but haven't had a chance to do that yet. 
    2) no. 
    3) yes. I am updating my apps based on the number of purchases. This app is next in line. 
  8. Like
    PrettyPixels reacted to PPlanet in Extra Fields search is useless/do not work the way it is   
    Apart from several and diverse individual needs to do this people may have, it occurs to me that this shortcoming is also holding Pages from achieving its best potential. I really need this badly for a third app I have on the forums; however, I run IPB for my forums, blogs, etc (still 3.4 and waiting on this precisely so I can upgrade), then I run a directory on Joomla (using SobiPro), and a splash page on Wordpress matching the look of the Joomla one, but giving me a bit more flexibility for SEO purposes. (Maybe a bit overkill when my forums subdomain cannibalize any SEO attempts as it is the most popular one, but never mind that)
    My wish is not having to run a website that consists of 3 completely different pieces of software any longer, and I'd be happy happy to do the whole lot with IPS (and maybe move all just to the top domain). However, while I'm sure that you must be able to build a directory using Pages (or maybe Pages and other apps too), you cannot have a directory where users can search by attributes if you cannot search custom fields (yes, you have tags, but I think it's not quite the same). So, I really hope this functionality is back with IPS 4.3.
  9. Like
    PrettyPixels reacted to HeadStand in Custom Email Wrappers   
    Not at the moment. I'm not sure there is a way to determine which forum is sending the notifications... but I'll look into it.
  10. Like
    PrettyPixels got a reaction from PPlanet in Extra Fields search is useless/do not work the way it is   
    Adding my +1 to this as well. We definitely need search for custom fields.
  11. Thanks
    PrettyPixels got a reaction from Adriano Faria in Links Directory   
  12. Thanks
    PrettyPixels reacted to Aetherdan in TXT & PHP Widget   
    For anyone who is interested in the future, this is how I did it.
    // Initialize IPS4 Framework require_once('./init.php'); // Indicate that we should consider this a front-end session so we can obtain the currently logged in users information. \IPS\Session\Front::i(); // Fetch linked account details $setting = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->profileFields(); $username = $setting['core_pfieldgroups_2']['core_pfield_2'];  
  13. Like
    PrettyPixels got a reaction from stoo2000 in Mail Bouncer - Automated Bounce Management   
    I'd like to purchase but also need 4.2 compatibility. Subscribed so I can see when it's added.
  14. Like
    PrettyPixels reacted to xtech in Mail Bouncer - Automated Bounce Management   
    Yes i've created a support ticket too some days ago but the answer was that it's not compatible with 4.2 yet. It's a bit hard to live without sending mass mails. Even if i disable mail bouncer, it is too risky to send mass mails without it.
    Stoo, this app is fundamental for any community, it would be really nice if it could be updated... please   
    4.2 beta is very stable and there are lots of people using it for live sites, including me with no complaint whatsoever.
  15. Like
    PrettyPixels got a reaction from The Jimmo in [JIMMO] MailChimp Sync PRO   
    Wow, super fast response! Thank you!
  16. Like
    PrettyPixels reacted to Tracy Perry in Extra Fields search is useless/do not work the way it is   
    Agreed, if the field is important enough to be collected, it should be important enough to be able to be searched upon.  It is very limiting to not allow that and defeats the purpose of custom fields.
  17. Like
    PrettyPixels reacted to Adriano Faria in Extra Fields search is useless/do not work the way it is   
    I got an extra field in Downloads, for example (this is a model, happens in any app), with option to search:

    Then I got a file with this field filled:

     But when I search for something or here, I got nothing:

    Also tried to search for:
    here "something here" something here something+ here+  
    How it should be?
    Exactly like PROFILE FIELDS on Members search:

    Those two (yelllow) fields are profile fields, so the user can search for them.
    That doesn't happen on Extra Fields model. My Extra Field do not appear in the Advanced Search form:

    No sign of the Extra Field there.
    What's the point in allow the user to add a bunch of extra fields and do not retrieve records based on them?
    I would like to request the addition of Extra Fields in the Advanced Search form, when the app uses it.
    Thank you.
  18. Like
    PrettyPixels reacted to CodingJungle in How do we extend functionality contained within traits?   
    this could be useful else where too, just saying  
  19. Like
    PrettyPixels reacted to AlexWebsites in Mail Bouncer - Automated Bounce Management   
    Any updates on Amazon SES/SNS? 
  20. Like
    PrettyPixels reacted to JEFF MACK in Mail Bouncer - Automated Bounce Management   
    My suggestion is to see if you can support Amazon SES.  I just set my forum up with that.  It would be nice to see if their APIs can integrate here as well.
  21. Like
    PrettyPixels reacted to jair101 in Advanced Tags & Prefixes - IPS 4.x   
    Not sure if anyone asked before, but have you considered integrating it with Rules App? Possible uses:
    - automatic tagging/prefixing based on number of replies - similar to the HOT feature, but much more flexible
    - automatic tagging/prefixing based on members taking part in the conversation. Lets say "elite topic" for topics where X participants are from Elite group.
    - automatic tagging/prefixing based on number of people currently reading a topic. 
    Etc. My examples might sound stupid, but I am just try to communicate the idea. Integration with Rules could be very powerful. 
  22. Like
    PrettyPixels reacted to Prank in Template System   
    Is it possible to search the fields? 
    If I created a 'location' field for topics, can I somehow allow my users to search or filter content based on that field?
    Sorry if this has been answered earlier, I did search the topic first. 
  23. Like
    PrettyPixels reacted to HeadStand in Template System   
    If you have a help forum, for example, and you want the user to populate certain fields so that you have all the information they need.
    If you have a gaming community, and you want people to enter the game they are referring to.
    if you have a community around nature (like bird-watching) and people are uploading images and you want to make sure they enter things like the location of the image and/or the subject of the image.
    I'm sure I can think of other examples if I put my mind to it. The idea is to eliminate things like "if you are posting in this forum, please make sure you provide the specs of your PC". That goes away, because the user simply can't post anymore without providing that information.
  24. Like
    PrettyPixels reacted to Chris Bell in ACP Session timeout settings   
    since the move to 4.1.x it seems that ACP has a more restrictive timeout of roughly 30min
    id like to be able to control the timeout settings through ACP settings in the future,
    for the time being; where can i modify currently imposed ACP timeout settings?
  25. Like
    PrettyPixels reacted to Arni in ACP Session timeout settings   
    Truth be told that would interest me too. 
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