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Randy Calvert

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Everything posted by Randy Calvert

  1. Do a manual upgrade. Download the files from your client area, upload them to your website and then visit domain.com/admin/upgrade.
  2. You’ll need to contact the author of that application for assistance. From the application’s support notes: Technical Support If you have an active purchase of the application, you can obtain technical support from the help desk portal: https://ipb.silvesterwebdesigns.com/support You will need to register an account.
  3. It’s likely Apple is flagging email from your server as spam. Your server is accepting the message from IPB, but the server is unable to deliver it to your recipient. This is something you would need to address with your host. I would suggest starting with ensuring SPF and DKIM is setup for your domain mapping to the correct server IP. That is one of the most common reasons for providers to not deliver email.
  4. This is something your host will have to assist with as it depends on how your server is setup/configured.
  5. It’s actually really important. Having a license is a sign of activity. If they are not keeping the license active, there is a much lower chance they’re also keeping applications updated. Imagine buying a resource that does not work because the developer disappeared 2 years ago. Since licenses renew every 6 months, it weeds out inactivity much sooner. Now… it’s not perfect, but it’s a signal and it’s easy for a developer to fix the situation. If they are still around, they can do custom development and not sell it via the marketplace. But if they’re going to actively offer it (free/paid) they need to be active with their license as well. Your problem isn’t the license is not active. The problem is the developer is not around. They could fix the activity if they were.
  6. This would most likely be better posted within the feedback forum: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/499-feedback/ A member of the staff can most likely move this post there for you. 🙂
  7. They don't typically tie dates to releases, but if you read between the tea leaves on statements about deprications... you can get a rough idea. It's been said that the Commerce ticket system is being removed in IPB 5. Separately Matt has said regarding it's removal: If you put two and two together... that would roughly put the timeline for IPB 5 around Q2 of 2024. But again... IPS generally does not give timelines for releases. This is simply an educated guess deduced by evaluating different statements and piecing together a guess based on everything heard. 🙂
  8. Ahhh haaa... so the opposite. I figured it was TLS somewhere. Not many cases though where someone has locked themselves to TLS 1.3! 😄 So I was close, but Stuart gets the cookie!!
  9. My RECOLLECTION is that it's daily for a week, and then several weeklies. This would allow them to go back and compare something from a month ago if needed as Charles alluded to in the note I quoted. Not on a self-service basis. You would have to work with support to get an export of your database currently.
  10. Long term, one of the things I'm hopeful IPS will consider is automatic image optimization. This would help reduce bandwidth and storage utilization, AND how much IPS needs to pay AWS each month. It could improve the user experience by resizing the image based on the device itself needs. (For example, a desktop might get the full size image... but a mobile device might get sent a file that is 1/3 the size.)
  11. The database itself is not counted and backups itself are not counted against your storage quota. It's essentially all of the files saved within the S3 bucket. This includes themes, attachments, gallery images, etc. To see the full list, search for "Files" in ACP and click the second "files" result: Regarding cloud backup frequency... this is a message from @Charles on that subject recently:
  12. Another possibility is that your server is not sending OUTBOUND requests over TLS 1.2 or higher. If you're using TLS 1.1, IPS will reject the request as insecure.
  13. IPS automatically does daily backups of all cloud accounts. There is not the ability to do an "on demand" backup at this time.
  14. Yesterday was peak bloom in the Washington DC area for the Cherry Blossoms and it was near 80 degrees! Talk about an incredible day! I love spring and I love the chance to sit outside and have dinner with a gentle breeze rolling by. Thanks for this update! The format is great with here’s what’s next, what’s following it, and what is in the pipe.
  15. It’s a module that needs to be compiled into your php installation. That’s something your host will need to help with or if you have access to the server yourself, something you add to your PHP compile.
  16. Understood! That screenshot is EXACTLY where I was hoping that report would be! It makes complete sense for it to be there and gives us the ability to apply other filters such as non-deliverable in a specific member group, or last activity date. So that's very helpful! If I might make a suggestion for a subsequent iteration... users RARELY go into their account settings. In fact, they may never even notice they're no longer getting email from us at all. It would be very helpful to have a way of more prominently notifying a user of the problem. I would suggest displaying a message similar to the announcements feature's "above page content" or at the very top of the page. You could display a red bar that has a warning that there is a problem with email delivery. At that point you can simply drop them on that revised page to update their email address. If emails are not being received, they can no longer self-service reset passwords, they may miss important announcements, etc. So it's important they're aware of that issue ASAP. I personally suggest it would always display until the issue is resolved and not allow it to be dismissed by the member.
  17. I had a post that was in that forum. It’s now in the Marketplace forum so I’m assuming that forum is now for both mass marketplace items as well as custom requests.
  18. Or find a hosting provider or VPS where you don’t have a limit enforced on you. 😉
  19. Just my own personal observation... I've noticed at home my ISP (Verizon Fios) is using IPV6 now and preferring it over IPV4. I've noticed my IPV6 address has changed MUCH more frequently.... several times in a day at times.
  20. I don't think they watch this forum too much as it's for user-to-user help... so you might need to ask it in the actual help forum.
  21. That would absolutely be a concern! Anytime you engage a third party, you should evaluate what data is required to share, where they'll handle that data, and ensure they have the appropriate controls to safeguard the it. As it stands today, the only way a web hook would be leveraged is if the owner made a conscience decision to share/send that data. It is not done out of the box by IPS, so it would not be in scope typically when making a decision if using the cloud hosted solution complies with EU GDPR requirements.
  22. They use the same methods you do for accessing the data. So in reality, you can check it for yourself. As you're accessing the ACP, or viewing PII, you can check the browser cache for that PII data. In looking through my own, I only see non-PII data (images, stylesheets, etc). I also see MY own session cookies in my local browser cache, but that is my own data... not anything that would relate to any other user's session data, etc.
  23. How so? Anything that would display PII via the UI is marked as no-cache/no-store. So the local browser and/or the CDN would not cache it. (It would not make sense to cache pages anyway.) In fact if you are logged in even as a user, the base pages themselves are not cached. Me as a regular user: And separately from the ACP of one of my own IPB instances: So anything you happen to be browsing that would contain PII would be cached in the browser. You would have to make an intentional decision to take data with you such as downloading logs or exporting the database, etc.
  24. The supported hardware versions are: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT213411 That means it supports iPhone 8 and beyond. Given that the iPhone 8 was released in 2017.... that's 6 years of updates! (Personally if my phone is older than 2 years old, I feel it's way too old! haha)
  25. That would be true if IPS was using a physical drives and servers, etc. IPS uses clustered services and does not rely on a single database, etc. There are multiple read/write clusters that exist. Also in the event of a disaster, there are multiple types of backups of the data (ones designed to be retrieved quickly, and others that are designed for "OMG THE WORLD IS ENDING" scenarios). There's not much of a chance of needing to resort to a data recovery service. 🙂
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