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Randy Calvert

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Everything posted by Randy Calvert

  1. If you wanted to change the default, you could have clicked on the pencil icon for the new language pack. On the screen that appears, the last option will be to change the default language. Regardless, I'm glad you came to a resolution!
  2. Is that locked language pack set as the default? Try setting a different language as default and try again.
  3. No. There is not a “is visible” trigger. I don’t think you can trigger a zap based on future dated content being posted. You can suggest this in the feedback forum.
  4. Have you asked your host to provide the cron logs to see what is going on? Also when making the change did you do as the error message says and dismiss it for a day? That message won’t just go away when it fixes. It only runs every so often. So unless you dismissed it and it came back after your change it may already be fixed. Also all support starts on these forums. If something requires advanced troubleshooting, staff will convert it to an email ticket for you. This is so others can learn about issues and find more fixes self service. It also lets other members chime in with their own experiences and help resolve things.
  5. OK. If it’s on an FTP server…. That FTP server is not automatically accessible to WWW. That means there is no way for a browser potentially to access that file. Browsers no longer support things like ftp://www.domain.com/somefile.jpg In addition to the above, FTP is not secure and can be be read by 3rd parties in transmission. If you really want to do something like this, instead of using FTP, mount the other server’s storage space via NFS and treat it like a local folder in IPB storage methods. That NFS mount might be something like /mount/share/somefile.jpg
  6. ACP > System > Smart Community > Features Then click on Settings under the Live Topics space. Set the groups that can host and moderate live topics. Once that is done, hosts can find the option in the ModCP.
  7. When you upload a file to AWS, it's using HTTP(S) to post the image via an API. That is a one-time transfer from your server to AWS servers. Once it is there, anytime the file is called, it's delivered directly from AWS via the bucket URL. Meaning AWS is the one delivering the image instead of your server. If you were to implement FTP, while it would not be difficult to upload the file... downloading it would be much more difficult. Modern browsers no longer allow the FTP protocol in the browser. (For example with Chrome, it was removed in version 59.) This means IPS would have to each time it was requested, login to the FTP server and download it... then deliver it to the user. That would dramatically increase the work on the server, slow down the delivery of the site (because it has to be downloaded and then sent to the user), and increase bandwidth on both the web and FTP servers.
  8. I’m sorry to hear that. Hopefully you can find something similar then. 😞
  9. And just to confirm, this still happens when all third party plugins and applications are disabled?
  10. Does this happen if he tries a different browser? Does this happen if you login as him from the ACP?
  11. 2015 was when the initial release of IPB 4.0 was made. That's even assuming you were running an updated version at the time. It's technically possible, but would take SIGNIFICANT effort. I don't know personally if it would be worth it.
  12. One of them is your problem. So you might try turning them on one by one till you find your problem. Once you do… you can hopefully work with the author to fix it.
  13. Disable all your third party resources (plugins and applications). If that does not work, pull your server’s error logs (not inside of IPB… the server error logs themselves).
  14. A tar file is like a ZIP file. You need to decompress it. The IPB software has no concept of generating or restoring a backup. You do that with your hosting provider. Once the files and databases are there, you can edit IPBs config file (conf_global.php) to point it to any new URL or database login details.
  15. I would suggest setting up some rewrites outside of IPB on that domain and see if it works there. I'm betting you're going to find they don't work. It's most likely going to be an issue inside of your Apache httpd.conf for the site. If I was a betting man, I would put my money there.
  16. Even though it's on the same physical server, the Apache configs and directives might be different. It's a server issue to to get rewrites working. So you (or your hosting provider) would need to troubleshoot why it's not working. IPS cannot do this for you.
  17. You might want to check if the new server is allowing mod_rewrite. If not, it won't follow htaccess.
  18. Did you make sure the new host meets all the system requirements? In looking at your new site, htaccess is not working. http://www.astrosurf.com/forum/3-astronomie-générale/ http://www.astrosurf.us/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&controller=forums&id=3
  19. Did you upload an updated .htaccess file? Most FTP programs miss that file since it’s only an extension. You can download it from the ACP by searching “htaccess”.
  20. This forum is for server related issues. IPS staff don’t really post much here as it’s used to user help. You might want to post this in: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/524-classic-self-hosted-technical-help/ As Adrian posted in your other topic, all support starts here on the forums. This was done back in September of 2021. If the staff can’t resolve it, they move it to a ticket. (They can usually fix license issues though without a ticket.) Make sure you remove the old files to save some back and forth time regarding multiple installs.
  21. Hey there! This very site itself uses Pages for the main website. There is some extra CSS and such but for example you can tell the whole site is powered by the software when you do an upgrade. 😄 The site blog/news system was actually built using pages with custom templates. https://invisioncommunity.com/news/ The deprecation tracker is a simple pages database. https://invisioncommunity.com/deprecation-tracker/ The IPS Marketplace uses Downloads. Im sure others will chime in with some of their own site. 🙂
  22. I’ve played around with it in localhost environment without issue. But that does not catch everything that could happen in a prod setup. 🙂 Thanks @CheersnGears for being a lab rat! We will bring some cheese for you! 😂
  23. Outbox is not a default folder created by IPS. There is no automatic filtering of messages to a folder. You would need to move a specific conversation to a folder. There is no concept of a real "inbox" vs "outbox". It's a conversation. Inbox is more of a misnomer as a default box.
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