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Randy Calvert

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Everything posted by Randy Calvert

  1. I don't believe there is a way to do that in the base software. There is a 3rd party plugin that can help achieve this however I believe...
  2. Redis is not a magic tool that will suddenly drop page load times. It's just a different way of storing certain types of data. A website taking a long time to load could be caused by many different factors, including system load, location, etc. You might need someone with server administration experience to look at your server and see what is going on. For example, is your Apache/PHP configuration optimized? How about mySQL itself... is the my.cnf optimized for your available resources? If your server is further away from where most of your users are, do you use a CDN such as Cloudflare to help cache images/stylesheets/javascript?
  3. I think they're looking for more detail. For example, create a new theme called "Bob". After deleting Bob, there are still references to it in the following locations... in the MySQL database at <LOCATION> and on the disk in this path </DATASTORE/SOMETHING>.
  4. Do you have something that is redirecting you from HTTP to HTTPS? When I see that come up, typically it's related to the user having HTTP specified in their conf_global.php for their board URL when there is something else trying to direct them to the HTTPS version.
  5. IPS does not provide support for you installing/setting up Redis on your server. This is because the process is different depending on what operating system you're using (Ubuntu, Centos, Alma, etc) and if there is a control panel involved, etc. They don't know how you're setup to provide guidance. I would suggest starting with Google as a frame of reference personally. In addition, it requires you to recompile PHP to include the PHP-Redis module... so you would have to do that as well. Again... if you're simply running a single VPS server, I'm not even sure you NEED Redis. Setting up something just to set it up adds complications that you don't necessarily understand and also introduces more things that could break or go wrong. I would suggest you not simply add it just because it is an option that shows up as available.
  6. If you don’t set a forums permission to be default allowed, you need to implicitly set it when adding a new group. You can just edit the group and choose permissions… it can literally be added from one screen. And regarding blocks, yes… if you manage permissions for who can see stuff… yes you would need to add permissions to view it. Think of you had a staff widget. If you added a new group, you would not want all new random groups to see it. FYI… by the way… this is the feature request section, not the support forum. support staff don’t monitor this area really closely. 🙂
  7. This could be dangerous to do. The only way to do this is to attempt to connect to the mail server and check the response. While this can work for a few addresses, doing it in bulk for large numbers of addresses on a regular basis could get you blocked. Instead of IPS doing this, I would recommend some sort of integration with a third party checking service that rotates IPS and has a strategy of how to do this safely.
  8. It looks like one of your third party plugins is interfering and not working right. Turn them off one by one to find the culprit and then work with the resource author. 🙂
  9. Do the emails show in the Sendgrid logs? What does it say about delivery? When I used it, I saw 30% of deliveries fail because ISPs were blocking the Sendgrid IP. The only way for me to fix it was to get a dedicated IP for mail delivery or use something else.
  10. https://forums.cpanel.net/threads/modsecuirty-var-cpanel-secdatadir-ip.623203/ I would start with that. But again… this is a server issue, not an IPB issue.
  11. Newer phones take care of this for you automatically. When I attempt to add a HEIC file from my iPhone, the iPhone itself uploads the file as a JPG. I did not need to do anything other than pick the file. For example, below is an image I snapped on an Amtrak train from DC to NYC…
  12. This looks to be your host using mod_security which is blocking the request. You can ask them to disable it or work with them to tune the rule to not block the it.
  13. Is there a way to specify specific hostnames that will be converted to an external rich embed? If not, is there a way to have this done on a custom basis?
  14. I just tested creating a new theme and editing one of my existing themes and did not have an issue on my cloud hosted site. Have you tried doing this with a different browser? I'm wondering if something in your local cache or if a browser plugin is messing things up for you. If it's still happening, a member of the staff will have to look for you. 🙂
  15. ACP > System > Settings > Login & Registration. Click on the registration tab. For each registration method, make sure "Allow New Registrations" is set to no.
  16. What does the error log say now? You still have not shared what it's mentioning is the current problem. Also, have you checked to make sure your server meets the minimum requirements for this version of IPB?
  17. @Andy Millne one thing to consider later... Let us control the UI a little bit more similar to how the next release offers some customization in Gallery. For example: Ability to disable Main Questions. (Just have chat only and hide that part of the UI.) The idea here is there can be events such as viewing parties or addresses where questions are not taken live, but instead is a chance to gather members to talk about an issue. For example, watching Apple keynotes. Ability to flip flop the Main Question/Chat areas. (Users tend to look left to right. Put the chat right in front of them and let them look to the side for questions!) Ability to make the video full width (or nothing to the side of the video) I'm really excited by what this has the potential to be as it develops further! Ya'll have done some great work with figuring out some complex stuff on the backend to pull all of these complex things together!
  18. If you wish for it to be considered for a future version of IPB, you might want to post it in the Feedback forum. https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/499-feedback/ That way requests don't get lost in a sea of support requests. 🙂
  19. Jim... I *think* he's saying IPs are not getting removed after the pre-configured time, not that IPs are missing. That IPs from prior to whatever value is stored in that field are not being pruned out. (I can't confirm that myself however as I don't prune IP addresses ever.)
  20. I can see that as being just plain PAINFUL. You're not only going to have to address database conversion, but also having a separate hosting environment that has the system requirements to run the old 3.x version in order to step into the 4.x version later!
  21. No problem. I got you! Use coupon code BOOMERANG. You can get 50% off... but it would take the discount back after a few days automatically! 😄
  22. Last week, I migrated my community from using SES to using CiC for outbound email. So far, it's been a pretty smooth transition. The only thing I "miss" and wish would be available is email tracking. There are times someone says we did not get an email from us and I will go pull the logs to show that the email was not only delivered, but also opened by them. Overall though, this is one last thing I need to worry about going forward so I'm thrilled with the simplification.
  23. Yes. As the event progresses, it just feels like a live chat room. (There is the chat side and the “questions” side.) People can come and go as they want. Once it’s done, it automatically makes the forum topic and converts all the chat messages into replies in that topic.
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