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Randy Calvert

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Everything posted by Randy Calvert

  1. Check out the following guide to learn about the IPS Marketplace: The marketplace is found inside of your ACP. It's the icon that looks like a shopping basket.
  2. The 4.4 theme you're using is not compatible. Create a new one and use it as the default theme. Take a look at: You could also install a new one from the Marketplace as well.
  3. Well... think of it this way... most major organizations have tons of members. That means if a million emails are sent and only 20% view it... 200K people have seen the message and 30Kish people clicking. That's not necessarily too shabby. But since you're only sending 2K messages... we're talking about 400 people roughly even opening the email and 60 people clicking inside of that message. Only you can say if that's worth some sort of external cost. If that one person can generate 1K in revenue for you, it's a no brainer. If you don't make money from them or little money from it... then not quite so much. As I said earlier... there are more options that just Sendgrid. You could use ANY mail provider that lets you send via SMTP. In a quick glance, MailChimp for example looks to support SMTP and is like $13 a month for 5K emails. I would check around for different mail providers and look if they allow you to send email via SMTP. If so, it might possibly work for you.
  4. This is also why I suggested disabling all 3rd party resources as the first step above.... 🙂 You might try using Recovery Mode to disable everything now that you are in this situation. A few notes... If you don't have a constants.php file, you're going to be creating one. Just paste the code it gave in. When you add the constants.php file, clear your browser cache... THEN login to your ACP. You should get a message that resources are being disabled. Once the resources are disabled, you'll need to turn off recovery mode (remove it from your existing constants.php file, OR if that was the only entry in it just delete the constants.php file). You won't be able to do anything in ACP until it's turned back off again after things are disabled.
  5. Not sure what you're asking here... are you asking if users actually even bother reading a newsletter that is sent? If so, that depends on a lot of factors. https://www.campaignmonitor.com/resources/knowledge-base/what-are-good-email-metrics/ 17-28% of users will actually OPEN an email typically and about 2-5% will typically click a link inside of that message typically on average. So the question becomes is that really enough value for the effort and potential cost.
  6. If your host allows it, you might be able to turn on error reporting to the screen. Edit your .htaccess file to add the following two lines at the end: php_flag display_startup_errors on php_flag display_errors on But again... some hosts don't allow you to override their settings. So this may or not not work for you.
  7. Or use a hosting provider that does not apply those sorts of rate control limits. Heck... you don't even have to switch hosts. Find a MAIL provider that allows you to send via SMTP that does not have those sorts of sending limits.
  8. In order to upgrade to 4.7.x you need to be running PHP8/8.1. The version you are upgrading from does not support it. As a result, you need to do a manual upgrade. Disable all 3rd party applications & plugins. Switch to a default non-customized IPS theme. Upgrade your server to PHP 8. Use the compatibility checker script to confirm you have all of the required PHP modules installed in your PHP8. Manually upload the files of the new version from your client area to your server. Visit yourdomain.com/admin/upgrade and follow the prompts to do the upgrade. Check if any 3rd party modifications require an update (there's a button to manually check in the applications page). After you apply the updates you can safely re-enable those modifications. Go to your Support Page in ACP and fix any remaining issues listed on the page. If you still have disabled applications and/or plugins after the above steps, re-enable them 1 by 1 to make sure they are compatible with PHP 8.
  9. IPB does not have a concept of sending email as different users. Meaning registration emails come from registration@domain.com whereas bulk mail come from newsletters@domain.com. You CAN route the email to different providers, but they're all going to be from the single outbound address specified.
  10. If you watch the March release live topic, it was mentioned that Pages is going to be getting an overhaul and that one of the things being looked at is more templates and easier drag/drop widgets.
  11. If it someone using a nulled version of the software, it IS the correct response. Report it to IPS. Only they can check/confirm it’s legitimate. If it’s not, they will contact the hosting provider and request they remove it. There is a process for making this sort of request and IPS knows how to do it. They can’t FORCE its removal, especially if the site is hosted outside of the US. So sometimes it’s difficult and time consuming for the site to be taken down. They can’t just randomly login and delete it from somewhere on the internet. There is a legal process that has to be followed and it can be slow and not always work. Also “nulled” versions don’t have access to cloud only features. For example the “who’s viewing/typing” does not work if you’re not on the IPS platform. It’s not a feature that is “turned off” in the software. The hardware the site is running on does not have the technology that enables those features to work. Piracy is something that hurts everyone. It’s a shame that people do chose to do illegal things, but as a business… IPS has to still operate legally even if someone else is not.
  12. Google isn’t always right. It’s saying something MIGHT be wrong and look into it more. Log into their console and look at the activity. Do you see other sites using your code? If not, it’s most likely a false positive issue. And while you’re there, it’s a good opportunity to review your security settings to ensure you have policies in place to accept API requests only from your site, etc.
  13. Google Analytics (through Google Tag Manager) does this. It’s part of what you define in its settings. 🙂
  14. The IPB software does not have any sort of rate limiting systems. That SHOULD be done by your host where they accept the emails and just send at whatever their rate limit is. You can use a different email provider and send via SMTP or use a provider like SendGrid which has an API integrated to send mail.
  15. A 404 is a “not found” error. That would lead me to one of two issues: - Files were deleted from your website. (Check your FTP to see if IPB files are still there.) - Your .htaccess is not in place that is enabling search friendly URLs. Go to domain.com/admin and search for “search friendly”. Download the .htaccess file and upload it. (Make sure it’s named .htaccess with the dot in front.)
  16. Assuming you’re self-hosted… https://invisioncommunity.com/clientarea/ Click on “Manage This Purchase” for your active license. Once there is an option to download the software.
  17. I think he’s asking to have the ability to separate marketplace and possibly pages DBs into a separate MySQL dbs. That it is perceived as less risk to have them separated… not that it would improve performance.
  18. You’re making a lot of speculation with that there. The OP has numerous changes in upgrading from a version of IPB that is 4 years old: - Upgrading multiple versions of PHP. (The new version is most likely not optimized for the current environment.) - Most likely running an older version of MySQL (again also most likely not optimized given the age of the server environment). - Also has third party plugins that had to be upgraded and while they may still technically work today are not optimized for performance under PHP8 which absolutely have an impact while under load. - Was using a CDN to cache until discovering their cache settings were not applied correctly and had to back that change out. There is most likely a lot of things that could be done to optimize performance, but my guess is the OP is not a system administrator that is used to monitoring a system and understanding what that output means to optimize their various system configurations. For example, when I moved from PHP7 to PHP8… my system load dramatically increased to the point that it would crash a few times a day. It turns out my PHP-FPM was the culprit and when I optimized it for my server… including the settings around process management, I actually got my system load LOWER than before I moved to PHP8. A LOT has changed in 4 years outside of that single change you reference both in terms of technology and to simply chalk it up to one issue that you disagree with is not fair. Especially without knowing the configuration before and after.
  19. The dangerous PHP functions and public display of errors message are things your host should address. If they can’t, it’s not the end of the world… but they help to protect your community more. It won’t break your site however if they can’t be implemented. Running of maintenance tasks is important however. If your site traffic is not big enough to run it, I would work with your host to see if they can run the recommended cron job.
  20. Nope. Name it whatever you want. Once it’s created, you’ll choose if it’s the default theme for users. You’ll also choose if only certain groups can use that theme.
  21. Make sure you have that original HTTP -> HTTPS redirect removed in htaccess. You don't want to do it there as it CAN cause the problem you described in the right circumstances. (Especially if you have things like HSTS enabled already.) Good luck! 🙂
  22. The only way to get a copy of a clean guaranteed unmodified default theme is to create one. (Choose the manual mode one based on what you described.) Once you create it, you don’t have to assign it to users. You can look through it as you see fit.
  23. It could be potentially done as a 3rd party resource, but the author could not sell it in the marketplace as they're TYPICALLY not allowed to add resources for things removed from the software. It would have to be a true "one-off" development effort.
  24. The software itself will use whatever URL is specified in your conf_global.php file. If it has https in it, https will be used. I would suggest you look at your .htaccess file and see if you have anything in it that is doing a redirect. You might also need to look at any 3rd party resources you have installed to see if any of them are introducing any sort of unintended redirects that are not in the base software itself or interfering with the base software.
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